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Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 17 : 33 07 feb. 2025
CET 18 : 33 07 feb. 2025
PST 9 : 33 07 feb. 2025
EST 12 : 33 07 feb. 2025
Awk Kuno :D
02 ene. 2025, 12:15 (UTC)
965 7
Última modificación : 02 ene. 2025, 12:15 (UTC)
# 1

First of All , idk if im the only one who plays this spec :D .
Class looks fun and protected enough and i dont think she has low damage (i just played her in aos dont make fun with me -_-)


Moon Storm , 
Our only -dp skill is moon storm and has huge cd (yes its huge in this game called bdo , also its not our even main skill) yet we must use it at the right position always cuz without it our dps will be too less . 

While awk ninja has TWO -dp skills which are Murderous Intent and Katana Shower , I think we should have one more -dp skill maybe for penumbral blade or something else. Even to an unprotected skill is fine.

Última modificación : 04 ene. 2025, 12:11 (UTC)
# 2

I dont think copying something just because another class has it is the right solution. Something unique to Kuno would be much more appreciated and fun. What exactly that could be? I honestly dont know. Still think unique > copy

Última modificación : 04 ene. 2025, 14:56 (UTC)
# 3

They should improve the class for sure Kuno awakening is a fun an original class and It's a shame there are barely any players left.

Última modificación : 04 ene. 2025, 20:01 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jan 4, 2025, 12:11 (UTC), Written by BenaiV

I dont think copying something just because another class has it is the right solution. Something unique to Kuno would be much more appreciated and fun. What exactly that could be? I honestly dont know. Still think unique > copy

class is already unique in my opinion , she's not alike with any other class in the game . And ninja was only an example. All classes have more than 1 -dp skill , if u add 1 more to kuno that wont mean "copying"

Última modificación : 04 ene. 2025, 22:17 (UTC)
# 5

Why play awk when succ is right there and doing better in all forms of content

Última modificación : 04 ene. 2025, 23:09 (UTC)
# 6

I was succ ninja main before , i kinda had enough to play risk/reward . I feel more protected when i play awk kuno , also it seems succ kuno relies on rune system so i dont want that 

Última modificación : 1 día(s) antes
# 7

kuno main here kuno awakening combo is solid and can be done after any cc what she really needs is a cooldown adjustment for more movement sustainability with and additional linger or sa to be able to keep up with the other classes that can button mash for perminant sa or iframe plus additional mobility skill or 2 because for some reason pa keeps removing them off her whial other classes seem to have that in abundance but moonstorm is fine just learn to combo also pa hates kuno she was broken in 2018 but after the nerfs she has constantly recieved shes a dog crap class these days when compared to the other classes if you like kuno try tamer shes far easier to play and extremely broken as it has infinate iframe and sa movement that is braindead to use 

Update: kuno is starting to feel more pvp rounded with some of the more recent changes shes had. penumbrial blade gave awakening just the mobility boost it needed to keep up with some of these newer mash classes, the damage now feels comprable, whats left really is the absalute uselessness of shuriken tree or kunai tree on ninja


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