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1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

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UTC 1 : 29 21 sept. 2024
CEST 3 : 29 21 sept. 2024
PDT 18 : 29 20 sept. 2024
EDT 21 : 29 20 sept. 2024
[Sugestion] Archer Low Sweep skill improvement
8 avr. 2024, 17:56 (UTC)
1199 5
Dernière modification : 9 avr. 2024, 14:16 (UTC)
# 1

Add : Super Armor or Invincible !!! Remove Bound and Down

Hi all !!! 

I propose that this skill should receive a SA because it is currently unusable. As a main movement and cancel animation, it helps you stay alive while casting damage skills. As a basic use, this skill has two useful modes of operation: 1. When you press F twice automatically for Smite, but the animation is long and many prefer to use Smite from the Quick Slot. The second use is in combination with main movement to perform Bound or Down Smash while moving, but you are often caught because it is unprotected. We could make it useful as well, which would increase our speed a bit. 

The biggest issue with the class is its vulnerability to close-range attacks; this change would give us a better chance to retreat quickly to a safe distance.

The modification won't make a big difference, but it will add an extra utility for Low Sweep.

Dernière modification : 9 avr. 2024, 04:07 (UTC)
# 2

It would have to drop its CC effect if you want it to be SA or Iframe, with the latter also having an increased CD cause it is a stronger defensive effect, the increase in CD probably determined by the number of iframes you already have as a class outside of the assassin-like classes.

Not sure if ascension classes get core skills, but if you want to keep the CC and get SA it will have to be added on as a core skill. If they do not then PA will have to swap it with another SA-CC skill, how they do this is by dropping SA off a skill, if you gain SA, or dropping CC if you gain a CC on a SA. This logic is loosely based off of their PvP balance proposals from earlier this year.

Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 9 avr. 2024, 14:16 (UTC)
# 3
On: Apr 9, 2024, 04:05 (UTC), Written by Waylar

It would have to drop its CC effect if you want it to be SA or Iframe, with the latter also having an increased CD cause it is a stronger defensive effect, the increase in CD probably determined by the number of iframes you already have as a class outside of the assassin-like classes.

Not sure if ascension classes get core skills, but if you want to keep the CC and get SA it will have to be added on as a core skill. If they do not then PA will have to swap it with another SA-CC skill, how they do this is by dropping SA off a skill, if you gain SA, or dropping CC if you gain a CC on a SA. This logic is loosely based off of their PvP balance proposals from earlier this year.

I agree to remove Bound and Dawn from him because you can't use them usefully being very close range and having skills that already have CC that you can use in combination with him, an SA would be better

Dernière modification : 10 avr. 2024, 02:28 (UTC)
# 4
On: Apr 9, 2024, 04:05 (UTC), Written by Waylar

It would have to drop its CC effect if you want it to be SA or Iframe, with the latter also having an increased CD cause it is a stronger defensive effect, the increase in CD probably determined by the number of iframes you already have as a class outside of the assassin-like classes.

Not sure if ascension classes get core skills, but if you want to keep the CC and get SA it will have to be added on as a core skill. If they do not then PA will have to swap it with another SA-CC skill, how they do this is by dropping SA off a skill, if you gain SA, or dropping CC if you gain a CC on a SA. This logic is loosely based off of their PvP balance proposals from earlier this year.

How dare you tell us - archers, something about sa/iframes and their redundancy? One of the most vulnerable classes. In a game where almost every class is currently protected, if not completely, then in 90% of cases? And there are classes that literally spam iframe. You, and everyone else, you have no right to tell us that we will have something beyond measure! With the current class balance archer should be COMPLETELY invulnerable as long as he moving. Precisely while he is MOVING. And nothing else. You can shove the rest up your "S"!

Dernière modification : 29 avr. 2024, 06:08 (UTC)
# 5

It would actually be awesome if they made it like a small smoke cloud [iframe]. that way you could just smoke and then smite just appears from the dust. But definately the cc should go [or if it was made into a counter that would be cool too]


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