Black Desert Remasterizado

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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 1 : 55 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 55 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 55 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 55 26 jul. 2024
Guardians awakening grab buffs? Help?
12 nov. 2023, 00:54 (UTC)
481 3
Última modificación : 12 nov. 2023, 00:54 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Dolch

Region NA

Suggestions/Comments:  Reduce the windup animation on awakening gaurdian grab, or give it a frontal guard it I cant stress how damn annoying it is to think AHA! I GOT YOU then the grab fails due to the fact they cced you just a micro hair before the SA connects and BAM knocked on your rear, dead. Personally id rather the grab be re worked or made faster Please
33 195
Lv Privado
Última modificación : 12 nov. 2023, 10:55 (UTC)
# 2

What can i say, other than, skill issue.

Awk grab has been quite good as of late, nice range and easily used out of skills like Frigid Wind.

Lv Privado
Última modificación : 16 nov. 2023, 01:39 (UTC)
# 3
On: Nov 12, 2023, 10:55 (UTC), Written by Charto

What can i say, other than, skill issue.

Awk grab has been quite good as of late, nice range and easily used out of skills like Frigid Wind.

are you intentionally stupid? As the only way you keep any kind of SA is with e buff, what the heck does frigid have to do with the grab that has a long wind up animation BEFORE connecting? Nothing 

33 195
Lv Privado


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