Black Desert Remasterizado

En breve comienza Black Desert.

Instala el lanzador si no comienza el juego.

Instala el lanzador para empezar el juego.

Si ya lo tienes instalado, el juego comenzará pronto.
Si el lanzador no se ejecuta automáticamente, ejecútalo directamente.

Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 4 : 42 27 jul. 2024
CEST 6 : 42 27 jul. 2024
PDT 21 : 42 26 jul. 2024
EDT 0 : 42 27 jul. 2024
Accumulate Marni's Realm-Time up to 3hrs (similar to Agris-Fever System)
04 nov. 2022, 11:45 (UTC)
4375 65
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Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 11:45 (UTC)
# 1

Please let Marni's Realm Accumulate up to 3hrs, so the people that are too busy during week, can grind on the weekend.

I dont see a real downside to this, but rather it streamlines the experience between reallife and BDO.

This way you wouldnt be punished or lose out on it if u can't play for 1 or 2 days, just because u have to take care of yourself or loved ones.

Also especially for new Players, assuming he takes 2 days to do Mainquest he would have accumulated 3hrs already.

This would let them experience and play the Monster Zone alone and without getting pk'ed if they wish, and get to know the Grind and Skill rotations easier, and not get frustrated. 

Feel free to add concers below. 

10 122
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 12:26 (UTC)
# 2

Only unlimited Marni's Realm-Time for all zones does make sense.

Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 12:40 (UTC)
# 3

It was said it won't happen on the last ball.

Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 12:51 (UTC)
# 4

Maybe we can convince the Dev's to focus on interconnecting game mechanics with players lifes and needs instead of forcing a 1 way rule.

 This shouldnt be a buff to Marni for everyone, but rather not punish ppl for not playing for a day or two. 
Also for new players this would be a welcome change, they can assign their time grinding way better and focus on other aspects of the game.


See, new players will get wiped out of every Monster Region there is, sometimes even just on sight. Many players will just pk any player that comes near their rotation and a new players not used to enhancing system wont have similar gear nor experience. 

If they can save up to 2 or 3hrs without loss it would benefit them big time until they get to know the game mechanics. 

10 122
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 13:00 (UTC)
# 5
On: Nov 4, 2022, 12:51 (UTC), Written by Steifan

Maybe we can convince the Dev's to focus on interconnecting game mechanics with players lifes and needs instead of forcing a 1 way rule.

 This shouldnt be a buff to Marni for everyone, but rather not punish ppl for not playing for a day or two. 
Also for new players this would be a welcome change, they can assign their time grinding way better and focus on other aspects of the game.


See, new players will get wiped out of every Monster Region there is, sometimes even just on sight. Many players will just pk any player that comes near their rotation and a new players not used to enhancing system wont have similar gear nor experience. 

If they can save up to 2 or 3hrs without loss it would benefit them big time until they get to know the game mechanics. 

You lose nothing by getting pk'd. If you care so much about grinding efficiency then you are not a casual or new player. If anything, 3 hours of alone time benefits the geared player more since he gets even more benefits from clearing the zone unintrerupted. 

Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 13:11 (UTC)
# 6
On: Nov 4, 2022, 13:00 (UTC), Written by Findubar

You lose nothing by getting pk'd. If you care so much about grinding efficiency then you are not a casual or new player. If anything, 3 hours of alone time benefits the geared player more since he gets even more benefits from clearing the zone unintrerupted. 

You lose your time and some buffs and if you get PK'd but an enemy lands the last hit well, you know... In the past you could ring a bell and people wouldn't bother you but these days no one respects the bell ringer.

PA has two choice in the matter to make grinding better IMO.

Choice 1: They could make marni unlimited. The reason is that open world pvp doesn't make sense in an mmorpg particularly when none of the classes are balanced for 1v1. PA pretends that they won't ever do anything about this and that it doesn't affect them but open world PvP is the reason why 99% of the players don't join and it's a toss-up between RNG mechanics and PvP for most players leaving. There's also "not much to do in this game" but I think most players leave because of those two things primarily. Maybe I'm wrong but I fee confident.

Choice 2: Keep open world PvP but make every zone worth grinding at any level. There are a few ways which they can make it possible but at the end of the day open world PvP remains (which isn't even enjoyable to begin with) but PA insists that's what they want to keep. The thing is, they say they have a vision they want to keep for the game but they lacked vision the entire time they developed the game and open world PvP brings no joy to anyone. There's maybe one or two players who like it but most of it is DFS which makes zero sense to ever accept and there's mob feeding which is what most PvP amounts to.

I play a full loot mmo, but BDO does a terrible job at PvP in the open world.

Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 13:29 (UTC)
# 7
On: Nov 4, 2022, 13:11 (UTC), Written by Tooshaitopost

You lose your time and some buffs and if you get PK'd but an enemy lands the last hit well, you know... In the past you could ring a bell and people wouldn't bother you but these days no one respects the bell ringer.

PA has two choice in the matter to make grinding better IMO.

Choice 1: They could make marni unlimited. The reason is that open world pvp doesn't make sense in an mmorpg particularly when none of the classes are balanced for 1v1. PA pretends that they won't ever do anything about this and that it doesn't affect them but open world PvP is the reason why 99% of the players don't join and it's a toss-up between RNG mechanics and PvP for most players leaving. There's also "not much to do in this game" but I think most players leave because of those two things primarily. Maybe I'm wrong but I fee confident.

Choice 2: Keep open world PvP but make every zone worth grinding at any level. There are a few ways which they can make it possible but at the end of the day open world PvP remains (which isn't even enjoyable to begin with) but PA insists that's what they want to keep. The thing is, they say they have a vision they want to keep for the game but they lacked vision the entire time they developed the game and open world PvP brings no joy to anyone. There's maybe one or two players who like it but most of it is DFS which makes zero sense to ever accept and there's mob feeding which is what most PvP amounts to.

I play a full loot mmo, but BDO does a terrible job at PvP in the open world.

You are playing a game. Losing your time is a non issue in this context. The game itself disrespects your time but that's another thing entirely. The game IS balanced around 1v1. That's why all the zones are made intentionally with player interaction and scarcety in mind. 
And it does seem that in this regard they do listen to feedback. You have 0 penality for dying to players, even dying to mobs is not a big deal since anyone who played this game has tons of event rez items and the game throws them at you. You also now have a guarantee 1h antisocial button. Now with the fishing event on you are not even seeing players on some hp pot zones. 

Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 15:19 (UTC)
# 8
On: Nov 4, 2022, 13:11 (UTC), Written by Tooshaitopost

Choice 2: Keep open world PvP but make every zone worth grinding at any level. There are a few ways which they can make it possible but at the end of the day open world PvP remains (which isn't even enjoyable to begin with) but PA insists that's what they want to keep. The thing is, they say they have a vision they want to keep for the game but they lacked vision the entire time they developed the game and open world PvP brings no joy to anyone. There's maybe one or two players who like it but most of it is DFS which makes zero sense to ever accept and there's mob feeding which is what most PvP amounts to.

I play a full loot mmo, but BDO does a terrible job at PvP in the open world.

Option 2 is impossible because each zone has different ap / dp requirements, different thrash value and different accessories in the drop.

So you will never convince players to play in a worse zone if they can play in a better zone.

Pearl Abyss "vision" is the game's biggest problem. They have a vision, but players have a different vision.

We all know that it is the unwanted, unbalanced, open forced pvp (and the medieval enchantment system without guaranteed progress) that is responsible for the escape of players from the BDO.

BDO from the very beginning was focused on creating a conflict between players, and players do not want these conflicts (while killing mobs).

Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 15:31 (UTC)
# 9
On: Nov 4, 2022, 13:00 (UTC), Written by Findubar

You lose nothing by getting pk'd. If you care so much about grinding efficiency then you are not a casual or new player. If anything, 3 hours of alone time benefits the geared player more since he gets even more benefits from clearing the zone unintrerupted. 

Since i was also talking about new players, including first timers on the spot.

You will have tons of new people first time on polly's forest and have their first encounter at open world PVP and Pk, they dont know the rotations people use, nor have any chance with 160AP and 210 DP vs a experienced speed-farmer with 260AP+.

The new guy will lose in a fight and get pk'ed  resulting in frustration and without having any chance at all.

He also cant grind there and make any progress at all, since in that spot he will get just pushed around by other people.

Also none of the usual MMORPG-Progression-Mechanics will help him, cause BDO has a predefined exact route a player will progress. Many of theese will just quit the game out cold because the lack of options they will face. 

Extended/Accumualted Marni's Realm would atleast let him aquire up to 3 hrs before he reaches that level/spot and can start his first grind session with 3 hrs instead of 1, which will make it just a bit better. 

This Kill-on-Sight Mentality on BDO in Monster Zones really makes it hard for new players (lets say less than 3months casual player). In an MMO you sometimes try to get friends and interact with ppl you see etc. The New Player has to learn that in BDO every other player in his Monster Zone has higher gear than him will eventually kill him any second.

So for new Players the biggest Issue in Grinding is other Players. Basically if there is 2 players on his Monster Zone, he has to swap.  - This is a Huge Punishment for them. 

Best case scenario for new players is, not seeing a single adventurer the first 300 hours into the game or until they have close TET BS Gear. 

10 122
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 04 nov. 2022, 15:53 (UTC)
# 10
On: Nov 4, 2022, 15:28 (UTC), Written by Steifan

Since i was also talking about new players, including first timers on the spot.

You will have tons of new people first time on polly's forest and have their first encounter at open world PVP and Pk, they dont know the rotations people use, nor have any chance with 160AP and 210 DP vs a experienced speed-farmer with 260AP+.

The new guy will lose in a fight and get pk'ed  resulting in frustration and without having any chance at all.

He also cant grind there and make any progress at all, since in that spot he will get just pushed around by other people.

Also none of the usual MMORPG-Progression-Mechanics will help him, cause BDO has a predefined exact route a player will progress. Many of theese will just quit the game out cold because the lack of options they will face. 

Extended/Accumualted Marni's Realm would atleast let him aquire up to 3 hrs before he reaches that level/spot and can start his first grind session with 3 hrs instead of 1, which will make it just a bit better. 

This Kill-on-Sight Mentality on BDO in Monster Zones really makes it hard for new players (lets say less than 3months casual player). In an MMO you sometimes try to get friends and interact with ppl you see etc. The New Player has to learn that in BDO every other player in his Monster Zone has higher gear than him will eventually kill him any second.

So for new Players the biggest Issue in Grinding is other Players. Basically if there is 2 players on his Monster Zone, he has to swap.  - This is a Huge Punishment for them. 

Best case scenario for new players is, not seeing a single adventurer the first 300 hours into the game or until they have close TET BS Gear. 

The number of people who kill on sight is very low. It's safe to assume that everybody in this game has better gear than you.  The new players have other bigger hurdles to overcome if they decide to keep playing the game or not. Without the player interactions in the open world this is just a subpar singleplayer game. 

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