Black Desert va commencer dans quelques instants.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert si le jeu ne se lance pas.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert pour lancer le jeu.

Le jeu sera lancé si le lanceur est déjà installé.
Si rien ne se produit, veuillez lancer vous-même le lanceur.

Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.


UTC 1 : 49 27 juil. 2024
CEST 3 : 49 27 juil. 2024
PDT 18 : 49 26 juil. 2024
EDT 21 : 49 26 juil. 2024
List of Class-Discords - Updated List-
5 févr. 2021, 21:02 (UTC)
46501 28
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Dernière modification : 26 mars 2024, 06:44 (UTC)
# 1


You are looking for help regarding a class? Check out the following discords made by members of our community.

Please note: The  class discords are in no way affiliated with Pearl Abyss and are made by private individuals.

If you prefer help directly from Pearl Abyss, you can use the other parts of this category, send in a ticket or visit the official Pearl Abyss discord:


This thread is meant to list the current and upcoming class discords for Black Desert Online and NOT to attack them, or criticize their management. If you have a problem with how a class discord is being handled, please contact their respected staff directly.



Class Discords:










Dark Knight: /











Woosa & Maegu:

Scholar: /

15 43
Supprimé par l'auteur.
Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2021, 00:24 (UTC)
# 3

Ngl, never seen a new forum start and see someone just instantly disliked by everyone. Anyway, I can at least vouch for both of the Shai discords. Both of them are filled with knowledgeable people who are very helpful.

Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2021, 00:51 (UTC)
# 4

Sorc discord is very helpful and it has a large amount of information for new players in the document provided in the #FAQ-and-Guides channel!

Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2021, 03:48 (UTC)
# 5

Thank you so much for taking your time to post this. I can say that I am a member of a few discords on that list and they have always been very helpful and supportive.

Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2021, 03:52 (UTC)
# 6

the same with Hashashin discord. it's a pretty chill place with helpful people discussing the class, and helping new players where they can


Thanks for the list, i'm sure a lot of players will find this usefull in their journey on BDO <3

Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2021, 06:15 (UTC)
# 7

I can't say the same for Wizard discord, they have some NA austist there called Warden that half the time is helpful and half the time goes whack and apeshit on people even if you ask a simple question. Then they ban whoever disagrees with him after he starts getting rude, because they somehow take always take his side. I was banned for asking a simple question, and he went apeshit on me.


Dude's like that are why the class discords are such garbage fires.


He is still there btw.

Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2021, 06:50 (UTC)
# 8
On: Feb 6, 2021, 06:14 (UTC), Written by Jimmy

I can't say the same for Wizard discord, they have some NA austist there called Warden that half the time is helpful and half the time goes whack and apeshit on people even if you ask a simple question. Then they ban whoever disagrees with him after he starts getting rude, because they somehow take always take his side. I was banned for asking a simple question, and he went apeshit on me.


Dude's like that are why the class discords are such garbage fires.


He is still there btw.

That nothing the Guardian discord own by some man child. He came into my rotation griefed me for 2 hours spamming boxes of insults & death threats (which I still have save on my PC for the memes and proof of how mental he is.) at me trying to make me flag so he could Karma bomb me. When that failed he called the #1 NA griefing guild Peepobaba who his best friends with to dec my guild and try feed me to mobs. He than found out my discord user name and perma banned me from the guardian discord cause he failed to make me want to flag up and be karma bombed. Guy got issues there.


But hey guy is techincally a member of Peepobaba #1 griefer guild in NA. He just one of peepobaba's rat members that stay guildless and tries to get people karma bombed so he can than TP peepobaba members to him and kill you when you go red. So not really surprise he's other resort was to just ban me from guardian discord when he failed to grief me.


Frankly most these discords are helpful, but don't expect the mods in there to follow any of their own rules. They'll perma ban you from the discord for any reason they want an really nothing you can do about it since in the end of the day it their discord. So I do like the feedback an guide these discords provide, I just wish all the people running these discords weren't ass hats with ego problems.

4 1172
Dernière modification : 8 févr. 2021, 21:17 (UTC)
# 9
On: Feb 6, 2021, 00:24 (UTC), Written by Lovaic

Ngl, never seen a new forum start and see someone just instantly disliked by everyone. Anyway, I can at least vouch for both of the Shai discords. Both of them are filled with knowledgeable people who are very helpful.

That would be because Shai mains are usually good natured people. <3

Dernière modification : 21 févr. 2021, 17:51 (UTC)
# 10

Hey there o/


Thank you HJM for posting a list here in the forums ^_^
We have also taken the liberty of posting a list in the Official Discord.

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