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UTC 1 : 31 27 jul. 2024
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PDT 18 : 31 26 jul. 2024
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#Sugerencias #Asistencia de la comunidad #Localización
Release the Donkuanatt ♥
26 oct. 2022, 15:21 (UTC)
11126 220
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Última modificación : 23 jun. 2023, 15:02 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Release Donkuanatt
Family Name:

Region (NA/EU):  NA

Suggestion/Comments:  (Many)

The dream, the myth, the legend. Shais once possessed this mount, but it was too great for our world, lost due to some unknowable calamity. However, the Donkuanatt could not remain hidden forever. Eventually in the Heidel Ball, it was named the Donkuanatt, may we rise and shine upon this glorious mount once again! Don't worry, this isn't a cult, it's just a community of Shais who share a similar goal of returning the Donkuanatt to the world of BDO at any cost! (Except for a few things, like you can't has our alpacas.)

Let it be known that this journey for up-doots is not for the faint of heart but for those with a strong will and determination to make real change in the world. Now is our time to strike! ^ If you choose to help then you will find good friends and many buffs, maybe even while you grind. Which sounds like a bribe but it is not! This is an effort to pursue Shais' sacred mount which was promised in the days of our class creation! Some may try to deter you with lies or apathy, saying things like it's only the addition of wings to a Donkey, but rest assured that here we understand Donkuanatt is so much more!

But just in case you forgets, I'll splain again:

The Donkuanatt symbolizes hope and change that will act as a cornerstone (like an important rock) for the future of all Shai Culture becuz it's a really important rock. When we finally achieve our goal, the followers of the Dream will have proof that anything is possible so long as we carry our goals in our hearts and actions. In this way, the rock looks deep because Donkuanatt does not simply return with wings but also with a brighter, more hopeful future of fulfilled promises. Until we may Rise and Shine on our Donkuanatt, take heart in the fact that every effort big and small (especially the up-doots) brings us one step closer to that glorious day.

Below are the main suggestions we came up with to make Donkuanatt's return a fantastic addition to BDO:

Make speed comparable-ish to horses. Donkuanatt will need to run faster
The charge must be able to damage forts, and walls, and knock players off mounts. Donkuanatt for node wars
Level to 100 - it is weirdly rewarding to see mounts level up. Be able to level up
Summon black spirit while mounted. (Shai Discord)

Appear near well after coming out of Magnus as horses do. (Shai Discord)
The riding crop ought to function as well. ♥ (Shai Discord)
~Add movement speed to Krogdalo's Champron, see image below~ (Could be part of what helps it approach horse speed) Champron
Allow the Donkuanatt to flap wings when the rider of the Donkuanatt presses the spacebar while standing still, similar to Arduanatt.
Double jump, high jump. (Shai Discord)

Allow other classes to ride & enjoy Donkuanatt small(ish) classes also ride it
Sideways skill Give Donkey sideways skill
Finally, take a look at potentially buffing Krogdalo set bonus: Donkey Krogdalo Buff Increased

         1 set effect: 5% Life EXP, 2% Gathering Item Drop Rate
         3 set effect: 15% Life EXP, 5% Gathering Item Drop Rate

         5 set effect: 30% Life EXP, 10% Gathering Item Drop Rate

For the power of Shaiayaya! We included a picture book! \o/

Última modificación : 26 oct. 2022, 15:25 (UTC)
# 2

Make Donkey great again!

Última modificación : 26 oct. 2022, 19:33 (UTC)
# 3

Última modificación : 26 oct. 2022, 19:49 (UTC)
# 4

but also Donkuanatt will need to run faster than the April 1st version. Shai should not be boolied out of using Donkuanatt for node wars because it is trollishly slow

Doom is literally on fire. Dream Donkey can run faster without breaking immersion.

Última modificación : 26 oct. 2022, 23:30 (UTC)
# 5
On: Oct 26, 2022, 19:36 (UTC), Written by Brassica

but also Donkuanatt will need to run faster than the April 1st version. Shai should not be boolied out of using Donkuanatt for node wars because it is trollishly slow

Doom is literally on fire. Dream Donkey can run faster without breaking immersion.

Indeed, it must move faster and be comparable to horses, so we don't get kicked from our guilds. Also, the charge will need to deal damage to forts/etc, and knock players off mounts. 

Última modificación : 29 oct. 2022, 00:46 (UTC)
# 6

The Donkuanatt is the symbol of hope and peace we need in this era of strife and hardship. The Donkuanatt is the bridge that could bind the elves, humans, and shais, so all can prosper together. That's why when the Donkuanatt comes back to these lands I hope it comes with special group healing abilities (with a reasonable CD on the skill). 

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 29 oct. 2022, 18:15 (UTC)
# 7

All i want for christmas is for PA to pease please please please make dream Donkey.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 30 oct. 2022, 20:23 (UTC)
# 8

Shilling an old thread I made

A Path to Dream Donkey

If the reason we haven't seen Dream Donkey implemented is because it doesn't make financial sense to assign some dev time to it, perhaps this could help bridge that gap? 

I think this could also be a funny event in general.

Última modificación : 30 oct. 2022, 20:29 (UTC)
# 9

100% shai deserves a mount that is comparible to commonly-used t9s

Última modificación : 31 oct. 2022, 06:27 (UTC)
# 10

Honestly, I thought about this... it could be as simple as mistakes happen sometimes, and woops Donkuanatt was made at one of the stables...

For example, Quest Text:
"Don't ask questions but if you have a Dream Horse that might be a fair trade for something one of a kind."
Trade Doom, Dine, or Arduanatt and one Donkey for Donkuanatt. Can only be completed once per character.

After Trade:
"Just, Uh... don't tell anyone where you got it. Okay?"
Reward: Donkuanatt (Pick A Color)

I don't know why you'd want more than one Donkuanatt but... why not since they come in various colors.

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