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UTC 1 : 57 27 juil. 2024
CEST 3 : 57 27 juil. 2024
PDT 18 : 57 26 juil. 2024
EDT 21 : 57 26 juil. 2024
Big Walking Tree In Treant
22 mars 2023, 04:36 (UTC)
1466 9
Dernière modification : 22 mars 2023, 04:36 (UTC)
# 1

The thing looks like it would be a blast to kill!
Question is why can't you?

Also im only about 400 quest in so is it involved with a quest?
Very interested in this guy because of his size. 


Dernière modification : 22 mars 2023, 06:37 (UTC)
# 2

Hi there, the big walking treant has always been a mystery. It cannot be attacked or killed, though id personally also think it would be interesting if that were to change at some point and become a world / field boss or similar. 

Dernière modification : 22 mars 2023, 17:47 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 22, 2023, 06:37 (UTC), Written by Minarya

Hi there, the big walking treant has always been a mystery. It cannot be attacked or killed, though id personally also think it would be interesting if that were to change at some point and become a world / field boss or similar. 

Maybe event one day, of the treants rising up and attacking Trent, or maybe, new Elvia Calpheon grind zone, could even give some side quest, where (Lore part incoming), Trent has to call for help from Calpheon, but, as usual, the corrupt parliament is too busy with stupid crap to do anything or do it in time to help at all, so you end up having to as usual, do it yourself. Maybe make that boss go enraged and attack the players once enough mobs have been grinded/the rng drop to make that happen drops (much like Turos or something).

Dernière modification : 22 mars 2023, 20:36 (UTC)
# 4

Why do we neeed to kill everything in the game?  Big friendly old treant, just minding its business, going from somewhere to nowhere.  Maybe some quests or discovery around it, but even then, sometimes mysteries should stay mysteries.

Maybe it's a lost Ent from LotR, looking for trees to herd, or hobbits to carry.

Silly adventurers. If they had their way there'd be nothing left of the world but rubble.  And we thought Illezra was bad.

13 1017
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 23 mars 2023, 02:48 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 22, 2023, 20:36 (UTC), Written by Entropoid

Why do we neeed to kill everything in the game?  Big friendly old treant, just minding its business, going from somewhere to nowhere.  Maybe some quests or discovery around it, but even then, sometimes mysteries should stay mysteries.

Maybe it's a lost Ent from LotR, looking for trees to herd, or hobbits to carry.

Silly adventurers. If they had their way there'd be nothing left of the world but rubble.  And we thought Illezra was bad.

I dont think we need to kill everything but maybe use the Big tree as a movement from one part to the other, Pay x to hitch onto the leg and be moved at a faster speed or something or even just the ability to attach and move around with it? I dont know.

Dernière modification : 24 mars 2023, 13:37 (UTC)
# 6

It's just empty npc with looped animation, nothing more. Most likely it's unfinished content or something, whole game is unfinished as hell. The team that made bd at first probably had a bigger plan to some areas, but with current team it's just there, looped npc and that was it.

Dernière modification : 24 mars 2023, 14:31 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 24, 2023, 13:37 (UTC), Written by UkrytyCień

It's just empty npc with looped animation, nothing more. Most likely it's unfinished content or something, whole game is unfinished as hell. The team that made bd at first probably had a bigger plan to some areas, but with current team it's just there, looped npc and that was it.

Yeah I remember playing back in April 2014, then open beta later the same year in Dec. AFter that I fell out of the loop. I think its cool. Most of the content is cool. Finished or unfinished.

Dernière modification : 28 mars 2023, 20:04 (UTC)
# 8

In some lore (not sure about BDO), there is a "master treant" that absorbs life from the forest and corrupts it. Perhaps this treat is one of those? Maybe it is creating treants nearby or perhaps it is just a monster that was supposed to be related to a quest but was never completed. Unfortunately, the mystery might never be answered unless there's enough demand and J is ready to answer this. Gah, now I want to know D:

Dernière modification : 28 mars 2023, 21:11 (UTC)
# 9
On: Mar 28, 2023, 20:04 (UTC), Written by Tooshaitopost

In some lore (not sure about BDO), there is a "master treant" that absorbs life from the forest and corrupts it. Perhaps this treat is one of those? Maybe it is creating treants nearby or perhaps it is just a monster that was supposed to be related to a quest but was never completed. Unfortunately, the mystery might never be answered unless there's enough demand and J is ready to answer this. Gah, now I want to know D:

nah his role it is to become fire wood for our little shai


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