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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 11 : 15 13 sep. 2024
CEST 13 : 15 13 sep. 2024
PDT 4 : 15 13 sep. 2024
EDT 7 : 15 13 sep. 2024
Finally Thank you
28 jul. 2024, 06:25 (UTC)
1730 4
Última modificación : 28 jul. 2024, 06:25 (UTC)
# 1

I just want to give a shout out to the small amount of succession warrior mains on a global level. Because of our nonstop feedback pointing out bugs. Because of our outcries and we kept just going and going finally succession warrior is decent in pvp. Its not OP and I do not want it to be but it feels really good. It only took like 4 years of buffs and reworks and revamps and them breaking our class with every buff they gave they would break something like our Q block not working or our Prime counter not working or our downsmashes not working or the most recent thing was our attack speed not working for 4 months after another buff BUT I`m not here to talk about that I just had to vent. It has been a tug-O-war between the succession warrior community and the devs and it seems like finally we are on the same page we never asked for much and just wanted very simple things and we got most of it. I am glady and thankful for this. It sucks that the game had to take a revamp in the sense of evasion was nerfed and spec eva was taken out because those two things would really destory succession warrior damage( and the damage for a lot of other classes but everyone knows this). I just want to say keep up the good work with the spec and I hope you give every other class the same balanced love you give succession warrior.  Because it feels really good to the point some long time loyal awake warrior fans I know are finally looking into and playing succession warrior.

As for awakened warrior players: I know some if not most are not fans of the recent changes and I tell you this ADAPT. You legit asked for this you been crying for years for more power to do group play. Now you have more group play. Yes this is a nerf to your 1v1 but lets be honest 1v1s don`t really matter in most content in bdo anymore. Solar flare is now a super armor if you core it then it ccs now here the problem it was already SA if you core it before. However here me out now you have options. You have a full protected engage on a short cooldown that does not add to the cc counter. You can now solar flare into grab for free with out fear of punishment. If you want to get really spicy you can put on core balanced strike which makes it a super armor and that would allow you to use solar flare as a bait. You solar flare if they react you I frame into a Balanced Strike SA still to trade or cc and then grab. For group play you have Core Grave Digger doing more damage and its a KD which flows with slashing of the dead so by your self you can KD a whole grop of people and then 50% bsr slashing the dead another group of people as a flow and just have your team mates or ball run thru them. The tools are there you will just have to change your play styles. Trust me us succession warriors had to go thru a lot ourselves. They nerfed scars of dusk damage, they nerfed one of our downsmashes, they nerfed our grab by making it no longer super armor, they nerfed the 40% grab chance by taking it away with out saying anything.  Solar flare still not protected and can get cced. Half of our engages can be cced by ranged classes with auto aim on or one block jump or skill that goes thru frontal and we have to use our iframe for movement all the time. They broke and had bugs with the class almost all of last year and yet people the small group still stuck to it. As always the warrior community will find ways to make awakened warrior work you always have and the same can be said for any class with the new changes. But good luck and enjoy yourself and if your going from awake to succession let me know I don`t mind showing you how to play :)

Última modificación : 28 jul. 2024, 11:42 (UTC)
# 2

Wow, cool. It’s a sadly that the PA forgot that there are other classes in the game besides warriors and zerks. An archer, for example, whom they "deleted".

Última modificación : 28 jul. 2024, 22:21 (UTC)
# 3

I haven't played since before last patch so I just went to check the recent notes and there's literally nothing but cc nerfs for warriors listed there.... What changes are you talking about? How does removing cc improve the class at all?

Fixing bugs is not a buff.

Última modificación : 01 ago. 2024, 07:46 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jul 28, 2024, 22:21 (UTC), Written by SufferSaiyan


Fixing bugs is not a buff.

DR changes, accuracy changes, slows changes, shitload individual class changes. There were many changes in last few months, and Warrior came on top because most other classes did not.

Right now Awak Warrior is 2nd best spec in AoS, and Warrior as a class is 3rd just behind Zerker and Nova.

So, yeah...Warrior is in such good spot that even succ enjoyers crawled back from their desolation. :D

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