Black Desert va commencer dans quelques instants.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert si le jeu ne se lance pas.

Installez le lanceur Black Desert pour lancer le jeu.

Le jeu sera lancé si le lanceur est déjà installé.
Si rien ne se produit, veuillez lancer vous-même le lanceur.

Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.


UTC 2 : 9 27 juil. 2024
CEST 4 : 9 27 juil. 2024
PDT 19 : 9 26 juil. 2024
EDT 22 : 9 26 juil. 2024
Dim Magical Crystals
5 févr. 2023, 13:09 (UTC)
1995 2
Dernière modification : 5 févr. 2023, 13:09 (UTC)
# 1

Hey :)

With the new crystal setup, the Dim Magicl Crystals are actually worth using when lifeskilling.

The only problem is, they are all out of stock on the MP, and they are not obtainable after doing the 1 time family quest.

Is there any other, secret way of obtaining then? or does anyone know if PA have any idea of implementing other ways to optain them?

Dernière modification : 6 févr. 2023, 00:51 (UTC)
# 2

Hello, you posted in a Tips and guide section of the forums which is meant for tips / guides. In the future you should defer your questions over to The Oasis of Knowledge.

For knowledge specific items you can try BDOCodex and for this item in particular it's

If you scroll down you can see how to obtain it and it says

1. [Level 20] Now It Gets Interesting...

2. You reached [Farming Apprentice]!

Unfortunately I don't know any other way.


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