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UTC 13 : 6 6 mai 2024
CEST 15 : 6 6 mai 2024
PDT 6 : 6 6 mai 2024
EDT 9 : 6 6 mai 2024
Awakening Ninja - Improvement Plan
14 avr. 2022, 18:07 (UTC)
3905 17
Dernière modification : 29 avr. 2022, 01:46 (UTC)
# 11

I would be extremely thankful if PA reads this insane post!
Thanks for the effort Sede and I hope you get rewarded with some Ninja Awakening improvements soon.

I honestly agree that this classe needs some attention! 

Dernière modification : 2 mai 2022, 14:28 (UTC)
# 12

I legit agree with every signle word that this man said . Awk ninja is performing " not in the worst state , yet " but atleast out of the scene since the begening of the reworks during that acc nerf and the other fillers " has complete no acc " 

so its either adding some accuracy to the mains skills that this man mentioned . or adding any new ways for this class to perform well 
Someone pls look for this ..

Dernière modification : 3 mai 2022, 02:02 (UTC)
# 13

yes. this nice

Dernière modification : 10 mai 2022, 19:19 (UTC)
# 14

Please PA fix ninja, Sede makes a very good work and effort, listen to our community.

Dernière modification : 31 mai 2022, 16:48 (UTC)
# 15

Block jump now sometimes applies concealment when using the sideways teleport. It applies the buff always, but it doesn't consistently place ninja in concealment.
Using concealment while onishadow is active does not reset the timer, it just places you back in concealment until onishadow's timer runs out.

Every time they try to fix something, they grossly miss the mark, and concealment's description has been wrong for 6 years straight, even after they adjust it.

If they're not going to fix obvious screw-ups in the class's kit, the least they could do is give us some sort of trap ability.
Maybe caltrops. A CC that activates when the enemy walks near it? Maybe not even a CC, but a debuff like slow(which would make sense with caltrops.)

Sede for Hokage, 2022

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Dernière modification : 19 août 2022, 03:00 (UTC)
# 17
On: May 31, 2022, 16:48 (UTC), Written by Zebruh

Block jump now sometimes applies concealment when using the sideways teleport. It applies the buff always, but it doesn't consistently place ninja in concealment.
Using concealment while onishadow is active does not reset the timer, it just places you back in concealment until onishadow's timer runs out.

Every time they try to fix something, they grossly miss the mark, and concealment's description has been wrong for 6 years straight, even after they adjust it.

If they're not going to fix obvious screw-ups in the class's kit, the least they could do is give us some sort of trap ability.
Maybe caltrops. A CC that activates when the enemy walks near it? Maybe not even a CC, but a debuff like slow(which would make sense with caltrops.)

Sede for Hokage, 2022

I like the caltrop idea, adding it to Blade Spin or Katana Shower would be nice, since most of us use these 2 skills for temporary protection/break from the fight to assess. Toss it into the Awakened tree as a passive. It would 100% fit our identity as well, seeing as though we're assassin/ninja/samurai. I don't use Katana Shower outside of this, not even in a combo. I use Blade Spin primarily in my combo to roll for the Down Smash. Adding a caltrop trap that stiffs would make me use these more mid combat, maybe let the traps stick around for 3-5sec so it isn't overly OP. With a low count down of 3-5sec, I would even say add it to our Block Jump :D Could you imagine laying 3 traps in a triangle everytime you popped Katana Shower, Blade Spin, and Block Jump? That'd be so sick. It would force opponents to back off or only come in with something protected.

And Sede, you make some incredible points:

1. We lack damage outside of Serp and Flashing Light, we need more dmg spread around to Blade Spin and Flow:Execution, just a little bit more dmg to Drastic.

2. We lack accuracy, really bad, be it passive or on-skill. We need accuracy for Serp and Blade Spin for sure.

3. Compared to Striker/Mystic, our evasion sucks, our hp pool sucks. We're not meant to tank damage, and I would be happy with this decision from PA, only if we did more damage. If we did even 75% of Musa's damage, I'd be fine with this.

Because of these 3 reasons, you already said it, it forces all of us to go DR for accuracy and stack human dmg crystals, as well as the human dmg lightstone combo. We're too squishy to benefit from an eva build like Strikers/Mystics unless you're hard capped and gear checking gearlets, and the other factor behind an eva build not being possible on Awk Ninja is that we'd lose out on too much damage to be relevant, unlike Striker/Mystic, Succ Ninja might be viable, since they have much better damage modifiers and DOTs than us.

What's sad and upsetting for me is seeing these Global Lab patches where they keep buffing other rat classes/specs for damage and utility; dk, mae, hash, tamer, succ ninja, awk kuno, etc. Whereas Awk Ninja is completely ignored over and over, and now we're falling behind in damage and utility.

Since reworks 9 months ago, Awk Ninja has gotten 1 buff to our Serpent Ascension, and tbh, it's more or less around the same damage as it was before rework. They went from making it a 2 stage animation with more dmg, to nerfing the dmg, then keeping the nerfed dmg and making it a faster 1 stage animation, to finally buffing the dmg/hits, and its been left at that since. HOWEVER, if we look at Succ Ninja, my oh my, their buff list is incredible compared to Awk since the rework lol. This is why 90% of ninjas play Succ for PVP.

I played Succ for 1.5 years and when I came back to Awk, I promised myself I'd never go back. One trick pony that Succ spec, you overwhelm your opponent with cancels, speed, and luck; pop smoke, pop behead, throw shurikens, attempt BJ+grab, if those 4 miss, you disengage and cycle SAs/iframes, if you get a CC off, generally a heart aim, stomp, moonlight, and bladespin will kill 99% of players.



Dernière modification : 26 janv. 2023, 11:56 (UTC)
# 18

Hi, i'm totally agree, Ninja Awakening is actually weak in PvP and also for PvE, pls fix it!

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