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Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.


UTC 8 : 56 24 mai 2024
CEST 10 : 56 24 mai 2024
PDT 1 : 56 24 mai 2024
EDT 4 : 56 24 mai 2024
Outdated E-buff and On skill HP-recovery for Succ Nova
22 oct. 2023, 06:59 (UTC)
581 3
Dernière modification : 22 oct. 2023, 06:59 (UTC)
# 1

Dear Developers,

I would like to offer some constructive feedback and suggestions for improvements to the Succession Nova class in the context of the upcoming PVE buffs. I believe that these changes can enhance the overall PVE gameplay experience for Succession Nova players. Here are my suggestions:

1. E-Buff

 -Recovery of 500 HP when using the skill is an abysmally low amount of hp recovery given that you can easily lose more hp while casting the spell than what u gained, furthermore a normal skill with hp recovery addon will give you way more hp recovery than a 3m CD ebuff, there being classes than can heal 50% of their hp with an attack with no addon/ebuff the ebuff hp recov seems way to outdated.
Change the HP recovery to be based on % of total hp, recover 60% hp ( Not asking much for a 3min CD skill) OR change to only 35% hp recovery to you and all the allies within a certain draw distance.

-All DP+20 first of all this amount is insufficient for nowadays PVP and doesnt help at all for hunting grounds, Change to +20 AP.
Critical Hit Rate +50%
can stay.

- Grab Resistance +30% should change to 20% all resistance to accomodate PVE and makes sense towards the 80% Resistance limit for PVP.

- DP reduction Nullify Is super vague, make the description more understandable.

- Deletes all DP reduction effects is non usable for PVE and mostly useless in most PVP situations, change to Deletes all Negative status effects to self and allies in the vicinity,
  The dp reduction effects are easy to be casted upon you again while casting your ebuff and that renders the effect useless anyway, one might say to give yourself a bit of distance and then cast your E-buff but by the time you have taken your distance the DP reduction effects would have been off already.

2. HP recovery (PVE hits only)

Succession Nova lacks HP recovery options in PVE, particularly in grind spots with high DP requirements. Even when you meet or even exceed the DP requirements you are still at mercy of the mobs because all main PVE skills having Super Armor status forces players to be constantly vigilant about their HP, impacting their damage output.

Introducing HP recovery on successful PVE hits, even with a cooldown or a condition, would enhance the class's sustainability and allow players to focus more on their offensive capabilities.

I hope these suggestions will be considered for the upcoming PVE buffs for Succession Nova, contributing to a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.

Thank you for your attention to these ideas, and I look forward to seeing how they might be implemented in the future.



Dernière modification : 22 oct. 2023, 18:13 (UTC)
# 2

As a Nova main I'll say that I'm 100% fine with the current E buff. I welcome the tankiness.

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Dernière modification : 26 oct. 2023, 05:44 (UTC)
# 4

Still, she needs better HP recovery.


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