Black Desert Remasterizado

En breve comienza Black Desert.

Instala el lanzador si no comienza el juego.

Instala el lanzador para empezar el juego.

Si ya lo tienes instalado, el juego comenzará pronto.
Si el lanzador no se ejecuta automáticamente, ejecútalo directamente.

Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 1 : 55 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 55 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 55 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 55 26 jul. 2024
BDO crashes
05 feb. 2023, 12:46 (UTC)
974 3
Última modificación : 05 feb. 2023, 12:46 (UTC)
# 1

Heya so I got a problem thatcmy client is crashing whenever im in loading screen, dont really know what cause it, tried to repair client and also reinstalling it, nothings seems to help, so here I am asking if any of you had same problem and know how to fix it

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 05 feb. 2023, 13:32 (UTC)
# 2

Lol, did you follow instructions from a BDO support officer?

Samething happened to me and this how i fixed the issue, let me know if it fixes yours.

You need to go to the following folder, here...
***- The contents of your “ads folder”, which is located in your Black Desert installation folder.***

I think there are language packages in there, because i deleted all of them as i was instructed too by a support officer and i found that when put back the 1 file "languagedata_en.loc" the game then finally loaded for me.

If you need files i still have the originals, but there should be 4 of them...




You can delete all of them but leave the one that your desired language and then the game should load. If you dont have these files anymore let me know cause i can send them to you if you like.


Última modificación : 06 feb. 2023, 00:57 (UTC)
# 3

If its a random crash during a loading screen using magnus or travellers map/other content that has loading screens, its a bdo issue that comes an goes. PA say they fixed it many times , never actually been fixed. Half the time patches make it worse 


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