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UTC 1 : 27 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 27 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 27 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 27 26 jul. 2024
Warrior should get [New Outfit] Black Knight.
12 may. 2023, 12:09 (UTC)
6138 66
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Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:10 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Kissito

Region (NA/EU): EU


Based on the Pearl Shop announcement about upcoming outfits, An outfit called Black Knight was shown to us and it says it will arrive in 2 weeks for the following classes: Berserker, Archer, Ninja, Striker. 

 But a lot of adventurers wondered "why not on Warrior?", "isn't this a Warrior outfit?",... and of course, Warrior players share the same sentiment. I'm not here to talk about who deserves the outfit more or less, I'm completely fine with the classes getting it. But I can't stop thinking about how the outfit would fit so well in a class like Warrior.

 The last outfit Warrior received felt underwhelming, it didn't feel like something that fits the class at all. And so we were somewhat disappointed by it... It is by no means a bad outfit, I'm sure the other classes enjoyed it. But it wasn't it for Warrior.

 It isn't just about having full plate armor (which looks really good!) or an awesome helmet (insanely good). It also is about the lore of the outfit and everything around it. Allow me to explain further on this by showcasing some of the lore of the Black Knight outfit:

"Could they be... the mercenaries?”
A man asked nervously to those around him.

They were not bound by loyal to any region or reverence for any god.
Driven only by the promise of wealth and renown, their next move remained unpredictable.

- "Mercenaries" is the main definition of Warriors. In the lore, Goyen created a group of mercenaries (Goyen Mercenaries):

"The mercenaries were a group of men with no allegiances, yet they were bound to each other due to their will to survive. A group for those with no place to go, each member with their own story, all banded together. Some members had bounties placed on their heads, so the group was often attacked wherever it went."

 With everything said, wouldn't it be normal for someone to think "This outfit is for Warrior"? A lot of Warrior players believe this is the type of outfit that suits our class. Would it be so difficult to add Warrior in the list of Black Knight available classes? Even if it meant we would have to wait more than others for another outfit, I'm sure it would be a sacrifice any of us would be willing to take.

Have a great day! And if you aren't a Warrior, I hope your next outfit is as good as you hope!

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:20 (UTC)
# 2

i have to fully agree, that new outfit is what a warrior should be wearing by both esthetics and Lore and not... a wizard cosplay, like the "warrior" outfit Superius we got, its by no means bad but it just doesnt fit our class wahtsoever unlike this new one

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:22 (UTC)
# 3
On: May 12, 2023, 12:09 (UTC), Written by Kissito

Family Name: Kissito

Region (NA/EU): EU


Based on the Pearl Shop announcement about upcoming outfits, An outfit called Black Knight was shown to us and it says it will arrive in 2 weeks for the following classes: Berserker, Archer, Ninja, Striker. 

 But a lot of adventurers wondered "why not on Warrior?", "isn't this a Warrior outfit?",... and of course, Warrior players share the same sentiment. I'm not here to talk about who deserves the outfit more or less, I'm completely fine with the classes getting it. But I can't stop thinking about how the outfit would fit so well in a class like Warrior.

 The last outfit Warrior received felt underwhelming, it didn't feel like something that fits the class at all. And so we were somewhat disappointed by it... It is by no means a bad outfit, I'm sure the other classes enjoyed it. But it wasn't it for Warrior.

 It isn't just about having full plate armor (which looks really good!) or an awesome helmet (insanely good). It also is about the lore of the outfit and everything around it. Allow me to explain further on this by showcasing some of the lore of the Black Knight outfit:

"Could they be... the mercenaries?”
A man asked nervously to those around him.

They were not bound by loyal to any region or reverence for any god.
Driven only by the promise of wealth and renown, their next move remained unpredictable.

- "Mercenaries" is the main definition of Warriors. In the lore, Goyen created a group of mercenaries (Goyen Mercenaries):

"The mercenaries were a group of men with no allegiances, yet they were bound to each other due to their will to survive. A group for those with no place to go, each member with their own story, all banded together. Some members had bounties placed on their heads, so the group was often attacked wherever it went."

 With everything said, wouldn't it be normal for someone to think "This outfit is for Warrior"? A lot of Warrior players believe this is the type of outfit that suits our class. Would it be so difficult to add Warrior in the list of Black Knight available classes? Even if it meant we would have to wait more than others for another outfit, I'm sure it would be a sacrifice any of us would be willing to take.

Have a great day! And if you aren't a Warrior, I hope your next outfit is as good as you hope!

Facts. This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the new outfit and saw warrior not on the list.

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:27 (UTC)
# 4

Not getting this outfit on warrior is depressing, it looks so good. As other people have said the previous outfit was very disappointing and this just feels like rubbing salt in the wound.

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:35 (UTC)
# 5

This is definition of warrior outfit, i beg PA give it to us.

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:38 (UTC)
# 6

Listen, there are times that nerfs and buffs will happen and we as the players simply adjust. There are times when the mob grabs their pitch forks and demand Warrior be nerfed and we as the community rationalize and point out the facts. And then there are times where something so absolutely unforgivable happens. First, they dressed us up as Wizards - we took the humiliation. Now?


This is one of those times that the community needs to stand together and protest.

This is one of those times where you can stand to the side, and do a kpop dab - or you can FIGHT and take what is rightfully ours.

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:37 (UTC)
# 7

This was my initial thought as well. How on earth is Warrior not included?

Please give this outfit to Warrior.

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:37 (UTC)
# 8

A full plat utfit ? that what we deserve we are here for the knight style ! I mean an archer or ninja doing backflips and teleports in heavy plate armor ? why ! It's should be awsome to have this one for warrior and the class deserve that

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:39 (UTC)
# 9

I fully agree that this outfit would go so hard on warrior I would swipe twice. Please release it for Warrior aswell I beg :WarriorPray:

Última modificación : 12 may. 2023, 12:42 (UTC)
# 10

it's kinda sad that our great unique outfits for warrior they shared them with other classes and the outfit that supposed to be a warrior outfit they didn't release it for warrior what a joke dude

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