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UTC 5 : 59 2 mai 2024
CEST 7 : 59 2 mai 2024
PDT 22 : 59 1 mai 2024
EDT 1 : 59 2 mai 2024
Please bring Awakening Wizard's Kit up to date :)
8 janv. 2023, 02:19 (UTC)
2015 21
Dernière modification : 14 janv. 2023, 01:16 (UTC)
# 11
On: Jan 13, 2023, 17:02 (UTC), Written by XxValakxX

Also, I feel like there would be more uproar regarding the class's deficiencies, but since its been dead in pvp since around 2017, there so few of us left to complain, it never gets enough traction to fix. Out of sight, out of mind for the devs...
Meanwhile, MAGOO comes out with bigger AOEs, which are prolly harder hitting, and the mobility of a rat class.

watching that trailer actully hurt. they have bigger aoes than us and WAY more sustained mobility.

Dernière modification : 14 janv. 2023, 03:42 (UTC)
# 12
On: Jan 14, 2023, 01:16 (UTC), Written by WhySoSeeryus

watching that trailer actully hurt. they have bigger aoes than us and WAY more sustained mobility.

Aha, but whyso, I bet that they don't have heals & PA, so its uh, um, it's fine right! :) :D

11 141
Lv 64
Dernière modification : 14 janv. 2023, 07:36 (UTC)
# 13
On: Jan 14, 2023, 03:42 (UTC), Written by Piag

Aha, but whyso, I bet that they don't have heals & PA, so its uh, um, it's fine right! :) :D

Or speed spell... 

Dernière modification : 14 janv. 2023, 10:22 (UTC)
# 14
On: Jan 14, 2023, 03:42 (UTC), Written by Piag

Aha, but whyso, I bet that they don't have heals & PA, so its uh, um, it's fine right! :) :D

jokes aside, that argument doesnt fly in 2023


we have awakend valkyrie: suction skill, 3 PROTECTED heals(one grands super armor to receivers as well), instacast PA, amazing self+group buff (1 minute duration)with one of the best stats in the game (accuracy), amazing ultimate, amazing combo power, great damage, ultra tanky, amazing protected burst movement, amazing sustained movement outisde of it as well, fast grab (that can be made protected via heal precast also), skill that can jump on top of walls/rocks, SA+FG q block that barely ever dies. this class barely sacrifices anything (be it 1v1, smallscale, largescale, pve) for having this much stuff overloaded in the kit.

Dernière modification : 16 janv. 2023, 01:42 (UTC)
# 15

Awk wizard and witch are just a joke at this point honestly, as you pointed out other classes have better versions of what use to make us good and keep getting better while were stuck in 2017.

PA honestly doesn't care about awakened wizard and witches, i use to say were good as is because i was consantly winning fights even against people 30-50 GS higher but with all these class updates in the last year i can't defend the class anymore. Awaekend wizard is squishy, were animation locked and grab bait, people outdamage us in PvE by a huge margin and in pvp people do 4 attacks in the time we do one skill and each one of their 4 attacks damage is equal to just one of ours and they are far more mobile.

I have always said and will continue to say Awk wiz and witch are very volitile because buffing us the wrong way could make us the most OP class bdo has ever seen but they need to do something because were not even considered a threat, hell people probably think shai's are more of a threat than awk casters.

Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 16 janv. 2023, 18:57 (UTC)
# 16

I just wanted to say I almost started playing again; however, the current state of Awakening Wizard was the reason I didn't actually start playing. Please buff Awakening Wizard. It is the class I enjoy and it's a joke right now. (That means bad)

Dernière modification : 18 janv. 2023, 18:16 (UTC)
# 17
On: Jan 14, 2023, 01:16 (UTC), Written by WhySoSeeryus

watching that trailer actully hurt. they have bigger aoes than us and WAY more sustained mobility.

Yea, I"m playing her now. So much fun, but not spending a dime of cash shop money on her.
I'm reminded of what Edweirdien put in our Discord over a year ago...
Something along the lines of "The Aweakened Wizard just doesn't fit into the game design anymore. The core design of Aweakened Wizard is its made to deliver big, singular hits. Most of which can be iframed or guarded through. PVP in this game is where you're supposed to be mobile enough to get past another players guard and deliver a combo.  Aweakened wizard doesn't play and can't be played like that."
Their only option is to buff our damage to the point we're almost 1 shotting everyone. Which I'm not opposed to, as there is literally ZERO classes we can run down, so let them run away. However if they do this, it will inevitably lead to people flooding the forums with tears of "WIZARD TO PEWPEW, QQQQ" and they nerf it back down again. The class mechanics don't line up with the game mechanics anymore.
Nothing short of a redesign from the bottom up will make the class viable in the game as it is built today, which they have ZERO incentive to do unfortunately.. 

Dernière modification : 25 janv. 2023, 15:12 (UTC)
# 18

Hey look, PA put the type of damage and movement we

*everything is working as intended, please visit our cash shop*

Dernière modification : 5 févr. 2023, 15:41 (UTC)
# 19

Classes should have 2 of these 3.

Fast/Mobile - Damage - Tankiness/Evaision

the current state of the game wizard has none while other classes have all 3.

Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2023, 13:41 (UTC)
# 20
On: Feb 5, 2023, 15:41 (UTC), Written by Hellmand

Classes should have 2 of these 3.

Fast/Mobile - Damage - Tankiness/Evaision

the current state of the game wizard has none while other classes have all 3.

Well, in this next update, they gave us a VERY slight damage increase(putting us only 40% behind the damage of other classes), a reduced CD on elementalization(KEK)/a few meters more on Hellfire(more KEK), and nothing for Tankiness/Evasion(because they hate us).
Its not "technically" spitting in our faces and calling it rain, but it's close.. 


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