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UTC 12 : 17 18. Mai 2024
CEST 14 : 17 18. Mai 2024
PDT 5 : 17 18. Mai 2024
EDT 8 : 17 18. Mai 2024
#Meinung #Community_Support
The Saga of Sadge Sage and PA's class balance inconsistencies (Part 3)
25. Sep 2021, 06:04 (UTC)
2118 12
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Okt 2021, 15:19 (UTC)
# 1


The largest fear within the sage community has become a blatant reality.

We got nerfed extremely hard, just as older classes are being buffed extremely hard.

Problems that persisted on sage and got him debilitatingly nerfed have existed on other classes for years, and through these reworks are being STRENGTHENED.

I'll be extremely brief with this. 

Awakening Sage (in PA's own words) Received it's debilitating nerf due to being able to avoid damage then attack directly after.  Which if you took a few moments to think about, every class in the game has some form of the same thing. Some much more than others, so lets use BDO's favorite class. Sorc.

For years sorc has been a pain to the community. Their ability to rapidly iframe freely, then immediately dish out obliterating damage in large AOE has always been a problem.
And when given the chance to finally correct the problem of them having too much damage and no counterplay to their iframes, the devs decide to directly buff their protection with more iframes, and buff their damage alongside it. 
So tell me, why does a class that has very clear handicaps to how often it can iframe, and has to make drastic sacrifices in order to stay protected deserve to have it's protections removed, then on the other hand a class that has to sacrifice nothing whatsoever and still stay completely invulnerable while dealing absurd amounts of damage remains untouched, and in fact receives insane buffs to be able to do what has been deemed a problem within the game to a much larger extent?

And now a message directly to PA

The Sage community is rapidly dying. Quite frankly no one has any hope that the class will survive up against not only the current roster of classes, as well as their reworked versions that will release soon. You completely lost sight of what you wanted sage to be. You nerfed him in both specs repeatedly in ways that contradict the stances you've chosen to take as well as the new classes you choose to release and rework. You said that you would stay vigilant and carefully listen to the sage community for feedback on how we felt about the changes. We gave you the feedback. We've been ridiculed for it constantly, and put ourselves up for mocking by the community in order to do so. And in return we've received nothing. Not even a subtle acknowledgement.  You've forgotten about the Sage community entirely.  

Ignore any typo's in this as it took 3hrs to write.

Also, if this counts as spamming the forums i apologize. but there was no other way to voice this opinion and I had a lot to say.

Also I'm an idiot for writing this much when it's most likely not going to be read by anyone from PA or even a GM.  LUL

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Sep 2021, 16:23 (UTC)
# 2

But Sage "FOTM" OP Powerful lol...I hate that argument....Only "FOTM" OP Powerful class in BDO history to not comprise 75% of Guilds like Casters still do. I agree with what you said, I mean even the discord is dead now...Same 6 or 7 Sages since launch, all the new ones come and go leaving comments like - 


"I was in ba last night for a few hours dueling a succ striker and awak ninja friends. I felt like throwing my keyboard out the window, and I out gear both of them"

"I get grabbed out of everything because most of the skills literally take you to enemy player without iframe"

"Why am I getting grabbed in Divine?"

"Impalling Flash iframe doesn't work. I get 1 shot if it doesn't cancel perfectly into the .25 sec iframe"

"Why does this class have the highest stamina cost and bolt is not spammable"

"Impaling Keeps making me fall through the map"

"I regret tagging this class, it's dogwater"

"Can you get refunds for weight if you just bought on Seasons but don't like the class?"


Sage Discord is a dark place, understandably so. I'd be kind of pissed too if I spent 100's of hours getting gear to be wipped no brainer style in a DFS on Succ Sage, one of, if not the worst 1v1 class in the game. And Awa side, nothing like having shitty pack to pack movement that drains your stam in the fist 10 seconds or less of kiting to only have skills left that literally take you to target w/o iframe to avoid grab. Pretty infuriating when a Striker can literally out run you...or a Sorc out iframe you...but even having bolt off cd iframe too much. Meanwhile, Sorc gets it added to Awa kit and doesn't have nearly as much, "Deliver self to target unprotected" bs Awa Sage does.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Sep 2021, 00:34 (UTC)
# 3
On: Sep 25, 2021, 16:13 (UTC), Written by Jenisiz

But Sage "FOTM" OP Powerful lol...I hate that argument....Only "FOTM" OP Powerful class in BDO history to not comprise 75% of Guilds like Casters still do. I agree with what you said, I mean even the discord is dead now...Same 6 or 7 Sages since launch, all the new ones come and go leaving comments like - 


"I was in ba last night for a few hours dueling a succ striker and awak ninja friends. I felt like throwing my keyboard out the window, and I out gear both of them"

"I get grabbed out of everything because most of the skills literally take you to enemy player without iframe"

"Why am I getting grabbed in Divine?"

"Impalling Flash iframe doesn't work. I get 1 shot if it doesn't cancel perfectly into the .25 sec iframe"

"Why does this class have the highest stamina cost and bolt is not spammable"

"Impaling Keeps making me fall through the map"

"I regret tagging this class, it's dogwater"

"Can you get refunds for weight if you just bought on Seasons but don't like the class?"


Sage Discord is a dark place, understandably so. I'd be kind of pissed too if I spent 100's of hours getting gear to be wipped no brainer style in a DFS on Succ Sage, one of, if not the worst 1v1 class in the game. And Awa side, nothing like having shitty pack to pack movement that drains your stam in the fist 10 seconds or less of kiting to only have skills left that literally take you to target w/o iframe to avoid grab. Pretty infuriating when a Striker can literally out run you...or a Sorc out iframe you...but even having bolt off cd iframe too much. Meanwhile, Sorc gets it added to Awa kit and doesn't have nearly as much, "Deliver self to target unprotected" bs Awa Sage does.

thanks for the response man, and yeah. We're currently in the dark ages of sage haha. Hopefully this gets at least someones attention.

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Okt 2021, 15:20 (UTC)
# 6

The post above is literally the reason why sage is in the state that it is. It became a meme nerf and the developers will keep on nerfing it further just to keep the trolls happy. Meanwhile Sorc, Ninja, CORSAIR, are full int diving into balls, dealing insane damage and staying fully protected. Makes no sense, yet SAGE is OP, a rat with NO IFRAME in the awakening kit (Implaing is horrible, and 3 outta 10 times i am getting stuck in a structure or falling through the map, Divine has a .50 second iframe in the only place where 95% of the classes can't hit it regardless, useless.) No Protected KDs (unless you use the core skill to get a forward guard on EB with a float, or 50% of your BSR). People think sage is OP until they actually play the kit and immidiately re-roll off. Meanwhile people that actually like that class have to sit here getting nerf'd patch after patch becuase the majority player base doesn't know any better. There are alot of other classes (CORSAIR!!!, SORC, SUCC NOVA, ninja) that could use a nerf. Sage isn't one of them. 

IMO: Give Spearbolt SA with linger on core skill, and you balanced awakening Sage. Atleast then he will be able to rat out effectively but still be made of tissue paper.

If you think otherwise take a trail sage to RBF, see what a 350 DP sage feels like. After your done getting frustrated for an hour cuz every class is popping you in two skills, and you have to int hard without protections to be of any use, come back and say that Sage is OP and needs more nerfs.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Okt 2021, 15:22 (UTC)
# 7
On: Oct 5, 2021, 05:48 (UTC), Written by RocketG

The post above is literally the reason why sage is in the state that it is. It became a meme nerf and the developers will keep on nerfing it further just to keep the trolls happy. Meanwhile Sorc, Ninja, CORSAIR, are full int diving into balls, dealing insane damage and staying fully protected. Makes no sense, yet SAGE is OP, a rat with NO IFRAME in the awakening kit (Implaing is horrible, and 3 outta 10 times i am getting stuck in a structure or falling through the map, Divine has a .50 second iframe in the only place where 95% of the classes can't hit it regardless, useless.) No Protected KDs (unless you use the core skill to get a forward guard on EB with a float, or 50% of your BSR). People think sage is OP until they actually play the kit and immidiately re-roll off. Meanwhile people that actually like that class have to sit here getting nerf'd patch after patch becuase the majority player base doesn't know any better. There are alot of other classes (CORSAIR!!!, SORC, SUCC NOVA, ninja) that could use a nerf. Sage isn't one of them. 

IMO: Give Spearbolt SA with linger on core skill, and you balanced awakening Sage. Atleast then he will be able to rat out effectively but still be made of tissue paper.

If you think otherwise take a trail sage to BA, see what a 350 DP sage feels like. After your done getting frustrated for an hour cuz every class is popping you in two skills, and you have to int hard without protections to be of any use, come back and say that Sage is OP and needs more nerfs.


100% agree. It's tragic that we're left in this state with no end in sight or any acknowledgement.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Okt 2021, 23:20 (UTC)
# 8

The fact sages are crying for a sorc nerf, shows how delusional their playerbase is.


There is a reason you barely see any sorcs on end game pvp guilds but sages were dimes a dozen before the nerf went through, learn how to play your now balanced class and stop crying


If you think sorc does a lot of damage, try getting some dp first, might even help you survive as a sage in the first place and notice how your class is still strong if played well 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Okt 2021, 00:00 (UTC)
# 9
On: Oct 6, 2021, 23:19 (UTC), Written by ChickenSan

The fact sages are crying for a sorc nerf, shows how delusional their playerbase is.


There is a reason you barely see any sorcs on end game pvp guilds but sages were dimes a dozen before the nerf went through, learn how to play your now balanced class and stop crying


If you think sorc does a lot of damage, try getting some dp first, might even help you survive as a sage in the first place and notice how your class is still strong if played well 


I have 353 DP in open world, Friends of mine have 370 and 380 DP they all can attest that they get half combo'd by most classes, sages aren't tanky at any DP unless you are a gearlet. I am coming from a place of experience a sage's surviability doesn't come from our DP its our movement we die pretty easily otherwise. 

Are you stating that a class that can go into a full Iframe to cast a protected CC to slip right back into an iframe to cast a ranged CC to slip in another Iframe and rotate doesn't need to be scaled back? For comparison Sage at it's best didn't even have a full protected Iframe in its awekning kit. The dash was a SA | IFrame | SA worse than Sorc already and then tuned back to not be invisible anymore and full SA. I don't even want the Iframe back. I understand why it was removed.

(Maybe if it was iframe for a split second at the start of the dash to stop the desync grab animations that pull you back in after you dashed away but lets other classes get chip damage during the movement. That would be nice but idk if that would solve the desync grab issue.)

Sorc for sure needs to be scaled back, not the damage but the invisbile iframe. IMO sorc could use more damage, but this isn't a thread about sorc's. My point is that Sage isn't overpowered anymore and could use some subtle tweaks to actually be a balanced class not more nerfs. There are other classes out there in the meta that are overtunned, Sage not being one of them.
IMO any class that can rotate prema Iframes should have that ability scaled back. Including Sage, EVEN RANGER sorry succ rangers I know life is hard. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 18:50 (UTC)
# 10
On: Oct 11, 2021, 23:57 (UTC), Written by RocketG

I have 353 DP in open world, Friends of mine have 370 and 380 DP they all can attest that they get half combo'd by most classes, sages aren't tanky at any DP unless you are a gearlet. I am coming from a place of experience a sage's surviability doesn't come from our DP its our movement we die pretty easily otherwise. 

Are you stating that a class that can go into a full Iframe to cast a protected CC to slip right back into an iframe to cast a ranged CC to slip in another Iframe and rotate doesn't need to be scaled back? For comparison Sage at it's best didn't even have a full protected Iframe in its awekning kit. The dash was a SA | IFrame | SA worse than Sorc already and then tuned back to not be invisible anymore and full SA. I don't even want the Iframe back. I understand why it was removed.

(Maybe if it was iframe for a split second at the start of the dash to stop the desync grab animations that pull you back in after you dashed away but lets other classes get chip damage during the movement. That would be nice but idk if that would solve the desync grab issue.)

Sorc for sure needs to be scaled back, not the damage but the invisbile iframe. IMO sorc could use more damage, but this isn't a thread about sorc's. My point is that Sage isn't overpowered anymore and could use some subtle tweaks to actually be a balanced class not more nerfs. There are other classes out there in the meta that are overtunned, Sage not being one of them.
IMO any class that can rotate prema Iframes should have that ability scaled back. Including Sage, EVEN RANGER sorry succ rangers I know life is hard. 


Fair point

1 2


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