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Guide d'installation

1 Exécutez BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe pour installer le lanceur Black Desert.

2 Lancez le jeu une fois l'installation terminée.


UTC 0 : 58 21 sept. 2024
CEST 2 : 58 21 sept. 2024
PDT 17 : 58 20 sept. 2024
EDT 20 : 58 20 sept. 2024
OPEN DISCUSSION - What's one thing you love about Black Desert Online & one thing you hate ?
30 mars 2024, 05:00 (UTC)
3422 49
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Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 05:00 (UTC)
# 1

Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening y'all, as the title suggests, I kinda wanna indulge in some active community building on the forums & I'd like for us to have more open ended conversations here: (Im gonna state one thing I love about BDO & why, and one thing I hate & why, and if you're reading this i'd like for you to do so as well(if you dont like anything, then state two things you hate, and if you dont hate anything, state two things you like.(doesnt have to be super long or anything, it can be short and sweet))))

I'll start it off by stating something I think alot of people will agree with me here which isssss the character creator; I absolutely adore the level of customization thats available albeit there is room for much improvement, *cough, cough* * better tattoos, more hairstyles & improved textures* its still what made me intially fall in love with the game. Was I hooked on the game before I even did the tutorial? Yes, yes I was. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum; I hate how solo-oriented BDO is. Coming from previous MMO's where its essentially a necessity to adventure in a party in order to progress, participate in the best end - game content, raids, playing BDO really shook me up. I struggled with learning all the little nuances at first but it was fun nonetheless. No one really bothers you and you kinda do your own thing, but after awhile I knew my heart yearned for that exciting PVE group play experience. Eventually the sad reality came to fruition though, which is most content in the game can be done solo, & even if you wanna party up for fun, the game still has various ways to punish you for doing so. Im all for you lone wolf players but those of us who prefer to hunt in packs should be able to do so without hindering our progression <3

*If you made it here I salute you, Tell me where your heart lies with the game at the moment, dont be shy!*

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 06:05 (UTC)
# 2

Love:  Flashy action combat, without it I wouldn't be playing this game.  BDO has ruined combat in other MMO's for me, they just don't feel as satisfying.  I've quit this game many times throughout the years, but I keep coming back because the action combat is just top of the tier in the MMO genre.  You can nitpick about combat in this game, like desync, lag in large scale siege, etc.. but other MMO's have to deal with similar issues or worse.  Ever been in a large scale 3 way GW2 WvW combat in recent years?  Yeah your skills don't fire off at all, they just flash and all you can do is auto attack, no joke.

Hate:  Sorry but I'm listing two things because they tie in probably most people's hate lists.  1) the gear enhancement system where you downgrade and lose progress, nobody likes it, I've lost so many friends over this one thing over the years including a whole GW2 guild that we brought over, they all loved the combat, the world, characters, classes, fashion, etc.. but they just couldn't stand the enhancement system. 

And 2) solo circle grinding as the only viable way to earn enough money to gear up and progress.  This only gets worse as you get into endgame gearing.  PA must be watching all these big streamers that grind for 5 hours a day thinking that's what everybody else loves to do.  No sirs, maybe your top 1% of playerbase enjoys it, because they're gearchecking everybody else with it in tournaments & uncapped content.  But for the rest of your 95%+ (majority of your playerbase) absolutely hate the solo circle grind content.  Please stop this, give us more ways to progress than solo circle grind, you're losing players to something that should be a simple fix.  Just open your eyes and look at how other MMO's are occupying their player's time.  Not advocating to get rid of solo grinding at all, but there should be other viable options that is equally rewarding outside of solo circle grinding.

Lv Privé
Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 12:15 (UTC)
# 3

LOVE: Key-combo action combat.

HATE: Gear unbalanced PvP!!! XD

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 16:35 (UTC)
# 4
On: Mar 30, 2024, 06:05 (UTC), Written by Gavyne

Love:  Flashy action combat, without it I wouldn't be playing this game.  BDO has ruined combat in other MMO's for me, they just don't feel as satisfying.  I've quit this game many times throughout the years, but I keep coming back because the action combat is just top of the tier in the MMO genre.  You can nitpick about combat in this game, like desync, lag in large scale siege, etc.. but other MMO's have to deal with similar issues or worse.  Ever been in a large scale 3 way GW2 WvW combat in recent years?  Yeah your skills don't fire off at all, they just flash and all you can do is auto attack, no joke.

Hate:  Sorry but I'm listing two things because they tie in probably most people's hate lists.  1) the gear enhancement system where you downgrade and lose progress, nobody likes it, I've lost so many friends over this one thing over the years including a whole GW2 guild that we brought over, they all loved the combat, the world, characters, classes, fashion, etc.. but they just couldn't stand the enhancement system. 

And 2) solo circle grinding as the only viable way to earn enough money to gear up and progress.  This only gets worse as you get into endgame gearing.  PA must be watching all these big streamers that grind for 5 hours a day thinking that's what everybody else loves to do.  No sirs, maybe your top 1% of playerbase enjoys it, because they're gearchecking everybody else with it in tournaments & uncapped content.  But for the rest of your 95%+ (majority of your playerbase) absolutely hate the solo circle grind content.  Please stop this, give us more ways to progress than solo circle grind, you're losing players to something that should be a simple fix.  Just open your eyes and look at how other MMO's are occupying their player's time.  Not advocating to get rid of solo grinding at all, but there should be other viable options that is equally rewarding outside of solo circle grinding.

Totally agree with you on everything here Gav! 

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 16:38 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 30, 2024, 12:15 (UTC), Written by FredekXD

LOVE: Key-combo action combat.

HATE: Gear unbalanced PvP!!! XD

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 23:22 (UTC)
# 6

Love: The vastness of the horse mounts.
Most mmos if you have a mount all you do is summon it and it moves at a set speed. Sometimes it can fly but it is usually just floating at a set speed through the air, same as walking just in the air. Bdo went above and beyond that with mounts being tamed in the wild, bred, taught skills, being able to train those skills, putting each individual horse on a wagon, having costumes and gear for those horses, having the choice of a variety of appearances for those horses too (though less so now). Being able to pet them, to dismount them anywhere and walk up to them immersively instead of just summoning them out of thin air. 

Hate: The obsession with placing rng into every little thing.
If it can be rng'd it will be rng'd and it will have more rng added to that rng. It ruins the fun aspect of pretty much everything that gets released in the game. Things that don't even apply to your progression has rng in it (like fairy personality). And then they use this rng to push people into the cash shop (horse skills). I understand that they use rng to make content last longer so they don't have to replace it as quickly. Most mmos have to replace gear almost on a monthly basis because of how easy their gear is to obtain. I'm not saying they have to remove RNG entirely, but little things that rng exists for where it really has no business being (or should I say only has business being... because it exists to send you to the cash shop) I wish it didn't. It's at the point where I find myself fearing them adding more features to the game than actually wanting more, because I know they'll add it in a way that will be so full of RNG that the fun is lost and it becomes more of a burden in the game than actual content.

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 17:15 (UTC)
# 7

Love: The beautiful design of the bdo world.

Hate: If the dev team would simply put in 50% more effort, the whole game would be 3x more fun to play.

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 17:38 (UTC)
# 8

Love: How the game is beautiful and induces you to take tons of screenshots (I think I really have a problem about it ♥).

Hate: As a beginner player... well there's too much information appearing on the chat and other UI about unknown people and what they're doing... and no information about how to turn that off easily. I'm not interested if xxSomeoneThatIDon'tKnownxx got a new item or achieved something. These things should come disabled by default.

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 18:49 (UTC)
# 9
On: Mar 30, 2024, 17:05 (UTC), Written by Ventesa

Love: The vastness of the horse mounts.
Most mmos if you have a mount all you do is summon it and it moves at a set speed. Sometimes it can fly but it is usually just floating at a set speed through the air, same as walking just in the air. Bdo went above and beyond that with mounts being tamed in the wild, bred, taught skills, being able to train those skills, putting each individual horse on a wagon, having costumes and gear for those horses, having the choice of a variety of appearances for those horses too (though less so now). Being able to pet them, to dismount them anywhere and walk up to them immersively instead of just summoning them out of thin air. 

Hate: The obession with placing rng into every little thing.
If it can be rng'd it will be rng'd and it will have more rng added to that rng. It ruins the fun aspect of pretty much everything that gets released in the game. Things that don't even apply to your progression has rng in it (like fairy personality). And then they use this rng to push people into the cash shop (horse skills). I understand that they use rng to make content last longer so they don't have to replace it as quickly. Most mmos have to replace gear almost on a monthly basis because of how easy their gear is to obtain. I'm not saying they have to remove RNG entirely, but little things that rng exists for where it really has no business being (or should I say only has business being... because it exists to send you to the cash shop) I wish it didn't. It's at the point where I find myself fearing them adding more features to the game than actually wanting more, because I know they'll add it in a way that will be so full of RNG that the fun is lost and it becomes more of a burden in the game than actual content.

I totally agree, the mount system is AMAZING, of course I wish there was a little bit more diversity in terms of being able to ride things like Ferrina's or tame certain wild mobs and turn them into rideable mounts LOL. But yeah don't get me started on the RNG, I feel like alot of us are just tired with it at this point 

Dernière modification : 30 mars 2024, 18:55 (UTC)
# 10
On: Mar 30, 2024, 17:15 (UTC), Written by SeedofYggdrasil

Love: The beautiful design of the bdo world.

Hate: If the dev team would simply put in 50% more effort, the whole game would be 3x more fun to play.

20%**** but as a wise person once said, "Devs in Korea & Speak Korean UwU" haha. But you're so right though, idk if its just me but the game has been feeling soo lackluster latelyyy

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