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1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

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UTC 12 : 0 07 sep. 2024
CEST 14 : 0 07 sep. 2024
PDT 5 : 0 07 sep. 2024
EDT 8 : 0 07 sep. 2024
Scholar MP Hungry; plus [Feedback]
27 dic. 2023, 06:08 (UTC)
846 7
Última modificación : 27 dic. 2023, 06:09 (UTC)
# 1

I just started playing the Scholar at the time of this Post im lvl 59. My general Feed back is shes entirly to MP Hungry especially at low lvls before you can even put on Skill Addons and her main A+D LMB attack is lets say lacking without any kind of Major Movement or Protection it leaves extremely vulnerable to attacks for simply trying to recover main resource.

basically you have 4 Skills two on each kit that regen mp

Hamer master; Your basic A+D+LMB

Hammer Strike; another Basic attack without any mobility or protection
and thats it for the main kit... Seriously thats all you guys came up with? two attacks that give 60mp per hit with skills like Hammer in the knee which cost 80mp then its 1st flow which costs another 70 and then a 2nd flow which regens 90. Which is one of two skills in Awakening that Regen.

I was thinking about breaking down combos here to illustrate the MP deficit with this class but I would think that anyone could see it. When you have to Rely on Hammer Strike + Flow to regen 150MP which has No mobility and no protection.

Also where's the Magnus Ability?

Última modificación : 01 ene. 2024, 20:05 (UTC)
# 2

1. Inf mana pot solves any resource management issues

2. Soon

Última modificación : 08 ene. 2024, 00:52 (UTC)
# 3

I don't see it, maybe because low level. Speaking of, if it's low level, why are you worried about protected and unprotected? Low level mobs don't really have CCs nor hurt enough to warrant this worry and at higher level, you have full access to your kit to move around and not be hit.

Hammer Strike is 60 MP per hit with 4 hits. The follow-up, Flow: Golden Pillar is 90 MP per hit with 5 hits. 4 second cooldown, too, so it's pretty spam friendly; just using this, every other skill into flow will give you MP back. It also doesn't cost any MP.

I don't use Hammer Mastery at all.

Flow: Golden Blockade (from Hammer in the Knee) is 90 MP per hit with 5 hits. 6 second cooldown, can't be used off cooldown. It also doesn't cost any MP, just the initial skill, Hammer in the Knee does at 70 MP.

Going over patch notes, I saw no MP changes to any of Scholar's skills.

Doing my full combo, I never hit 80% mana. Even on single target, my MP doesn't dip below 80%. I turned off my infinite mana pot during testing as well. I also have 0 MP add-ons. Combo I use is W+E~E, E~E, F~F, S+RMB~RMB, RMB~RMB, SHIFT+RMB, SHIFT+Q, Space. This combo leaves most of your mobility skills completely free for travel (since I know some people use W+E for mobility).

Última modificación : 08 ene. 2024, 01:55 (UTC)
# 4
I already wrote about this very issue. She doesn't go Beast Mode till you get the infinite potion. Start farming or saving up to get it. ObiWan has taught you well, but you are not a Jedi YET! :)
Última modificación : 08 ene. 2024, 20:16 (UTC)
# 5

She's not MP starved at all. Just use RMB~RMB and you gain back more MP than you should be expending in a single combo.

Última modificación : 09 ene. 2024, 14:03 (UTC)
# 6

She is not MP hungry.

Última modificación : 15 ene. 2024, 23:00 (UTC)
# 7
On: Dec 27, 2023, 06:08 (UTC), Written by ApperentIntell

I just started playing the Scholar at the time of this Post im lvl 59. My general Feed back is shes entirly to MP Hungry especially at low lvls before you can even put on Skill Addons and her main A+D LMB attack is lets say lacking without any kind of Major Movement or Protection it leaves extremely vulnerable to attacks for simply trying to recover main resource.

basically you have 4 Skills two on each kit that regen mp

Hamer master; Your basic A+D+LMB

Hammer Strike; another Basic attack without any mobility or protection
and thats it for the main kit... Seriously thats all you guys came up with? two attacks that give 60mp per hit with skills like Hammer in the knee which cost 80mp then its 1st flow which costs another 70 and then a 2nd flow which regens 90. Which is one of two skills in Awakening that Regen.

I was thinking about breaking down combos here to illustrate the MP deficit with this class but I would think that anyone could see it. When you have to Rely on Hammer Strike + Flow to regen 150MP which has No mobility and no protection.

Also where's the Magnus Ability?

Clearly a skill and brain issue.

- You can transform any protected skill with lot of hit into a regen mp tool by just applying a skill add-on "mp on hit", having correct sustain is a important as any % stats gain.

- Since i began playing not once did i need to use a MP pot and never got any sustain issue and i played all males classes + Scholar.

- Magnus ability always come later...

reading you is like reading a wow/eso players, it's depressingly uninformed, biased (on your limited perception of reality) and stupid...


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