Black Desert Remasterizado

En breve comienza Black Desert.

Instala el lanzador si no comienza el juego.

Instala el lanzador para empezar el juego.

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Si el lanzador no se ejecuta automáticamente, ejecútalo directamente.

Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 2 : 17 27 jul. 2024
CEST 4 : 17 27 jul. 2024
PDT 19 : 17 26 jul. 2024
EDT 22 : 17 26 jul. 2024
Why Don`t Succession And Awakeing Have their own Class names
12 may. 2024, 13:03 (UTC)
1427 7
Última modificación : 12 may. 2024, 23:40 (UTC)
# 1

Hi so I recently made a post that was talking about how Succession and awakeing should have their own class names like how BDO mobile does to give more identiy and life to the classes even with viedos to show how each  class plays on mobile compared to their PC counterpart. However the fourms glitched out on me and the whole thing deleted with out ANY way of recovering it. So I will just provide a link to the BDO mobile website and you can look up on youtube what each class does enjoy your day and happy mothers day

Just scroll down a bit after clicking on the link
hats the short version I made an edit to this post now to show what every class would look name change would be like and their names on BDO mobile also if you want to see what your mobile counter part looks like I recommend looking up a viedo 

Base Class Awakening Ascension
Warrior Berserker Gladiator
Ranger Windwalker Huntress
Witch Invoker Archmage
Giant Destroyer Titan
Valkyrie Lancer Paladin
Sorceress Reaper Raven
Dark Knight Phantasma Void Knight
Striker Yacha Grandmaster
- Zayed Hashashin
Tamer Spiritwalker Lupa
Maehwa Primrose Lotus
Musa Warlord Blade Master
- Eclipse Nova
Última modificación : 12 may. 2024, 21:11 (UTC)
# 2

Definitely agree with the name changes, would make calling a specific person a bit easier if both succ and wake of a class are in the same fight, also separate names helps with class identity and player attachment to their spec. Not too sure about bdm overall but I really like that aspect of the game, only other thing I know of and I'd love is if they ported some of the skills that older awakening classes have over from bdm so they're a more completed awakening kit like modern classes tend to have.

Última modificación : 12 may. 2024, 23:38 (UTC)
# 3
On: May 12, 2024, 21:11 (UTC), Written by Rizi7

Definitely agree with the name changes, would make calling a specific person a bit easier if both succ and wake of a class are in the same fight, also separate names helps with class identity and player attachment to their spec. Not too sure about bdm overall but I really like that aspect of the game, only other thing I know of and I'd love is if they ported some of the skills that older awakening classes have over from bdm so they're a more completed awakening kit like modern classes tend to have.

I will Edit my post and ONCE AGAIN try to have viedos and names of what each class does again and their names most likely the names they have on mobile would transfer over to pc

Última modificación : 14 may. 2024, 07:10 (UTC)
# 4

That's a lot of pokémon name to remember, oh dang.

But agree, they sound cool. Actually, looks like they've not released all succession and awakening yet. So here's for an answer.

Última modificación : 14 may. 2024, 07:21 (UTC)
# 5

The reason i remember for mobile having specific names for the specs is that in Mobile, you have to actually choose Awa or Succ for the specific character, and cannot change it again afterwards. While we on PC can swap between presets and stances as much as we want. Thus the difference.

Última modificación : 14 may. 2024, 12:19 (UTC)
# 6

No reason to do that. It only make things more complicated and next to that it doesn't really add something. Also, mobile has a bit of a different setup and the pc version should remain pc. I would rather see that the quest to do awakening will be different, cause for all classes who has awakening it's everytime the same old song; stonies in hasrah, the big kitty cats and the skellies at the cemetary. 

Última modificación : 17 may. 2024, 08:27 (UTC)
# 7

It is a great ideea!!! i vote for it!

i would also liked to have awakening and ascension as complete separate classes with their own skills insead of mixing weps...

3 38
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