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UTC 9 : 6 18 mai 2024
CEST 11 : 6 18 mai 2024
PDT 2 : 6 18 mai 2024
EDT 5 : 6 18 mai 2024
Pointless grinding "game"
13 oct. 2023, 23:09 (UTC)
1986 45
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Dernière modification : 20 oct. 2023, 19:05 (UTC)
# 41

OK many different topics and else beside the main topic.

But that said, one thing which I always was indeed annoyed:
Originally you'd grind better gear to grind somewhere where you couldn't grind before, to get XY Reward (like t is in many otrher games with dungeons or alike which BDO is completely lacking...).

! But now here in BDO you first do even need really good gear to even grind on the exact same spots which giving equal good gear, just mostly a bit more of bonuses...
It's not you have to grind with usual or worse gear to get better gear, to grind where you can better gear and so on or a similar thing to this.
* To admit compared to 5-6 years ago it was even much worse without season stuff and else before. But it's partly still the case.

For one example as the very first fallen god armor came in... You had to grind Turo, which was specified for 280ap, dunno how much DP and 2 player spot.
Means to reach 280ap and at that time you already had to have weaponry at full pen and accessoiries at least Tet- just for the fallen god armor, which is bassically equal to usual Boss on CP10 - just as I said a bit more bonus stats...

And now for the god shoes in the near future I heard you only get it on the new 320ap Territory.
Means you need to have already full BIS to get the shoes- for especially what?
Yes Exactly... you have to grind with the current stated perfect bis gear to get the item to create the new god shoes, and there is even nothing great to get from because it just increases a bit of "bonus stats".
Bassisaclly you can use your urugons on CP20 already and this will be better at first as the new shoes will be since they are just yet cp10 compared...

This is ridicolous odd.

15 88
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 20 oct. 2023, 19:47 (UTC)
# 42
On: Oct 20, 2023, 19:05 (UTC), Written by Veoh

OK many different topics and else beside the main topic.

But that said, one thing which I always was indeed annoyed:
Originally you'd grind better gear to grind somewhere where you couldn't grind before, to get XY Reward (like t is in many otrher games with dungeons or alike which BDO is completely lacking...).

! But now here in BDO you first do even need really good gear to even grind on the exact same spots which giving equal good gear, just mostly a bit more of bonuses...
It's not you have to grind with usual or worse gear to get better gear, to grind where you can better gear and so on or a similar thing to this.
* To admit compared to 5-6 years ago it was even much worse without season stuff and else before. But it's partly still the case.

For one example as the very first fallen god armor came in... You had to grind Turo, which was specified for 280ap, dunno how much DP and 2 player spot.
Means to reach 280ap and at that time you already had to have weaponry at full pen and accessoiries at least Tet- just for the fallen god armor, which is bassically equal to usual Boss on CP10 - just as I said a bit more bonus stats...

And now for the god shoes in the near future I heard you only get it on the new 320ap Territory.
Means you need to have already full BIS to get the shoes- for especially what?
Yes Exactly... you have to grind with the current stated perfect bis gear to get the item to create the new god shoes, and there is even nothing great to get from because it just increases a bit of "bonus stats".
Bassisaclly you can use your urugons on CP20 already and this will be better at first as the new shoes will be since they are just yet cp10 compared...

This is ridicolous odd.

The main reason they made this new area for end game shoes is to toss a bone to the % of players or end game players in the community.

The stats gained from Ators boots are only good once you move past duo.

That said hitting Tri or TET is little more than 3 and 6 dp respectively. 

If you are already helm,chest and gloves and over 401 dp literally Ators does almost zero for you except the 4 peice bonus. And again 3 to 6 dp and 150 hp and stam is not god tier stats.

Pretty much almost all content that is in game is capped and requires little more than full tavula from season.

Outside of that the free Pen magnus armor or the Pen accessory quest gives you enough ap/dp to grind at almost all end game content.

This includes current NW and Siege.

Continuing in circles killing mobs is for those that are trying actively to hit end game that's it.

This in my opinion is in part of what is killing the game. 

Many people have said it and I will repeat..

PA is unsure of who there target audience is. Though they may see a lot of people logging in the game itself feels like a barren wasteland with no interaction.

They have also dumbed down PVE content and the ability to get gear for inactive or casual players to the point that nothing is difficult or strived for.

PA is going to find out what happens to games that purely cater to casual inactive players.

Dernière modification : 20 oct. 2023, 23:23 (UTC)
# 43
On: Oct 18, 2023, 20:51 (UTC), Written by Zhaeph

I'm sorry that typing my experiences as a lifeskiller in response to his "Arsha is only full of 1% PvP players" makes you think that that is a "misplaced sense of justice/strawman argument/ad hominem attack" lmfao

 So "fairness" only works on other spots but not on treasure spots? well, would you look at that...i thought fairness should apply everywhere, no? since you want "a fair fight" between one player to another it should apply to every spot.

And just because 2 people are farming at a spot that doesn't mean they have the same gear. Let's take orcs for example, some classes work with less AP but they're killing slower. Don't tell me that if you see this player who kills slower on the spot you'll just go to him and dfs because you might think "Damn, this players kills slows, this spot is wasted on him" because this is mostly every PvP players attitude (there are some PvPrs that look at the person and they just look for another spot). No problem, since the "fairness" from the treasure spots got resolved with the new Marni changes so no more unfair fights occur.

Also, if 2 people are grinding at the same spot one of them must be wearing that "definitely not OP" evasion gear vs that "pls hit me" DR gear and since we all know that evasion gear is better i do wonder where "fair fight" goes to in this situation?

Not even close to what I said.  The reason I specifically brought up treasure spots is because of the fact that People of minimum gear or higher grind Treasure spots.  Orcs is not the "best spot" anymore nor is it even close.  You might have someone get bored and decide to grind Orcs with end game gear, but they can make more with less effort at "more dangerous spots" if they wanted.  Usually when you go to a spot like Orcs the Gear Score is withing a few points.  

Treasure item spots,  you get people who haven't yet got the treasure item that might be at or near hard cap, and people anywhere between that and minimal gear.  The spread will be higher every time not just the rare occasion when someone is bored.  

How do you even get to the point of thinking that asking someone for a DFS is the same in any way as just flagging up on someone or war decing them?  

You performed Olympic levels of mental Gymnastics to jump to all those conclusions from the 2 sentences I wrote.  Can we give this guy a Gold medal for Mental Gymnastics?

12 265
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Dernière modification : 25 oct. 2023, 15:02 (UTC)
# 45

I find it hillarious that all 4 doomsayers are here in this topic crying as usual how BDO is dead and actual people playing the game got so fed up they rose and started to slap them back over the wrist.

Also game is not dying (no matter how hard you wanna believe it) just becuase they took away PK griefing.

By all means go PK people, have your fun. But also eat the intended consequences which is Karma on your account. And no bypassing by one sided declares anymore.

Why is it always people scared of any kind of consuequences for their action who keep screaming about how something is unfair but loose their mind the second they themselves get placed on actual fair ground. SMH

10 121
Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 25 oct. 2023, 19:10 (UTC)
# 46
On: Oct 25, 2023, 15:02 (UTC), Written by Jaxir

I find it hillarious that all 4 doomsayers are here in this topic crying as usual how BDO is dead and actual people playing the game got so fed up they rose and started to slap them back over the wrist.

Also game is not dying (no matter how hard you wanna believe it) just becuase they took away PK griefing.

By all means go PK people, have your fun. But also eat the intended consequences which is Karma on your account. And no bypassing by one sided declares anymore.

Why is it always people scared of any kind of consuequences for their action who keep screaming about how something is unfair but loose their mind the second they themselves get placed on actual fair ground. SMH

My guild is full and has a waiting list.  We have plenty of pvp....on Arsha.  I got flagged for hours on a regular server last night.  Brave red players are running around.  Game seems quite lively to me!

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Dernière modification : 29 déc. 2023, 15:28 (UTC)
# 48

Totally agree with OP "AwakenedKuno"..

Imo most people play or lets better say afk the game (same as me again since few weeks), because the game has aside of the unique interactive combat combo-mechanics nothing entertaining to offer..

so that we won´t fall back progresswise to the hardcore fetishists, we do the afk-game (in hope the game gets better) .. 

But tbh it´s a utter disgrace that BDO calls itself a MMO.. BDO is and will always be a f*cking singleplayer afk simulator with 5% passive multiplayer interactions.. which is really sad..

and it is sad, that BDO gets kept alive by addictive stupid players (me incl.), who hope for better updates or changes to come on the game..

A MMO in general is fun and entertaining, has plenty interactive world-events in the game to offer, and most from the start on with friends or guildmates.. this has BDO not to offer and is lacking massivly..

aside of the terrible monotoneous grind, against mobs which have less IQ than patrick star

and the same monotoneous lifeskill stuff,

BDO has contentwise nothing fun to offer.. and the content what is there is just bad and boring.. 

Nodewars/Sieges/RBF you may wanna call it fun content, but it is inacessible to maybe 70% of the playerbase, for following reasons: 

- poor server quality (desync)

- players have not good enough hardware performance

- game requires high FPS for max dmg

- players cannot reach gear-stats

- players with handicap cannot play it efficiently due to constant "shift"-key combos and fast combos (combos cannot be changed to alternative button-combinations)

This so called content is already dead from start for this reasons, same as the rest of PVP content.

Margoria Content is and was always dead..

Why would anyone play margoria content, when grinding and lifeskilling is thousand times more rewarding. The end-game ships are not worth the hassle.. and a major waste of time.. there is no fun worthy sea-battles for guilds or players fighting over sea-nodes or sea-world-bosses.. 

Grind spots are boring and not really innovative, especially mobs are not really challenging..

the mob follow hit limitation is trash.. why only 10 mobs attackable and follow me, while in other mmos hundreds of mobs can be attacked at the same time and all get aggro.. this is freaking boring.. 

Aside of the mentioned PVP content, the multiplayer content is trash and not really fun..

nobody plays Atoraxxion, and if someone plays it, than the hardcore players who have their groups playin it in a speed-run, beginners who join randomly have no chance playing it, since they fall behind.. 

- only 3 dungeons in one, while other mmos have 20 or more..

The party for 5 player limitation makes the dungeon boring too.. other mmos have instances and dungeons playable with 10 or 20 people and a full guildgroup..

Party spots are same monotoneous as the terrible grind mentioned above.. 

Guilds have almost nothing to offer (aside of the mentioned PVP above)..

- random guildquests are trash,

- the silver is terrible (next year might be a little better with higher silver rewards for guilds and members), still it won´t change the random quest problem, were some weeks bosses might not be even playable, since the rng questsystem sucks and won´t give the needed mission.. 

- Guild Bonuses are also a joke, who cares for 50mil weekly silver if they can get 500mil per hour in centaurs.. 

Guild content in general is a joke and terrible..

what can we as a guild tell newbies what there is to offer in the guild?

- nothing.. silver, khan, vell, and 4 or 5 more bosses, while 4 of them are only weekly, the rest of the content quests can be all done solo in 15-30 min..

- and the guild drill, ship and elephant are useless..

there is no huge point for people to play guilds in this game, the social factor with emotes, music and beautification is not there, what could make guildlife at least a little more fun.. 

Empty End-Game?

All future content is still driven of that freaking empty end-game solotrash-gearprogressing silver grind.. once end-game is reached, nothing else to do.. Nodewar/Sieges/RBF, thats all.. and i don´t think that "War of Roses" will change that.. 

Were other games reward you in playing the end-game content, BDO gives you only tons of silver for nothing interesting or fun to spend on..

You can´t build a insane mansion for a fortune, you can´t buy unique impressive outfits for tons of silver (only 2 terrible end-game outfit choices), you can´t buy unique auras were others fear of your char, you can´t help your guild with building useful or fun guild interior from own funds (the guild houses are trash).. literally nothing to do and nothing to be a impressive person, while other MMOs have that multiple times.. why bdo can´t do that.. 

And when it comes to classes and variety of them, it´s also very very boring after a few months of playing and seeing always the same not interchangeable outfit selections, cash-shop rng colors, only female classes and a handful of male classes, locked genders.. this is just lame.. at least there is one ugly disgusting insane strong zerker class and a music playing shai, which give the game a little fun.. 

there is no real supporter class aside of shai.. in 80% of the content nobody needs supporter class, since the game is mainly focused on singleplayer content and most people can keep themselves alive.. 

when it comes to variety, it is very sad, that BDO is not offering a bloodwolf char, a dwarf char, a ahib char, fox, papu, otter char..

for me it looks like you PA are only copying what exists now.. copying one female class after another from existing classes and put some new skillsets over them..

this is just terrible and not worth a good game.. if PA is not changing massivly in BDO, than the game will die in the next few years slowly but steadily..

25 230
Lv 62
Dernière modification : 28 déc. 2023, 20:10 (UTC)
# 49

Pvp is not dead, ever hear of the arsha servers? its alive and well, enjoy

Dernière modification : 29 déc. 2023, 16:49 (UTC)
# 50
On: Oct 13, 2023, 23:09 (UTC), Written by AwakenedKuno

Cashshop - Sale after sale because nobody is buying anything.

I buy things :p

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