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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 1 : 49 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 49 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 49 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 49 26 jul. 2024
Horse auto pathing
31 ago. 2022, 15:22 (UTC)
2194 11
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Última modificación : 31 ago. 2022, 15:22 (UTC)
# 1

I have noticed that if i unequip the riding crop and use auto sprint almost every spot is able to be ran through (even orc bridge), so i would propose a change to riding crop that makes it have a turn % increase on top of the speed increase that it currently has. This would most likely fix nearly all autopathing issues that still exist

Última modificación : 03 sep. 2022, 17:08 (UTC)
# 2

huh, ill try this out too, it won't surprise me if the item buggs auto pathing.

Crop doesn't apply if you use autosprint tho.

48 1797
Lv 61
Última modificación : 04 sep. 2022, 08:18 (UTC)
# 3

Dont use auto sprint on roads that have spots you hang up. The biggest one? The bridge right here!
There are more but this one I seem to pass coming from pretty much everything.

Última modificación : 04 sep. 2022, 09:51 (UTC)
# 4
On: Sep 4, 2022, 08:18 (UTC), Written by Talshani

Dont use auto sprint on roads that have spots you hang up. The biggest one? The bridge right here!
There are more but this one I seem to pass coming from pretty much everything.

OP said if you unequip the riding crop, autosprint won't get stuck at that bridge for example

48 1797
Lv 61
Última modificación : 04 sep. 2022, 17:35 (UTC)
# 5

They started to improve autopathing in the previous patch but from my observation, it's the repositioning of the navmesh rather than the logic behind it. I believe the pathfinding system was designed with a certain max speed in mind, I think Tier 5 horses and whatever the first boats first were available? Going too fast will get you stuck anywhere, even with perfect turn/brake. People have made countless threads about this subject and only now they have been working on improving it. I don't know if they have plans on improving it further but I hope they make this as one of their priorities as autopathing is very unreliable.

The best is in Calpheon, trying to navigate to the church when you're next to it, it wants to bring you all the way around the city. LOL

Some of the threads on this subject:


Última modificación : 05 sep. 2022, 14:36 (UTC)
# 6
On: Sep 4, 2022, 08:18 (UTC), Written by Talshani

Dont use auto sprint on roads that have spots you hang up. The biggest one? The bridge right here!
There are more but this one I seem to pass coming from pretty much everything.

thats what i mean without a riding crop equipped you can just autopath (auto sprint) past that bridge

Última modificación : 05 sep. 2022, 14:38 (UTC)
# 7
On: Sep 4, 2022, 17:35 (UTC), Written by Tooshaitopost

They started to improve autopathing in the previous patch but from my observation, it's the repositioning of the navmesh rather than the logic behind it. I believe the pathfinding system was designed with a certain max speed in mind, I think Tier 5 horses and whatever the first boats first were available? Going too fast will get you stuck anywhere, even with perfect turn/brake. People have made countless threads about this subject and only now they have been working on improving it. I don't know if they have plans on improving it further but I hope they make this as one of their priorities as autopathing is very unreliable.

The best is in Calpheon, trying to navigate to the church when you're next to it, it wants to bring you all the way around the city. LOL

Some of the threads on this subject:


yea im mainly hoping the devs might see the idea and realize the issue isnt gone after after the patch for it. It just got better, still aint perfect though.

Eliminado por el autor.
Última modificación : 26 abr. 2023, 12:31 (UTC)
# 9
We have improved some auto-path routes where horses were getting stuck all the time, including the bridge near orcs:
Southern Neutral Zone near Orc Camp
Before After
Balenos River at the South of Western Guard Camp
Before After
Upper Demi River at Southern Calpheon
Before After
If you find any other auto-paths where the mount gets stuck let us know and we will suggest changes to the devs.
Thank you.
Última modificación : 27 abr. 2023, 05:44 (UTC)
# 10

Southern Neutral Zone still has issues, depending on the mount speed. Thing is, the fence placement allow the horses to either squeeze between it and the bridge or just guide the horse straight into the bridge head. On top of that, the bridge width is even narrower after the entry, due to the walls being on the inside of it.

So I don't know how that can be addressed other than by doing what the OP suggests: adding Turn +% to the riding crops since they, the crops, are, after all, the root cause of these issue.

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