Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 28 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 28 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 28 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 28 26. Jul 2024
Polish up controller support & UI issues
14. Mrz 2023, 00:35 (UTC)
1056 9
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mrz 2023, 14:26 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: GloryGaming

Region (NA/EU): NA

We have had the console controller UI for awhile now, and while it's pretty good for most things it still has some issues that need to be sorted out.

1.) Despite saving settings to the settings archive, UI will still get reset occasionally (both controller and K&M) along with keybinds/ring menu settings

2.) You cannot navigate the CM effectively without a mouse while using a controller 

3.) the constant swapping back and forth from your main hand to awakening while trying to access a menu with the Y button.

Plus I'm sure there are more that I am probably not aware of, but it just needs a little more TLC

Please add any other Controller/UI issues you may have


4.) If you disable the "kick from menu" settings for when you are being attacked, you will still get booted from your map and from the channel select menus when using a controller. 

5.) Joining a party is almost impossible. In the join party menu, it just lists the server name as NA_..., so you have no idea what server it is, and in keybourd UI, there is a button you can click to join that groups server even if you can't read the server name.

6.) when there is an item to turn in to an npc, or using the npc exchange option, you can't preview the item. while in keyboard ui, you can just point the mouse to the item to preview it.

7.) character editor in gamepad UI is horrible. should just give the option to allow keybaord ui in character editor while keeping rest of the game in gamepad UI. toggling the ui just to edit a character is tedious.

8.) less information is displayed in world map on gamepad UI for some reason.

9.) if you get stuck while on your horse near an npc, you cannot get off because the button to get off is the same as interacting with the npc. had to use a horse skill that wasn't learned to get the horse to throw me off

10.) its not possible to tag an item in the chat with gamepad UI

11.) When RGB was added to dye system, they made the dye menu idetical on both gamepad UI and keyboard UI, which is good because like the character editor, gamepad UI version was horrible, but despite now being the same, gamepad UI version lacks the ability to zoom in and out

12.) In rifts echo, or other summon scrolls with similiar party interface, the activate button is missing on gamepad UI, so doing it as party leader is not possible

13.) The mini map doesn't show affiliated node on gamepad ui.

14.) the sniper rifle does not work properly with a controller

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Mrz 2023, 14:07 (UTC)
# 2

On the note of the controller being reset, this happens as well for keyboard and sometimes the entire UI!

To get around this (for now) there are two ways. First way is to upload your settings to the BDO cloud. There's a upload settings to the cloud feature in the game itself. You can download it if it fails at some point. The second method is more annoying, you would have to find the config file and set it to READ ONLY and whenever you want to change it, you would have to toggle that off. The second option is hypothetical, usually works with other games.

If it's related to this bug, even my pets lost their slot settings yesterday but everything else was fine. Huh? Weird... Hopefully they can look into it, it's very time consuming to fix settings even if it's just keybinds.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2023, 03:58 (UTC)
# 3

For me UI preset was being reset whenever(in case of "Alt+something") there was an interruption during the process of switching to it: for example being hit by a mob. That is why I totally gave up switching it through hotkey "Alt+something" because in comparison doing it through menu(for PC) is able to mostly safely fallback in case of interruption.
As a workaround I would suggest making sure you are not interrupted by HP loss thorough the entire process of switching or saving your UI stuf and checking that your resets dont come from this issue.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Mrz 2023, 19:43 (UTC)
# 4

Also, if you disable the "kick from menu" settings for when you are being attacked, you will still get booted from your map and from the channel select menus when using a controller. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Mrz 2023, 02:38 (UTC)
# 5

Joining a party is almost impossible. In the join party menu, it just lists the server name as NA_..., so you have no idea what server it is, and in keybourd UI, there is a button you can click to join that groups server even if you can't read the server name.

when there is an item to turn in to an npc, or using the npc exchange option, you can't preview the item. while in keyboard ui, you can just point the mouse to the item to preview it.

character editor in gamepad UI is horrible. should just give the option to allow keybaord ui in character editor while keeping rest of the game in gamepad UI. toggling the ui just to edit a character is tedious.

less information is displayed in world map on gamepad UI for some reason.

if you get stuck while on your horse near an npc, you cannot get off because the button to get off is the same as interacting with the npc. had to use a horse skill that wasn't learned to get the horse to throw me off

its not possible to tag an item in the chat with gamepad UI

When RGB was added to dye system, they made the dye menu idetical on both gamepad UI and keyboard UI, which is good because like the character editor, gamepad UI version was horrible, but despite now being the same, gamepad UI version lacks the ability to zoom in and out

In rifts echo, or other summon scrolls with similiar party interface, the activate button is missing on gamepad UI, so doing it as party leader is not possible

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Mrz 2023, 22:06 (UTC)
# 6
On: Mar 20, 2023, 02:07 (UTC), Written by Robert475

Joining a party is almost impossible. In the join party menu, it just lists the server name as NA_..., so you have no idea what server it is, and in keybourd UI, there is a button you can click to join that groups server even if you can't read the server name.

when there is an item to turn in to an npc, or using the npc exchange option, you can't preview the item. while in keyboard ui, you can just point the mouse to the item to preview it.

character editor in gamepad UI is horrible. should just give the option to allow keybaord ui in character editor while keeping rest of the game in gamepad UI. toggling the ui just to edit a character is tedious.

less information is displayed in world map on gamepad UI for some reason.

if you get stuck while on your horse near an npc, you cannot get off because the button to get off is the same as interacting with the npc. had to use a horse skill that wasn't learned to get the horse to throw me off

its not possible to tag an item in the chat with gamepad UI

When RGB was added to dye system, they made the dye menu idetical on both gamepad UI and keyboard UI, which is good because like the character editor, gamepad UI version was horrible, but despite now being the same, gamepad UI version lacks the ability to zoom in and out

In rifts echo, or other summon scrolls with similiar party interface, the activate button is missing on gamepad UI, so doing it as party leader is not possible

Thanks for the info!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Mrz 2023, 00:24 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 24, 2023, 22:06 (UTC), Written by Glory

Thanks for the info!

Another one. mini map doesn't show affiliated node on gamepad ui.

Also just remembered the sniper rifle not properly working on controller

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Apr 2024, 18:04 (UTC)
# 8

Cannot enable knowledge grade on enemy hp bar in gamepad ui. gamepad ui must be disabled, then enable knowledge grade, then you can go back to gamepad ui

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Mai 2024, 16:52 (UTC)
# 9

In the gamepad UI, there is no "skill cooldown" button in the skill window.  To set cooldowns, need to disable gamepad UI first.

When gathering and proccing the minigames, pressing 'A' too fast causes the quest window to pop up and cover the minigame.  Pressing 'B' afterwards to close the quest window also closes the gathering minigame.



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