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1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

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UTC 1 : 15 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 15 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 15 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 15 26 jul. 2024
More uncapped nodes with smaller max participants
29 ene. 2023, 17:42 (UTC)
2306 16
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Última modificación : 29 ene. 2023, 17:42 (UTC)
# 1

Title: More uncapped nodes with smaller max participants
Family Name:

Region (NA/EU): EU

Currently guilds that wish to participate in smaller scale nodewars are forced to play on capped nodes.
Same as guilds that want to play uncapped are forced to play large scale nodewars only.
Última modificación : 04 may. 2023, 19:00 (UTC)
# 2
Greetings Cocos,
We see the strong desire for players to have more uncapped content via node wars with smaller member caps which has been mentioned in several other posts as well. We thank you for your suggestion and will be discussing how to implement this change. We aim to make this update in the upcoming month.

[This post was moved on 04/28/23]
Última modificación : 28 abr. 2023, 18:55 (UTC)
# 3

okay, so where is this change? this post was made in January. What's the hold up? Im gonna go make a most of my own now with the same topic

On: Apr 28, 2023, 17:27 (UTC), Written by [CM]Corruption
Greetings Cocos,
We see the strong desire for players to have more uncapped content via node wars with smaller member caps which has been mentioned in several other posts as well. We thank you for your suggestion and will be discussing how to implement this change. We aim to make this update in the upcoming month.


Última modificación : 28 abr. 2023, 19:19 (UTC)
# 4
On: Apr 28, 2023, 17:27 (UTC), Written by [CM]Corruption
Greetings Cocos,
We see the strong desire for players to have more uncapped content via node wars with smaller member caps which has been mentioned in several other posts as well. We thank you for your suggestion and will be discussing how to implement this change. We aim to make this update in the upcoming month.

I'm glad to see a response to something I wish for so much, thank you

Última modificación : 28 abr. 2023, 19:20 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 29, 2023, 17:42 (UTC), Written by Cocos

Title: More uncapped nodes with smaller max participants
Family Name:

Region (NA/EU): EU

Currently guilds that wish to participate in smaller scale nodewars are forced to play on capped nodes.
Same as guilds that want to play uncapped are forced to play large scale nodewars only.

To be fair? this was our own fault as Huge guilds with most there players at the time were capped, would park on nodes they didnt need to be on just to rofl stomp new guilds. Not saying its right but it happened. but i do agree with your post. Hopefully good news will come!

33 195
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 01 may. 2023, 09:01 (UTC)
# 6

With multiple smaller nodes I hope the problem of having to find enemies to fight with be solved too.

Right now the "high" max player caps forces guilds to ally up and therefore limit the pool of opponents to fight.
Causing the effect of "better" nodewar guilds to look for fights elsewhere and give less breathing room to starting nodewar guilds.

Anyways Thanks for jumping back on this topic, this gives me and hopefully alot of other smallscale enjoyers some hope for the future!

Última modificación : 10 may. 2023, 17:09 (UTC)
# 7

Still waiting.

Última modificación : 17 may. 2023, 11:26 (UTC)
# 8

Nice it got changed so small guilds also have a uncapped node now.
But why we have 5 small-mid nodes on a sunday now and for the bigger guilds they even more nodes removed.
And on top they kept the most bad NW area now for the t4 node which is really weird.

Why it wasn't changed so another small size node (maybe Manshaum) got then changed to a bigger size node for like 75 around.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 17 may. 2023, 11:33 (UTC)
# 9

Nice we lost 2 t4s so we can get more 8v8 liberated fights in the remaining valencia fiesta.

Good thing that there are a million t1/t2s that could've served this same purpose but will remain dead

Última modificación : 17 may. 2023, 19:45 (UTC)
# 10

You're ALMOST there but again missing the point by a mile.

I'm going to say this concisely as possible:

Turn the t4 100 mans and largely unused t3 70 mans that happen Tuesday-Thursday into t4 50 man.

These nodes are consistently snipped. Change it.


1. Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obdience t4 75 man -> t4 50 man. *Let us ping and use our horses in the desert (Thursday)

2.  Sausan's garison: t3 70 man -> t4 50 man (set it to Tuesday)

3 .Stars End T4 100 man ->t4 50 man. (Wednesday)  *Split the node in half as well

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