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UTC 2 : 20 19 mai 2024
CEST 4 : 20 19 mai 2024
PDT 19 : 20 18 mai 2024
EDT 22 : 20 18 mai 2024
Justice for Nova! (and all other classes whose unique traits have been nerfed to gimmicks)
1 févr. 2023, 16:46 (UTC)
1325 15
1 2
Dernière modification : 2 févr. 2023, 16:38 (UTC)
# 1

So, Maegu underwent a balance today.  But her wide range of attack is the same, and her clone ability is the same.  And they justify it by saying: that's why she shines in large- scale PvP!  And that is fine.  Every class should have it's place, and every class should outshine another in something.  That's reality.  That offers variety and spice of life.  It makes sense.  A Shai cannot do what a Berserker does, plain and simple.  And vice versa.

But alas, cries about unfair advantage will continue, or soon all large scale PvP matches will be Maegus.  It makes sense that players will use the best class for certain things, right?  Well, fine, let's not nerf Maegu and her special abilites to silly gimmicks.  Let's make other classes great again.  The one that comes to my mind is Nova, because I personally experienced her Thornwood guards be reduced to useless gimmicks.  They used to be spirited defenders of their princess, who would command from behind her shield.  That made her special.  Now they just stand around, looking stupid, until Nova attacks.  My, how the Star of Calpheon has fallen.  Heilang gets to prowl around and attack the enemies of its mistress.  (PA, please don't nerf Heilang!  You probably already have in ways I didn't notice.)

Musa and Maehwa's bow can only be fired three times a minute.  Back in 2020, when I started playing this game, I went with Musa as my main, as I wanted a warrior with a ranged option.  Well, his bow is just a gimmick now.  So is his Tiger Blade, as it does far less damage than other attacks.  He's not much of a versitile warrior now, as he is well-portrayed by Carbot in his Magnus cartoon, a blind buffoon who just slashes his sword around.  And poor Maehwa is his younger, less successful sister.  Yes, no two classes should be the same, but I don't see where she outshines Musa in anything.

Poor Shai.  I need say no more.

I know there are far more stories of players who picked a class, found it to be THE perfect fit for them, only to have that which made them special and shine brightly in some area be nerfed to heck and meaninglessness.  I don't know these tragic tales, as I do not have time to really get into every class, and am merely a dabbler in most.  Maegu is PA's favorite child right now, and who knows, maybe she deserves it.  Not everything will be the same, or loved the same.  I really don't want Maegu players or developers see their star class nerfed to oblivion.  I'd like PA to raise the fallen heroes from the ashes, so that they too could shine bright again. 

Make All Classes Great Again!

(and no one tell Trump I'm using his catchphrase, or he might sue me)

Dernière modification : 1 févr. 2023, 16:49 (UTC)
# 2

Gimmicks should be PvE only or be removed from the game. We don't need stupid annoiances that only makes balancing harder.

244 4634
Lv 63
Dernière modification : 1 févr. 2023, 16:53 (UTC)
# 3

I agree that they should be really for PvE.  They have two sets of parameters for PvE and PvP, so they could downgrade PvP damage, instead of making such skills entirely useless at all times.

Dernière modification : 1 févr. 2023, 16:54 (UTC)
# 4

I think it's funny that Woosa has more protected skills than succ Nova, and succ Nova only gets 45 health recovery when Woosa gets 150 + 300 from rabam. Nova DRAINS her own health with skills....

Dernière modification : 1 févr. 2023, 17:59 (UTC)
# 5

Define "Gimmick"

I feel like you are going to get posters here that dont understand your words. 

Dernière modification : 1 févr. 2023, 19:11 (UTC)
# 6

Wether its true or not, i feel the compassion in the text.

Dernière modification : 1 févr. 2023, 19:27 (UTC)
# 7
On: Feb 1, 2023, 17:59 (UTC), Written by ArchaicTriad

Define "Gimmick"

I feel like you are going to get posters here that dont understand your words. 

Fair enough.  I define "Gimmick" as something that looks cool/nice/enticing/awesome etc. that doesn't do much.  As in the fact that the class would do just as well without it, as with it.  

These things were developed to have a special function, something that "made" the class, something that set it apart, made it "special", "unique" to them, like Maegu's clone ability.

I'm tired of seeing things get nerfed so much that one class is just like the other.

Dernière modification : 21 févr. 2023, 06:29 (UTC)
# 8

Wouldn't it be nice if all classes were loved by PA the same way some classes currently are?

Shai is a meme, cool traits of once meta classes are reduced to gimmicks, and some classes, like Tamer, lose cool skills altogether.

Classes are developed and introduced with certain ideas and lore behind them, giving them unique and powerful abilities.  Then, someone cries unfair and they're nerfed to oblivion, and the things that made them special are just silly props.

Players that are excited about new classes now play in dread, for the inevitable nerf is lurking in the distant future.

Hail to the fallen heroes that are left impotent, or have had their star dimmed, and the players who've had their gaming experience shattered by the crippling of their beloved class!

Dernière modification : 20 févr. 2023, 07:50 (UTC)
# 9

The power of why classes are fun and appealing in RPG is cause they have an identity, from unique mechanics to thematic skills. Maybe instead of releasing new classes, PA should branch-out and refresh the current classes (reboot 2.0) in the game... every tamer would love to be able to dye Heilang for example ;)

Dernière modification : 20 févr. 2023, 09:53 (UTC)
# 10

I personally like the way OP worded his post and I'd like to add something from my perspective:

While balance is important (and I still believe it is just a metashifting), it doesn't mean that other classes should be made irrelevant in different ways either directly or indirectly. What I am trying to say that while nerfing other class damage, capabilities or movement, in some situations the other class which was left untouched for sometime gets better. Class identities also always get targeted to a point, when it becomes uninteresting. Or in worse cases - destroyed to oblivion.

There was a time awakening Nova's unique mechanic Star's breath was just too slow to collect to actually do anything with it (I am not a Nova main, so any awa Novas that have more hours and experience than me feel free to correct me). While the mechanic seemed good it just was too slow to get to it. It wasn't worth it using it for such a minor gain.

IMO every class should have his/her own identity in some aspect, shape or form. Because for the sake of "balance", one cries how this or that is unfair is the result of difficulty to adapt to something new (and thats normal) and it takes time to develop any tactic or strategy before going to real conclusions. And it's a common view that frequently players aim to "shower" nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf based on personal hatred for the class. Ofcourse some nerfs are sometimes unfair, while looking at other classes having the exact same skill numbers left untouched. Example: slow % on a skill.

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