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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 2 : 4 27 jul. 2024
CEST 4 : 4 27 jul. 2024
PDT 19 : 4 26 jul. 2024
EDT 22 : 4 26 jul. 2024
#Sugerencias #Asistencia de la comunidad
Make The T10 Failstacks Retroactive
14 jul. 2023, 06:16 (UTC)
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Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 19:07 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name:  Kurosity

Region (NA/EU): NA


On behalf of members of the horse community: make the t10 failstacks that are soon to-be implemented into our region apply previous data of failures to the stack.

We have some members with no t10 yet and are 60,80,100+ fails in. While we understand that receiving this many failures is inevitible in statistics, it's harsh to ask those who have dedicated hundred of hours to horses in addition to failing for roughly two years to start at day 1 with people who have not touched horse content. 

I believe it's important to recognize that many of us asking this do not want people to suffer unnecessarily. We want trainers content to reflect the effort we have provided in this game, especially for one of the only time gaited contents. 

As a closing, I would like to thank PA for bringing new hope to our horse community. Introducing failstacks gave some of us a reason to love horses again; but we ask you to please think of those still struggling too, not just the future strugglers.

Edit: I would aso like to highlight another post suggesting this that I failed to see - please support both!
Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 06:58 (UTC)
# 2

Sad story bro :(

Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 06:58 (UTC)
# 3

The only reason I even play now is to collect orders of rainbow fruit and put it into my horse. Getting all that negated would actually suck ngl.

Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 07:00 (UTC)
# 4

As much as id love this there is no way they gonna do this  lol.

Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 07:51 (UTC)
# 5

Hopefully this type of information(counter) was being saved on every T9 dream horse. Like on how many T10 attempts they have been involved with. Since attempts need 2 different horses.

Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 07:54 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jul 14, 2023, 06:58 (UTC), Written by Mangaani

The only reason I even play now is to collect orders of rainbow fruit and put it into my horse. Getting all that negated would actually suck ngl.

This is for Tier 9 Horses, people here are talking about Tier 10.

Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 09:03 (UTC)
# 7

I don't expect failstack system that will allow as many t10s as much as t9s around... but be somewhat more realistic and not a never-ending fails that will mostly make LESS people even bother with t10 attempts as much as they want have one of the t10s ! and I'm 1 of them not gonna lie! I'd LOVE having a t10 unicorn because I LOVE my unicorn and the benefits (and overall looks of the t10 version of it :3) and even the looks of the t10 upcoming doom VERY APPEALING to me ! (the benefits/bonus skills the t10 doom getting is less appealing to me) but that horse always been used more often @ nodewars sieges etc for a good reason :3

and I tried a few times to get t10 pega when it initially was introdouced or bit after... think had like 10 or so attempts, maybe 20 but ended up giving up on that idea because of the time consuming both on weeklies and dailies u needed and the need of mythical feathers that are somewhat hard to get as often, hope this also been changed since I just looked on EU mp and it's MAXED price + tons of POs for it... -.- cant remember if u can get 1-2 feathers from DAILIES! I DO know you can get 1-2 from a weekly... and when u need 10 of them.... bottleneck :c

add to that the fact low to nonexist chance of even getting a t10 on each attempt.... :D I wouldnt mind it to stay hard to get but easier ways of getting some of the mats for it so you could do more attempts per month! back when I did the math on how many attempts a player can do per month for t10 I think it was just one attempt, not sure if was even 2 attempts xD making it even more frustrating! I'm planning to get t10 unicorn as hard and slow it will be to get it... I won't stop try till I will get it because it's truly my favorite t10! <3 and now that we got a free t9 made it easier for me to decide if to try again or not :3

so I'm hoping for a slight improvement in their failstack system, not expecting a huge diff but some % that will feel it's more worth tryin than giving up on that idea.

Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 09:47 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jul 14, 2023, 09:03 (UTC), Written by LynxiaMei

add to that the fact low to nonexist chance of even getting a t10 on each attempt.... :D I wouldnt mind it to stay hard to get but easier ways of getting some of the mats for it so you could do more attempts per month! back when I did the math on how many attempts a player can do per month for t10 I think it was just one attempt, not sure if was even 2 attempts xD making it even more frustrating! I'm planning to get t10 unicorn as hard and slow it will be to get it... I won't stop try till I will get it because it's truly my favorite t10! <3 and now that we got a free t9 made it easier for me to decide if to try again or not :3

so I'm hoping for a slight improvement in their failstack system, not expecting a huge diff but some % that will feel it's more worth tryin than giving up on that idea.

There will be changes, which means that you'll be able to get more feathers and improvements in the t10 failstacking system. But this is not relevant to this post in my opinion, since a different issue is being addressed here. 

0 1
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 10:21 (UTC)
# 9

The failstack system is cool to have, I won't complain about it. But again old players are fucked up. When you tried for a year or more, having a T10 as a main objective and cannot succeed due to RNG, it's just frustration, and after that, seeing players clicking just because they have the mats and don't really care about click onetaping this, it's frustration x2. So having FS effective on previous try would be a big thumb up. I don't know if it's technically possible, if the tries are logged somewhere, but if it is, you should do it PA. Think about old players. Remember the mats can't really be farmed, so even if having a T10 is your main objective, you are blocked by RNG, not by time like enhancing stuff.
Old players having T10 objective are having expectetion from you on this request. We deserve it.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 14 jul. 2023, 12:09 (UTC)
# 10

I Agree

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