Black Desert va commencer dans quelques instants.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert si le jeu ne se lance pas.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert pour lancer le jeu.

Le jeu sera lancé si le lanceur est déjà installé.
Si rien ne se produit, veuillez lancer vous-même le lanceur.

Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.


UTC 1 : 17 27 juil. 2024
CEST 3 : 17 27 juil. 2024
PDT 18 : 17 26 juil. 2024
EDT 21 : 17 26 juil. 2024
Tips and Tricks for season server graduation!
4 févr. 2021, 16:49 (UTC)
6460 11
1 2
Dernière modification : 27 févr. 2021, 17:38 (UTC)
# 1
Here a few tips and tricks anyone who would want to early graduate should know! Formatted in a list.
|Before Graduation|

- Make sure all your Tuvala Gear is PEN! (V) This will make it so once the gear is converted to normal gear it will be roughly equivalent to TET boss gear which will greatly help you in the normal servers. This is not a must but you should aim for this before graduating! I would recommend going for PEN accessories too.

-Use your boss exchange coupons on the most valuable boss gears. Some TET boss gear can go for billions. Check the prices of the boss gear before you choose which one you want. Getting one of the more expensive ones will make it so you do not need to spend as much to completly replace your gear with boss gear later down the line. Keep in mind the boss gear you got from the coupon cannot be registered to the market.

-Do your main quests! At the end of most main questlines you will get a secret book of the misty breeze which can give you lots of skill EXP!

-Get the parrot! After a crossroad in the valencia questline you will get a free Parrot Pet!

-Make sure to do Fughars quests! A lot of his quests reward you with Advice of valks which are very useful for enhancing.

-Do fughars questline that gives you the season special ticket! Exchange this at fughar for a very powerful capiotia accessory or Perilla's star. Do some research on which one suits you best before you choose!

-Reach level 61! At level 60 and 61 you will get a free PEN Tuvala Ring and PEN Tuvala Earring Respectively. This can greatly help you reach full PEN Tuvala. The best way to reach this level is using the Chenga Tome

|After Graduation|

-Start Slowly replacing your gear with TET Boss Gear. Whether you choose to buy the TET directly from the central market or enhance it up to TET is up to you.

-PVP is now enabled. In the normal servers players can attack you if you are in a combat zone. This is not the case in season servers. Keep this in mind while grinding nodes.

-Your tuvala gear cannot be enhanced anymore. This is the reason why you want to slowly replace it with Boss gear.


That's it folks! Hope this helps you.

If you have any more tips and tricks be sure to post them in the replies!

If you want even more information about season servers i recommend this Guide!

Dernière modification : 11 févr. 2021, 23:00 (UTC)
# 2

I wish more players would come to the forum and read guides like this. The chat would totally change XD

Dernière modification : 28 juin 2021, 10:15 (UTC)
# 3

Thank you!

Dernière modification : 15 juil. 2021, 11:10 (UTC)
# 4

Great summarized guide! :3

Dernière modification : 23 juil. 2021, 07:21 (UTC)
# 5

when season tuvala is converted to non-season tuvala does it become family bound rather than character bound?

Dernière modification : 23 juil. 2021, 10:41 (UTC)
# 6

Atrah, in short, yes!


when you convert your tuvala gear before you graduate it will become an item usable by all your characters.


*keep in mind that you can only do this once since you get 1 exchange coupon for every armor/acc piece. (making multiple sets for your other characters is not possible because of this)

Dernière modification : 12 août 2021, 05:29 (UTC)
# 7

Im new to this game i really just did main quests and got to 50+ so i dont know anything in this guide but hopefully i can refer to this guide when i log in easily.

especially this bit " Make sure all your Tuvala Gear is PEN! (V) This will make it so once the gear is converted to normal gear it will be roughly equivalent to TET boss gear which will greatly help you in the normal servers''

Dernière modification : 3 oct. 2021, 18:21 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jul 23, 2021, 10:38 (UTC), Written by Akinahi

Atrah, in short, yes!


when you convert your tuvala gear before you graduate it will become an item usable by all your characters.


*keep in mind that you can only do this once since you get 1 exchange coupon for every armor/acc piece. (making multiple sets for your other characters is not possible because of this)


^ Thank you for that. I honestly did not remember if you can convert it once or if all would be auto-converted. I guess that I can melt rest of my spare set then xD


@OP Nice guide. General pointers, but a 'must to know'.


Dernière modification : 28 janv. 2023, 00:18 (UTC)
# 9
On: Feb 4, 2021, 16:49 (UTC), Written by Hkntai
Here a few tips and tricks anyone who would want to early graduate should know! Formatted in a list.
|Before Graduation|

- Make sure all your Tuvala Gear is PEN! (V) This will make it so once the gear is converted to normal gear it will be roughly equivalent to TET boss gear which will greatly help you in the normal servers. This is not a must but you should aim for this before graduating! I would recommend going for PEN accessories too.

-Use your boss exchange coupons on the most valuable boss gears. Some TET boss gear can go for billions. Check the prices of the boss gear before you choose which one you want. Getting one of the more expensive ones will make it so you do not need to spend as much to completly replace your gear with boss gear later down the line. Keep in mind the boss gear you got from the coupon cannot be registered to the market.

-Do your main quests! At the end of most main questlines you will get a secret book of the misty breeze which can give you lots of skill EXP!

-Get the parrot! After a crossroad in the valencia questline you will get a free Parrot Pet!

-Make sure to do Fughars quests! A lot of his quests reward you with Advice of valks which are very useful for enhancing.

-Do fughars questline that gives you the season special ticket! Exchange this at fughar for a very powerful capiotia accessory or Perilla's star. Do some research on which one suits you best before you choose!

-Reach level 61! At level 60 and 61 you will get a free PEN Tuvala Ring and PEN Tuvala Earring Respectively. This can greatly help you reach full PEN Tuvala. The best way to reach this level is using the Chenga Tome

|After Graduation|

-Start Slowly replacing your gear with TET Boss Gear. Whether you choose to buy the TET directly from the central market or enhance it up to TET is up to you.

-PVP is now enabled. In the normal servers players can attack you if you are in a combat zone. This is not the case in season servers. Keep this in mind while grinding nodes.

-Your tuvala gear cannot be enhanced anymore. This is the reason why you want to slowly replace it with Boss gear.


That's it folks! Hope this helps you.

If you have any more tips and tricks be sure to post them in the replies!

If you want even more information about season servers i recommend this Guide!

Thank you sooo much! This focus guide line helps a loooooot.

Dernière modification : 29 janv. 2023, 08:29 (UTC)
# 10
On: Aug 12, 2021, 05:29 (UTC), Written by LuvSardine

Im new to this game i really just did main quests and got to 50+ so i dont know anything in this guide but hopefully i can refer to this guide when i log in easily.

especially this bit " Make sure all your Tuvala Gear is PEN! (V) This will make it so once the gear is converted to normal gear it will be roughly equivalent to TET boss gear which will greatly help you in the normal servers''

You might not need this info but I'm new too (returning after YEARS) 
I found that this season gave me enough to upgrade all of my gear to V and I still have thousands of resources left. Make sure to follow the quests of the Spirit! :) 
Best of luck out there 

1 2

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