Black Desert va commencer dans quelques instants.

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Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.


UTC 1 : 12 27 juil. 2024
CEST 3 : 12 27 juil. 2024
PDT 18 : 12 26 juil. 2024
EDT 21 : 12 26 juil. 2024
Adjust Seasonal Character's grinding spots drops to become more relevant.
15 mars 2023, 13:56 (UTC)
1800 13
1 2
Dernière modification : 15 mars 2023, 13:56 (UTC)
# 1

Valencia drops

Mobs that usually drop Ring of Crescent Guardian  >>>>  will now drop Tungrad Ring or Tungrad Earring

Mobs that usually drop Tungrad Ring/Earring >>> Black Distortion Earring

Mobs that usually drop Seraph Necklace >>>> Tungrad Necklace

Mobs that usually drop Centaur Belt >>>> Tungrad Belt


Mobs that drop Infinite Potion Pieces >>>> 300% increased chance to drop pity pieces on Season servers.

Increased drop rate for Eye of the Ruins Ring.     Kagtum Rings are now replaced with Eye of the Ruins Ring and drops on all 3 main dreighan grind zones.


Mobs that drop Infinite Potion Pieces >>>> 300% increased chance to drop pity pieces on Season servers.

Increased drop rate for Narc Earring.  Ronaros ring are now replaced with Narc Earring and drops on all 5 main below 250 AP Kama grind spots.

Protty Cave and Upper Sycrea Ruins

Now has a chance to drop all Tungrad Accessories.   Tungrad Drop rates increased by 300%.

Add a Teleport NPC on Velia, Protty Cave and Upper Sycrea Ruins.  This NPC will teleport ppl back and forth for 1million silver.

We need a reason to keep making seasonal chars other than increasing Combat Fame, Making World Boss alts. 

Dernière modification : 15 mars 2023, 14:45 (UTC)
# 2

Why should I made a seasonal char to farm ring that i can farm on main??? What Im missing here?

Dernière modification : 15 mars 2023, 16:35 (UTC)
# 3

heres a wild concept 

you dont need to make a seasonal character! 

if you feel u need to for the rewards then you dont need anything else changed :)

Dernière modification : 15 mars 2023, 19:21 (UTC)
# 4
On: Mar 15, 2023, 16:35 (UTC), Written by asdsadfas

heres a wild concept 

you dont need to make a seasonal character! 

if you feel u need to for the rewards then you dont need anything else changed :)

That's how I feel about seasons. I feel that season are rewarding enough to the point I might it a my BDO priority to complete each one. The amount of stuff that I get from season is satisfactory in my opinion. 

Dernière modification : 15 mars 2023, 20:35 (UTC)
# 5

What needs to actually be adjusted is the ordering of the region popup kill quests.  Season servers should have the kill 250/500 Tuvala material and accessory quests popup before / not be gated by the regular region Subjugation objectives.

Dernière modification : 15 mars 2023, 21:22 (UTC)
# 6
On: Mar 15, 2023, 20:35 (UTC), Written by hemulator

What needs to actually be adjusted is the ordering of the region popup kill quests.  Season servers should have the kill 250/500 Tuvala material and accessory quests popup before / not be gated by the regular region Subjugation objectives.

Thanks for bringing that up, that has bothered me for some time now.  Sounds like a bug, really.

13 1017
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 16 mars 2023, 13:45 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 15, 2023, 13:56 (UTC), Written by AwakenedKuno

Valencia drops

Mobs that usually drop Ring of Crescent Guardian  >>>>  will now drop Tungrad Ring or Tungrad Earring

Mobs that usually drop Tungrad Ring/Earring >>> Black Distortion Earring

Mobs that usually drop Seraph Necklace >>>> Tungrad Necklace

Mobs that usually drop Centaur Belt >>>> Tungrad Belt


Sure... Give another reason to the high geared players to farm at the low AP zones. So that the weakly geared can't grind there.


Seriously now: Big no to all of the suggestions.

Dernière modification : 16 mars 2023, 18:55 (UTC)
# 8

I logged in just to downvote this lol.

Dernière modification : 17 mars 2023, 16:41 (UTC)
# 9
On: Mar 15, 2023, 19:21 (UTC), Written by EgoAdAstra

That's how I feel about seasons. I feel that season are rewarding enough to the point I might it a my BDO priority to complete each one. The amount of stuff that I get from season is satisfactory in my opinion. 

same  the rewards are nice and it can easily be completed in under 12 hours if u know what ur doing

Dernière modification : 23 mars 2023, 08:30 (UTC)
# 10

What a terrible idea...


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