I understand the entire point of treasures is supposed to be long term goals that few players should get.
However the way they are currently implemented is actually horrible.
This doesn't promote time and effort but pure luck. Some people take 10 hours to get the infinite pot but for others it takes 600 hours. This undermines the point of treasures entirely and makes obtaining them a massive joke.
I suggest changing how they are obtained or adding alternate ways. As it stands getting the treasures is not an achievement but pure luck. They are supposed to be the sign of an adventurer who is dedicated to this game. They are supposed to be the the ultimate end goal. As it stands this is not how it feels at all.
Here is a list of suggested improvements.
- Making them obtainable via quests. You can create a very long quest that would remove the element of RNG but still make the treasures a long and hard grind.
- Adding a system similar to the leafs. The leaf system for the lungs is a great thing. This incites the player to keep at it since they can visibly see they are making progress. This also removes a good chunk of the garbage rng. It would still let some players be really lucky but players who aren't that lucky could still get it reasonably. This is by far the best system in my opinion.
- Make the grind spots bearable. Most of the places where the treasure pieces drop give garbage loot. This is extremly frustrating as if you spend dozens of hours and dont get the piece it will make that time feel like it was wasted. If the trash and loot pool was dropped it wouldnt feel like a massive waste of time at least. I dislike this improvement since it doesn't change the fact that the treasures are fully rng which I believe is the worst part of them.
As it stands the treasures are nothing more than the sign of someone who is RNG carried and not an achievement to prove how much someone is dedicated to the game.
Please feel free to addon to this post in the comments.
Here is an example of this type of system done right. The destiny exotic quests. The exotic quests are long and tedious but feel insanely rewarding at the end. They feel very long but incentivize the player to keep at it since at the end of the tunnel there is an amazing reward. The feeling at the end of the quest is Hell Yeah! I've finnally gotten this amazing and unique thing that shows i put lots of effort into the game. The treasures in BDO are the polar opposite of this. They do not feel rewarding at all and are way too rng based. This makes them frustrating to get as you dont feel like you are making any progress at all.
Here is an example of this type of system done right. The destiny exotic quests. The exotic quests are long and tedious but feel insanely rewarding at the end. They feel very long but incentivize the player to keep at it since at the end of the tunnel there is an amazing reward. The feeling at the end of the quest is Hell Yeah! I've finnally gotten this amazing and unique thing that shows i put lots of effort into the game. The treasures in BDO are the polar opposite of this. They do not feel rewarding at all and are way too rng based. This makes them frustrating to get as you dont feel like you are making any progress at all.
But that is the design for all of BDO. To make the player feel like they can't progress naturally. Thus make the players who want to compete. Spend more and more IRL money then their competitors. So they can have the edge to beat them. RNG-gating PvP and Endgame PvE content, and allowing players to spend insane amounts of money to bust down the gates. Is far easier to make money. Then to come up with fun game design that can keep the majority invested and playing. They even went further and allowed full AFK progression mechanic give outsiders the a illusion of player activity. But I digress.
The design of BDO is rarely about in game merit or skill. Most have already come to terms with this. And either allow themselves to be content for Whales. Or are Whales themselves. Or have basically quit the game. Or never even touch the game to begin with.
Asian players don't believe in RNG. They believe luck is something you deserve or don't. It's just not something that happens, but is earned. They consider getting incredibly lucky in something an actual achievement, something that is to be admired. Likewise, having bad luck is considered to be your own fault. This is just built in their culture.
I do agree the current system with ridiculously low drop rates is bad. Unfortunately the devs have stated they don't think there's anything wrong with the current system. They think treasures should be rare, and not everyone should have them. The current system achieves exactly that, even if it for us westerners seem for completely wrong reasons.
There is already a quest chain rewarding garmoth heart
They could do this for all treasure items but for now it seems they rather romanticize RNG.
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