Came back from AFK fishing the other day and went to check my storage. I was told I reported the merchant's guild somehow and I had to make up for it. I was confused as I was able to use the storage earlier that day. I tried to do what I could figure out to restore storage and it try to lead my fishing parked alt, a level 17 character, to Grana or something.
I switched characters to a level 57 character (YOU ARE LEVEL 57 POP UP DID YOU KNOW YOU'RE LEVEL 57 BTW? YOU'RE LEVEL 57!) and got the quest to go a 100G Bar to Enrique Encarotia instead. I am confused, as I haven't touched any of the quests it mentions in the chain and I am not even over there yet on this new account my furthest story on any character is the start of Mediah.
I don't remember this issue on my old account and I am very confused how this happened. Did I miss something somewhere or is this a bug causing this trigger to occur at the wrong time? I can't tell if it is a bug or not and I don't want to report it if I am just missing something.