Black Desert Remasterizado

En breve comienza Black Desert.

Instala el lanzador si no comienza el juego.

Instala el lanzador para empezar el juego.

Si ya lo tienes instalado, el juego comenzará pronto.
Si el lanzador no se ejecuta automáticamente, ejecútalo directamente.

Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 2 : 11 27 jul. 2024
CEST 4 : 11 27 jul. 2024
PDT 19 : 11 26 jul. 2024
EDT 22 : 11 26 jul. 2024
Black Spirit's Rage Secondary Buff not working on Sorceress
20 may. 2024, 18:35 (UTC)
1106 3
Última modificación : 20 may. 2024, 18:37 (UTC)
# 1

I have been trying to use my alternate Z buff for movespeed and noticed it literally doesn't do anything at all. The animation plays and it takes away your BSR bar but no buff is applied. The icons don't show up and I have video showing run speed before and after buff, it is unchanged. I submitted a ticket but the GMs just kinda casually dismissed it and closed the ticket. I don't believe they are taking this seriously or are even considering it an issue at all. I am deeply frustrated with my inability to use a core mechanic of the game on my main class. Why won't PA actually listen to the blatantly obvious reports that come in. I don't get it, please help spread this bug to bring attention to it. Videos posted below are of Sorceress BSR buffs (Common)) and (Innate) respectively.

Última modificación : 29 may. 2024, 11:41 (UTC)
# 2

Who cares... noone uses it. Better buff sorc.

Última modificación : 29 may. 2024, 12:12 (UTC)
# 3

Its getting reworked next week anyway.


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