Black Desert va commencer dans quelques instants.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert si le jeu ne se lance pas.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert pour lancer le jeu.

Le jeu sera lancé si le lanceur est déjà installé.
Si rien ne se produit, veuillez lancer vous-même le lanceur.

Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.


UTC 2 : 4 27 juil. 2024
CEST 4 : 4 27 juil. 2024
PDT 19 : 4 26 juil. 2024
EDT 22 : 4 26 juil. 2024
Disconnects during Abyss
2 févr. 2023, 14:29 (UTC)
412 1
Dernière modification : 2 févr. 2023, 14:29 (UTC)
# 1

I JUST started doing the Abyss, and what a hot mess, I must have disconnected 18 times trying to do this .

I have read on Reddit or someplace else people were having the same issues so I did not try until now thinking from release to now things might have been

ironed out.......well no, they have not.

I can say I am not entirely surprised, but shocked this seems to still occur being out for this amount of time.

My feedback would be, to not make so many layers upon layers in this game and not go back and tweek what you have already.

This was a frustrating experience , ( not the end of the world ) I dont like restarting my game over and over again JUST to get 10 minutes of gametime before I restart again.

This feels very messy, lazy, and just not entertaining. I am glad you only have to do it once, hit it and quit it, because I just cant imgine doing this multiple times without running out of vodka.

thanks for your time.


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