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UTC 12 : 29 08 sep. 2024
CEST 14 : 29 08 sep. 2024
PDT 5 : 29 08 sep. 2024
EDT 8 : 29 08 sep. 2024
Recent Attack/Movement Speed Changes Have Hindered Lahn
27 jul. 2024, 16:52 (UTC)
2428 13
1 2
Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 16:53 (UTC)
# 1

The recent skill speed changes have drastically lengthened many of Lahn's skills inside of Succession and Awakening.

Lahn is an outlier class in which almost all of their attack and movement speed buffs are exclusively attack speed percentage buffs. Lahn's passive skill Zephyr I-XX gives a total of 10% attack speed and NO movement speed. Lahn also gets an extra 18% attack speed from a self buff (Prime: Pendulum Kick, Stately Dignity, Flailing Blades). The ONLY movement speed buff in Lahn's kit is a 15% buff on Nimbus Stride, and a 30% buff on our class buff Prime: Crescent Charm and Annihilator. This causes the only time for some of Lahn's skills to be even remotely close to the speed they were before patch to be when they are class buffed.

Before the recent patch EVERY skill in Lahn's kit was affected by ONLY attack speed, and never movement speed.

Due to this recent change because of the drastic difference in percentage buffs it has left multiple skills being almost borderline unusable slow. Below is a list of all skills that NEED to be looked into due to the patch making them slower.

Prime: Phantom Dance
Prime: Spring Breeze
Bloody Stride
Phantom Dance
Absolute: Spring Breeze

There is also an anomaly in three skills forcing them to be significantly faster than prior to patch.

Due to going from having no scaling whatsoever, the added movement speed has sped up the skills so fast that the windows for skill links, and cancel timings are too small to use in a lot of cases (i.e. Prime: Primrose Sprint > Prime: Spring Breeze). The following skills are currently under this effect.

 Primrose Sprint II
Prime: Primrose Sprint
Nimbus Stride III

The following video showcases the inconsistencies in skill speed from before and after patch. (ty Rahlivia)

There is also currently an issue with the Prime: Primrose Sprint > Fatal Attraction skill link. While under the effect of Prime: Crescent Charm, the Fatal Attraction skill casts the full animation after Prime: Primrose Sprint. Even after the 7/26/2024 Global Labs patch this issue has not been solved. Video can be found here.


Buff Zephyr I-XX to include a 0.5% movement speed buff for each level (equaling 10% total).
Buff Stately Dignity, Flailing Blades, and Prime: Pendulum Kick to include a 20-25% movement speed buff.
Remove the 15% movement speed buff from Nimbus Stride.
Revert Primrose Sprint II, Prime: Primrose Sprint, and Nimbus Stride III to no longer scale off attack or movement speed percentage.

Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 17:44 (UTC)
# 2

I would like to note that using nimbus movement speed buff isnt an option because you either waste the 15sec CD skill or by the name the skill itself is used there is none of the buff left. 

Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 17:47 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jul 27, 2024, 17:44 (UTC), Written by BRNY

I would like to note that using nimbus movement speed buff isnt an option because you either waste the 15sec CD skill or by the name the skill itself is used there is none of the buff left. 

ty epicgamer123

Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 17:47 (UTC)
# 4

Wait, you aren't a fan of feeling like you're driving in traffic when linking between Spring Breeze Glide and both Nimbus Strides in succession? sarcasm

Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 17:59 (UTC)
# 5

These changes not only slow Lahn players down in many regards. But also remove the identity of the class itself. 

Do better PA.

Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 18:19 (UTC)
# 6

Make Lahn Awa usable again please

Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 20:24 (UTC)
# 7

I agree. After fixing all this mess with the movement skills, they also need to fix some QoL for succ, like the A/D rmb +12ap buff not even in a main skill rotation (every class have their +20ap buff in a main skill rotation), PRIME Blooming Nether Flower do not apply the accuracy correctly (after testing the skills with trials a few times each after the accuracy/eva patch, i don't do any miss vs dr class but blooming is the only skill that miss 25-30% of the hits, with the exact same accuracy, no buffs no addons)... The class hitbox remains on the ground even when you are 10m high, people still can grab you while flying over their heads and flames can stun u like 20m above them... The class has been forgotten since 2020 and we keep falling behind in pve and pvp, PLEASE PA, update the class!

Última modificación : 27 jul. 2024, 22:30 (UTC)
# 8

The class has been in a pretty rough spot since the changes to DR/Hits in regards to any form of uncapped PvP since she relied on lower time to kill, however I never felt that was a Lahn issue and was more of a overall issue with the system itself since other rat classes ended up struggling as well.

These changes as of recent seem to negatively impact Lahn the most out any other class due to her having the highest attack speed stat in the game. The flow of her kit feels off and there is a feeling of whiplash when I play her now with certain movement skills such as Nimbus Stride & Primrose being about 30-50% faster then before while having Spring Breeze & Phantom Dance be about 15-30% slower.

It's disappointing to say but this is genuinely the first time in my 4 years on this class where I'm not going to bother playing her until the issues with the class are addressed.

Última modificación : 29 jul. 2024, 11:39 (UTC)
# 9

100% agree, class feel slow asf since the update. Worst update for years now... These devs need to test their fucking updates before put it on live servers...

PA is the more clueless dev i've seen for pvp balance, 6 years of playing,  i can't even count the numbers of time they fucked up with the game balance and pvp state...

Última modificación : 29 jul. 2024, 11:39 (UTC)
# 10

wasnt the idea to make game a bit slower? i mean thats why they basically delted all slows from the game limiting them to 20%

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