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UTC 1 : 40 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 40 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 40 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 40 26 jul. 2024
Remove Trash Items from Excavation Nodes
06 ago. 2023, 22:09 (UTC)
1454 8
Última modificación : 09 ago. 2023, 16:23 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Buam

Region (NA/EU): EU

Suggestions/Comments: Remove trash items from excavation nodes, the little income they generate is not worth the storage space they take.

edit: there are a total of 23 trash items amongst all of the excavation nodes.
New excavation nodes in land of the morning light do not have trash items, which is a sign that the old nodes are outdated.
And for those who rather want the trash to be buffed, the nodes got a massive buff already with the "Some Archaeologist's Sack".
6 33
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 06 ago. 2023, 22:17 (UTC)
# 2


Última modificación : 07 ago. 2023, 01:31 (UTC)
# 3

Yeah. Just have the workers find some silver along the way instead...

Última modificación : 07 ago. 2023, 02:22 (UTC)
# 4

Or buff them to actually be worth something. +1

Última modificación : 07 ago. 2023, 19:26 (UTC)
# 5

Update the value don't remove them.

Última modificación : 09 ago. 2023, 16:34 (UTC)
# 6
On: Aug 6, 2023, 22:09 (UTC), Written by Buam
New excavation nodes in land of the morning light do not have trash items, which is a sign that the old nodes are outdated.
And for those who rather want the trash to be buffed, the nodes got a massive buff already with the "Some Archaeologist's Sack".

Addressing your edit.

I realize it's only a little bit of silver, but last time I sold everything it was in excess of 100m silver.  If they update the price on it, it would actually be a decent way to save and hide the silver from  yourself.  The problem is when the trash values changed years ago they never updated the trash value of excavation nodes.  It only recently became an issue because of the ability to ship a node to an alternate storage, at most it took up 2 slots in a storage that likely had 9 to spare, now they take up 16 slots and you don't have the room to spare, or rather you don't think you have the room to spare.  If  you properly set up your worker node you will have the room to spare in fact you will likely have 100+ more slots that you didn't have before the change 2 months ago.

Última modificación : 09 ago. 2023, 16:42 (UTC)
# 7
Am 07. Aug 2023, 19:26 (UTC), von DumpstrWizard

Update the value don't remove them.

well they want to clean up the game a bit because they get alot of feedback that there are too many different items in the game and this would be a good start.
Now if you have all the excavation nodes you will get 23 different trash items taking storage spaces, which might lead to either spend pearls or contribution points for more storage space.
You could use those contribution points on better things than some trash items.
It also feels bad for people who organize their storages to have items in there which have no use.
So there are a few options to make it better than it is now:
* delete the trash items (not a big loss in terms of silver especially after introducion of Sacks)

* increase the value but at the same time maybe make it 1 trash item instead of 23 different ones.

* just change it to extra silver.

6 33
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 13 dic. 2023, 10:12 (UTC)
# 8

Salutations Buam,

Thanks for sharing your feedback regarding the junk items obtained from excavation nodes.

During our November 8 Maintenance, we've made changes by removing numerous junk items while introducing more valuable alternatives in their place.


In the table below you can find details of the removed items, as well as their replacements:

Excavation Node Removed Junk Loot Items Obtainable Metals (according to a set probability)
Ancient Stone Chamber Withered Leaf, Cracked Fang Gold Ore
Lynch Farm Ruins Altar Imp's Broken Trumpet, Wagon Wheel Gold Ore
Mansha Forest Weathered Cursed Fang, Tough Bear Hide, Cursed Quartz Fragment Gold Ore
Glish Ruins Black Dirt, Sharp Helmet Fragment Platinum Ore
Bernianto Farm Contaminated Tooth, Weathered Rock Fragment from Ruins Site, Ancient Artifact Fragment Platinum Ore
Rhua Tree Stub Dull Bone Fragment, Weathered Cursed Fang, Faded Magic Powder Rough Opal
Ancient Ruins Excavation Site Lackluster Golem Fragment, Helmet Ornament Rough Opal
Pilgrim's Sanctum: Humility Ancient Civilization Follower's Seal Rough Opal
Sherekhan Necropolis Dry Rock Fragment Mythril
Fountain of Origin Magic Stone Fragment Mythril


Happy excavating!
The Black Desert Team

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