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UTC 22 : 17 20. Sep 2024
CEST 0 : 17 21. Sep 2024
PDT 15 : 17 20. Sep 2024
EDT 18 : 17 20. Sep 2024
Class Suggestion: Ulfheonar
31. Dez 2022, 06:41 (UTC)
947 3
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Dez 2022, 07:41 (UTC)
# 1

The Class I am suggesting would take refrence from the above, as well from Van helsing and the general monster hunter motif. I'd prefer it being a duel sword or crossbow user due to this; With it's core class being about evasion and speed to engage and disengage enemies. 

Class name: Ulfheonar  (Core and Succession)

Combat: Based around blitzing enemies and blindsiding all who stand before the class; It's basic functionaity is shutting down their opposestion with devestating teleportation base attacks and tons of flanking manuvers. Depending on what weapon they'd decide to make it'd need to be able to move seamlessly through the flow of combat; I feel like it being a duel wield class would be a good way to ensure that it feels different enough on its classes core kit to stand out. Some skill Ideas I had are as follows 

Silver Shavings: In dodge covered by a blast throw our "Silver shavings" which will stop foes from regaining resorcues while in the cloud, target will be stunned for 2 seconds upon being hit with the dodge 

Banish the wicked: Dive forward and stab your blades into your enemies shoulders, siphoning health as you vault over your enemy. Gaining iframes you then slamn them into the ground and upon pressing your space bar you will leap up into the air and drop a alechemical grenade upon your enemy; Which will cause bleed damage (moderate) and slam

Blood for blood: Vanish and apear behind an enemy; Kneeing them in the spin to stun them as you spin and plunge your swords into their side. After hitting the F key you will kick your foe and allow the dark magic in your enchanted weapons to detonate with devestating effect 


"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster."

The UIlfheonar heeding the call of the black-spirit have given into their inner beast, the guiding force that has sought the hunt. Craved it. Needed it.. And upon the rise of the blood moon the howling omen of the bloodlust echoed down the mountain sides. Their fury and desire to taste the flesh of their foes only driven by the maddening concopheny of the black spirit and its need for endless power. Now they are both hunter and prey, those of their order seek to end them... and their burning core seek to make more of their twisted kin to plauge the lands with monstrous hunger and ruthless pursuits in both power and domination. 

Combat: The warrior who once fought to end the twisted amalgamations of corruption and the black spirit have now fallen, rising again as a monstrous visage of fang and claw. Their Awakening weapon the totem necklace allows them to remain as a beast. Sacraficing their ranged options and constant evasion they become more about ripping through their enemies and devouring their remains. Their hunger and need to hunt playing into their playstyle as life leech and constant primal filled bursts of speed guide them further into their endless hunt. 

Skill concepts:

Blood-Omen: Howl with the prowess of your true selfs hunger, cause those around you to fall to the ground in fear and loose their life to nourish yourself. The roar echoes three times and on the third pulse those around you will be sent flying. The caster gains Super armor and CC immunity for the duration 

Reavers Kiss: Launch yourself forward on all fours and clamp your jaws down upon your foe carrying them with your lunge, if you hit an object you will slamn them into the object your collided with. At the end of the skill kick away from your foe gaining I-frames until your land 

Gnawing Blows: Strike at your enemie and begin to pummel them with the wrath of your hunger, each strike causing bleed and staggering the enemy. Each strike builds your fervor and if combo'd with other skills it will cause various effects 

Deathblow: Leap up into the air and fire yourself down with the hatred of your inner battle; Upon landing if you strike a foe you pin them to the ground which can lead directly into "maul"

Maul: Tackle a foe and devestate them with strikes and bites, ripping them to shreds and feeding upon their pain 

Passive: The Scent of Fear

Gain the ability to track foes in stealth as well detect hidden foes, mini-map can reveal enemies from father away. Foes effected bv your bleed effects leave behind scent trails for a short duration that will lead you to them. 

May be more pearl-abyss's style, which is why I included the image above. But I'd prefer it be more monstrous and wolf like if possible. (Thanks for reading) 

Feedback would be appreciated, this is a rough concept but I'd love to see a class like this. Regardless of how they'd choose to handle it.. male or female it doesn't matter.  The name is up for change too, I just wanted it to stand out. Thanks for reading and hopefully you as well pearl-abyss will like this concept 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jan 2023, 18:34 (UTC)
# 2

Disclaimer, I only skimmed through this and didn't fully read.

I mainly wanted to reply because of the Awakening you had written, I don't see this being something that could ever be implemented. The base idea is nice, I've always thought a cross-bow class would be a welcomed addition but the transformation concept doesn't seem right.

I'm aware Zerker has an ability that changes him, but this isn't a skill with a long cooldown rather an entire concept kit based around a change in form. Only thing I wanted to bring up.

8 176
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Dez 2022, 21:27 (UTC)
# 3
On: Dec 31, 2022, 18:36 (UTC), Written by YourVikingDad

Disclaimer, I only skimmed through this and didn't fully read.

I mainly wanted to reply because of the Awakening you had written, I don't see this being something that could ever be implemented. The base idea is nice, I've always thought a cross-bow class would be a welcomed addition but the transformation concept doesn't seem right.

I'm aware Zerker has an ability that changes him, but this isn't a skill with a long cooldown rather an entire concept kit based around a change in form. Only thing I wanted to bring up.

They could do it, it'd just be something that would not be able to make use of cosmetics really. However if you dislike that then the succession would be there for you :/

And the awakening would not be a long cooldown, it'd be a toggle where you turn into it permantly while you're in awakening. Sorry if that was not clear.

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