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UTC 5 : 5 19 mai 2024
CEST 7 : 5 19 mai 2024
PDT 22 : 5 18 mai 2024
EDT 1 : 5 19 mai 2024
Carrack repair on sea extremely slow
30 août 2022, 19:54 (UTC)
992 5
Dernière modification : 31 août 2022, 18:54 (UTC)
# 1

When you have to repair your ship around sea monster habitats without going back to the port is extremealy slow.
You can easily lose 10 minutes repairing your ship before you can go again to grind.

Dernière modification : 31 août 2022, 14:17 (UTC)
# 2

The trick is learning to fight and avoid the hits, takes some skill and you'll use far more rations as a result. The other alternative is a whale's method and have a second PC and another account that sits on the boat to repair. 

4 21
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 31 août 2022, 18:52 (UTC)
# 3

Other of the multiple problems...
Rations... if you go to a wharf manager and refill the whole bar including the cannon balls, it easily cost 3.500.000 silver and your ship is ready to go, but if you try to refill your rations in middle of the ocean, how many orange grade meals do you need to use and how much cost you that? Is by no way logical.
They need to use another method to be practical...

They love to create new objects for everything, many even duplicates between events and events, but they can't create a practical object for this purpose, and to replenish the rations equitably at the port price.

Dernière modification : 31 août 2022, 22:52 (UTC)
# 4

I think that the whole point is that repairing and resupplying at sea is supposed to be more of an emergency thing, not how you normally operate. PA specifically designed how ships work with the idea of you regularly returning to port. I don't see them changing that by making it cheap and easy to quickly repair your ship at sea or making it cheap to resupply at sea, much as it would obviously be nicer to not have to return to port as frequently. They want you to go to port and eat up time that way. The closest thing that they've done to fix it is to allow you to upgrade your ship so that it can take more damage and go longer without resupplying, and I expect that that's as far as they're going to go.

BTW, if you want to repair your ship faster, use ship repair kits rather than ship repair materials, since based on your other post complaining about ship repair kits, it sounds like you don't know that they're twice as fast. It would certainly be nice though if they were easier to make (since glue is a pain to get), and an even faster solution would obviously be nice.

Dernière modification : 3 nov. 2022, 10:24 (UTC)
# 5
Écrit le : 31 août 2022, 22:51 (UTC), par : Quelnar

I think that the whole point is that repairing and resupplying at sea is supposed to be more of an emergency thing, not how you normally operate. PA specifically designed how ships work with the idea of you regularly returning to port. I don't see them changing that by making it cheap and easy to quickly repair your ship at sea or making it cheap to resupply at sea, much as it would obviously be nicer to not have to return to port as frequently. They want you to go to port and eat up time that way. The closest thing that they've done to fix it is to allow you to upgrade your ship so that it can take more damage and go longer without resupplying, and I expect that that's as far as they're going to go.

BTW, if you want to repair your ship faster, use ship repair kits rather than ship repair materials, since based on your other post complaining about ship repair kits, it sounds like you don't know that they're twice as fast. It would certainly be nice though if they were easier to make (since glue is a pain to get), and an even faster solution would obviously be nice.

it's not correct as the great expedition was promising sailors they would be able to live in the sea withotu ever setting foot on land again.

And the better repair kits are so expensive to craft that it makes you lose silver if you use them after selling the trash you got from your grind.

Toqom is right: avoid damage (yes, it is possible to avoid 90% of it if you pay attention. so far my only struggle is at big lekra because there is 1 attack i don"t see because of potato mode maybe).

Écrit le : 31 août 2022, 14:17 (UTC), par : Toqom

The trick is learning to fight and avoid the hits, takes some skill and you'll use far more rations as a result. The other alternative is a whale's method and have a second PC and another account that sits on the boat to repair. 

49 repaires are another kind of flaw... #exploit2win

22 206
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