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UTC 23 : 58 20. Sep 2024
CEST 1 : 58 21. Sep 2024
PDT 16 : 58 20. Sep 2024
EDT 19 : 58 20. Sep 2024
Dark Knight Reboot: Additional Change Request to Overlooked Aspects of Kit
16. Okt 2021, 09:56 (UTC)
1354 7
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 13:32 (UTC)
# 1

Hia there,


Veteran Dark Knight Player here with some thoughts on the Dark Knight Reboot.  First off, I’d like to say that all in all the reboot for Dark Knight thus far is better than satisfactory and I’m happy with it.  We got some much-needed changes where Chain Dusk is concerned, as well as some cleaned up animations and linkages between skills that look to be good improvements.  I’m not going to complain about any of the changes we got because in my opinion many of them were the “correct” changes.  Instead, what I want to do is point out some overlooked aspects of Dark Knights kit and give a few additional changes or improvement suggestions in the hopes the Devs (Pearl Abyss) will address these issues as well during the reboot period.


So here goes.

Disclaimer: these are my personal feelings about these two skills and the ideas I have for them.  My only goal here it to bring to light that which has been overlooked in Dark Knights kit and provide my thoughts.


Spirit Satiation (Mainhand Skill)


  • This skill appears to have been completely overlooked. In its current state it is a channeled skill that is completely unprotected and regenerates a worthless amount of HP and MP per tick.
  • My suggestion (or request) change skill to be additional passive HP/MP regeneration with a bonus HP/MP amount for targets within X distance marked by Imperious Command (HP/MP per second = Base amount * number of Marked targets within proximity). Alternatively, change skill to work off of Imperious Command Mark explosions (HP/MP regained = Base amount * number of marked Explosions).  Specific amounts is a balancing issue that PA would have to figure out.
  • I would love to see the skill interact with other skills in DKs kit.  However, I would be fine if they left the skill unprotected and drastically increase HP/MP regeneration to something similar to Guardians Black Blood Circle skill.  Anything extra to allow Dark Knight to regenerate some HP and get back into the fray during PVP content quicker would be a huge improvment.  In this skills’ current state, it regenerates 30HP and 90MP per about 1 second tick.  A 2 second instant potion heals 275hp, that’s about 4.6 times the amount of HP spirit satiation gives per second for standing there unprotected, unable to move, channeling an active skill.  PA, please help...

Vedir’s Dogma (Mainhand Skill)


  • This skill is also in a terrible state, and also overlooked. Toggle on/off mana drain (which is negligible) for 20% additional damage to 3 Dark Knight skills that nobody or very few people ever use.  To add insult to injury the skill will also toggle itself off if you leave Mainhand combat stance to transition into awakening.
  • My suggestion, change skill to something interesting, engaging, and/or useful that remains toggled on when there is resource to be consumed regardless of stance.
  • One potential change to the skills effects could be to change resource consumed during channel to Black Spirit Rage and add special effects to certain used skills in the Mainhand/awakening kits respectively.  This would make the skill similar to say Accel for Nova or the Mists effects for Corsair.  Effects for BSR consumption could be considerable if skill drains BSR quickly or minimal if the skill uses very little BSR.  I would like the former, high cost, high rewards or different levels of toggle for different effects.  This would also make Vedir’s Dogma a trade off because the player would have to pick between BSR consumption/BSR skills 10/25/50/100, and using Vedir’s Dogma.  It would also be a cool unique option that only Dark Knight would be privy to.
  • Some potential effect ideas: HP on hit, Wounding effect on target, Extra damage to block gauge/damage penetration through block guage, prevent opponent use of BSR for x time (maybe, but keep time low), increase grab resistance or all resistances while channeling.  Additional suggestions are very welcome!  I would just like to see Vedir's Dogma become a skill worth thinking about.


These are just some ideas!  If anyone has other interesting ideas about these skills or others, I’d love for them to share in the comments.


Thank you for reading!





P.S. please remove the Stun on Absolute Hidden Strike and replace it with a stiff or protection so I can unlock it.  It being there breaks some of my cc chains because of cc limit >.> thanks!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 10:49 (UTC)
# 2

Whether they change those abilities or not, it doesn't change anything.

Lot of classes have a similarly useless self healing like SS. Yeah, if this would be a decent game it would scale with either max hp or AP, but unless they would make it really broken, still noone would use it as it's a waste of time (so money) to stand still and heal. Potions are nearly free and have basically no CD. You lose more silver by standing still to heal than what you woudl've grind if you just pot.


And the other is a dead idea from the start. This game have no resource managment. Again you can just have your fairy auto use mana, and you never gonna run out anyway, this makes such mechanisms pointless.

Realistically they could make it into some burst cd instead, but we already have two, so that would be pointless aswell.

The only buff that ability needs is allowing to be used with awa weapon, so that one would also glow.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 12:47 (UTC)
# 3

Didn't the devs also talk about old classes and their useless passives and wanted to make them more unique like Gaurdian's and such?


Why not buff Imperious Command and make it a passive ability?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 13:29 (UTC)
# 4
On: Oct 16, 2021, 12:47 (UTC), Written by Ghoulz

Didn't the devs also talk about old classes and their useless passives and wanted to make them more unique like Gaurdian's and such?


Why not buff Imperious Command and make it a passive ability?


They sorta kinda adjusted some of the older classes passives a few months back.  mostly the obsurd ones like Rangers passive that had levels up into the character lvl90s.  They made each class have 10 or 20 levels to passives and each classes passives cap out at lvl63.


If I recall correctly they also said they would be giving every class its own unique trait.  similar to how Hash can run in the desert , Sage can enter ancient ruins for free, and Corsair has ship stat bonus/mermaid swimming.  But it doesnt seem like they are doing that at all now unless they are holding them all to the end of the reboot....


So the way Imperious command works is you can either trigger trap explosion via hotkey/keybind or marks will explode when you land a Kamasylve Slash or Corrupt Ground on the marked target.  I personally keep Imperious command locked and only get the marked damage on Kama Slash because Corrupt Ground is pretty bad.  This makes Imperious a passive skill in my case, though it would be nice if they expanded the skill selection for mark explosion a bit to maybe two other skills.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 23:30 (UTC)
# 5

I shared this previously in DK Discords (Shrine of Vedir), I am seeing a similar idea here as well, so to refine my suggestion...


Category: Succ
Subject: Imperious Command turns into Imperious Withering

Description: Any opponent infected by Imperious Command's debuff, after it is exploded, can not regenerate shield for 12 seconds.


and/or similarly 


Category: Succ
Subject: Vedir's Dogma turns into Vedir's Withering

Description: When you activate Vedir's Dogma, some skills that formerly did more damage will instead debuff opponents where they can't get into SA for 10 seconds.


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 23:44 (UTC)
# 6
On: Oct 16, 2021, 23:30 (UTC), Written by Mentat


Category: Succ
Subject: Vedir's Dogma turns into Vedir's Withering

Description: When you activate Vedir's Dogma, some skills that formerly did more damage will instead debuff opponents where they can't get into SA for 10 seconds.



lamo surely they will do someting broken like this.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Okt 2021, 23:55 (UTC)
# 7

I think it's a shame they didn't do anything further with her marking abilities. Really cool concept on first glance but limited once you'd acquired all of her skills.

The reworks were a prime opportunity to elaborate and make it more prevalent across other skills, but they just left it behind. 


The changes they did go through with look real nice though.

26 122

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