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UTC 22 : 13 20. Sep 2024
CEST 0 : 13 21. Sep 2024
PDT 15 : 13 20. Sep 2024
EDT 18 : 13 20. Sep 2024
Returning player asks about open world pvp
01. Feb 2024, 15:06 (UTC)
2586 98
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Feb 2024, 12:41 (UTC)
# 81
On: Feb 14, 2024, 11:33 (UTC), Written by Equben

You can play on Arsha servers, you can there participate in your never ending senseless fights for spot( Maybe you don't know, but channel changing is instant win). It does not have sense it's waste of time for both players. In current form which will not be changed I am sure, pvp in OW does not have sense, you can't defeat another player in a way he will never comeback.. 

You can go and KS to another player in PvE only server and he cant do nothing. For sure there are players who left season servers because of that. Does that mean that we shoud remove killing mobs?????? Please stop with one side thinking and stupidity.


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Feb 2024, 14:33 (UTC)
# 82
On: Feb 14, 2024, 08:07 (UTC), Written by IWalkAlone

False. All of it. Exept that feeding to mobs is coming to an end. Post something close to reality atleast so I can answer to you.

+1 to that. But I guess many people are afraid of Arsha becasue gear diference. I was long long time 630-650 Gs and believe me I had no chance at Arsha, but I was ok on regular servers. I had plently of helty PvP and lot of DfSs. After changes I decided to spend a little time on regular to see how changes affect gameplay. For that tame I had 2 PvPs... and rarely see other people. So the changes basicaly killed MMO part of the game. And after new zones with boots piece come out Im almost non stop on Arshas. And I see people there. The good part is so far there is zero griefing. But in general Arsha is griefing free, not like regulars. Also meeting people makes it popular, not like other servers. But I guess metrics will show diferent because regular servers are full with afk-ers, horse trainers, lifeskillers. 
Also about making PA listen. At the moment most people lost faith in them. After changes there was topics with upvotes like no other topics. Their reaction didnt come. The did not listen to players, and sadly they dont think stright. Why the hell the dont make marni full time for example. At this point they have the ideas/tools to make happy everyone but i nrelity no one is happy.

On regular servers I never attacked people, but I love defending my spot. Ofc when someone comes and kills me I leave. I understand this game as competition and fairplay. There where plently of servers and spots. Exeptions where guild missions, but there I simply speak and 90% of the case Im let to finish my quest. For 8 years gameplay Ive been grifed very few times. Its just speaking resolves most of the problems.

This statement specifically refers to Arsha PVP and reg channel PVP.

This also goes out to all forum posters here.

As In all channels there is a hierarchy, gear score to channel is very closely related.

Beginners channel-- no PVP

Season channel-- no PVP

Season PVP-- 570gs max Unlimited no Karma

Regular channels - PVP 0-750+gs limited w/karma (1 sided guild decs)

Arsha- 700-750+gs unlimited (1 sided guild decs) no Karma.

Arsha Hidden- unlimited 5 man party only if your not 730+ don't bother.

Each channel has an evolving GS as well as a group PVP issue. Keeping this conversation rooted in reality you have to really understand that PVP and Gvg are 2 absolutely different animals.

On season PVP you have a max Ap/Dp the main difference is Class meta  classes outpreform others at 570gs. Outside of skill your typically fighting those in your own weight class.

Regular servers outside of red players most DFS or flagging is generally based on grind spots and Gs associated with it. Most 750 gs players are not trolling at Orcs.

Most high end players are at the most efficient areas to make $$$$ unless they are grinding artifacts or treasures. The only time I ever brought my main to a fight at say blood wolfs or others was do to some jack ass Pk my 600 gs alt cuz they didn't have alts themselves to grind with.

The reason most players refer to non arsha servers to grind and to PvP is becouse in MOST CASES your fighting those in your weight group and at least have a fair fight in a lot of cases.

On Arsha it's not like that... generally your not getting clipped by a guy in your GS group you end up being content to Meta classes above 750 gs. And not just one usually its 2 or 3 +  90% of the fights I ever had on arsha were 2 -5 v me. I can count on one hand the amount of 1v1 on arsha.

For a lot of Pvp'rs  they simply do NOT HAVE THE GS TO FIGHT ONE 750+... and very few players can fight 2v1 or better and that is class dependent.

ARHSA is no holds bared.... and this is were player ethics would be nice but I will be honest NA players especially siege players have very little in the way of ethics or morals but now that pvp content is starved your getting Merc'd and are content for these players. 

I can understand where you are coming from and maybe it would be a good idea to have a limited Arsha server with max GS.


Arsha middle PVP 600-625gs max

Arsha high PVP 680-700 max

Arsha end game 700-730 max

Arsha unlimited.

Something to take up between season and end game.

I can get behind this idea. 

Nothing wrong with adding an extra 2 servers from regular servers and using the same coding from Season PVP to keep GS in check would be pretty simple and I think this idea would be very popular with players that are in certain GS Brackets.

I did post this change in feedback.

Edit: For the ignorant Clown that posted a down vote 30 seconds after I posted this GTFO and learn to read and get better comprehension skills. This is actually a good change.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 14. Feb 2024, 17:22 (UTC)
# 83
On: Feb 14, 2024, 11:33 (UTC), Written by Equben

You can play on Arsha servers, you can there participate in your never ending senseless fights for spot( Maybe you don't know, but channel changing is instant win). It does not have sense it's waste of time for both players. In current form which will not be changed I am sure, pvp in OW does not have sense, you can't defeat another player in a way he will never comeback.. 

That's crazy to see that you have every piece of the puzzle, but you can't realize why better rules are needed on regular channels for the owpvp to work correctly. 

And devs have been removing more and more meaning along the years, while avoiding the real issue with band-aid "solutions".

So yeah, if devs want to make it senseless, it will be. Sounds logical. XD

The situation we were fighting against is currently happening. Go on, get your "fun" and don't complain later! ;) 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Feb 2024, 08:35 (UTC)
# 84

 The solution they have atm is the worst I have ever seen, to be honest. I rather play vs bots and way worse P2W then having this ... 

 It reminds me of:

Patch after patch I see less and less of devs logic.

if you want people to grind in peace at least remove the cooldown on Marni server... 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Feb 2024, 13:14 (UTC)
# 85
On: Feb 14, 2024, 14:06 (UTC), Written by ReconKangas

This statement specifically refers to Arsha PVP and reg channel PVP.

This also goes out to all forum posters here.

As In all channels there is a hierarchy, gear score to channel is very closely related.

Beginners channel-- no PVP

Season channel-- no PVP

Season PVP-- 570gs max Unlimited no Karma

Regular channels - PVP 0-750+gs limited w/karma (1 sided guild decs)

Arsha- 700-750+gs unlimited (1 sided guild decs) no Karma.

Arsha Hidden- unlimited 5 man party only if your not 730+ don't bother.

Each channel has an evolving GS as well as a group PVP issue. Keeping this conversation rooted in reality you have to really understand that PVP and Gvg are 2 absolutely different animals.

On season PVP you have a max Ap/Dp the main difference is Class meta  classes outpreform others at 570gs. Outside of skill your typically fighting those in your own weight class.

Regular servers outside of red players most DFS or flagging is generally based on grind spots and Gs associated with it. Most 750 gs players are not trolling at Orcs.

Most high end players are at the most efficient areas to make $$ unless they are grinding artifacts or treasures. The only time I ever brought my main to a fight at say blood wolfs or others was do to some jack ass Pk my 600 gs alt cuz they didn't have alts themselves to grind with.

The reason most players refer to non arsha servers to grind and to PvP is becouse in MOST CASES your fighting those in your weight group and at least have a fair fight in a lot of cases.

On Arsha it's not like that... generally your not getting clipped by a guy in your GS group you end up being content to Meta classes above 750 gs. And not just one usually its 2 or 3 +  90% of the fights I ever had on arsha were 2 -5 v me. I can count on one hand the amount of 1v1 on arsha.

For a lot of Pvp'rs  they simply do NOT HAVE THE GS TO FIGHT ONE 750+... and very few players can fight 2v1 or better and that is class dependent.

ARHSA is no holds bared.... and this is were player ethics would be nice but I will be honest NA players especially siege players have very little in the way of ethics or morals but now that pvp content is starved your getting Merc'd and are content for these players. 

I can understand where you are coming from and maybe it would be a good idea to have a limited Arsha server with max GS.


Arsha middle PVP 600-625gs max

Arsha high PVP 680-700 max

Arsha end game 700-730 max

Arsha unlimited.

Something to take up between season and end game.

I can get behind this idea. 

Nothing wrong with adding an extra 2 servers from regular servers and using the same coding from Season PVP to keep GS in check would be pretty simple and I think this idea would be very popular with players that are in certain GS Brackets.

I did post this change in feedback.

Edit: For the ignorant Clown that posted a down vote 30 seconds after I posted this GTFO and learn to read and get better comprehension skills. This is actually a good change.

I've always wanted different arshas. I would even be cool with the higher arshas getting better drop buffs, but to be fair I'd still prol be on the high arshas (unless you had to prove your gs) grinding trashmobs haha.

I think arsha itself should be end game though. It should be like arsha low = under 650. 600GS is, hilariously, something I didn't have for awhile because I never cared about DP and just finally started building end game armor / FG. But I can tell who has an armor level similar to me, and I am A SUCC RANGER, e g epic trash 1v1, and I MELT people. Just absolutely demolish them. They could get me with some savvy and such, but in general, some classes would really dominate with low DP. If we assume there are gonna be 300+ AP people grinding on arsha cuz all the good spots are 300 ap, that doesn't leave much for DP. My GS falls into the baby arsha bracket, and still will once I juice myself with all the free stuff / shore up with crashed accessories, but I'm gonna be V SQUISH and V STRONK. I dunno if someone could build DP deal with the dmg you could output. It would end up being a strange meta IMO. This is coming from someone who, like I said, has been in that GS (IMO 590 w/ low dp not that diff than 620 w/ 340 dp for arsha) range.

If I can fight v people w/ less than 400 dp I think I am loving life on arsha. haha. I would really like rewards. I would like more 'gamey' stuff, like we talked about in another thread, something that you can't respawn on for x minutes or whatever. They can def make it more interesting and now w/ all the free stuff they are giving, people will be at 600+ gs if they just take time to get the free stuff. So, I agree making content for these people is of high importance.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Feb 2024, 19:58 (UTC)
# 86

The PvP in this game is garbage all on it's own for numerous reasons even down to the game's engine itself, but the open world PvP is just literal boiling diarrhea dogshit.

The only types you find instigating open world PvP are people with a massive gear advantage who are almost always just looking to grief someone who's trying to grind. It's not even real PvP, it's just a person who's borderline sociopathic looking to waste someone else's time as much as possible.

I literally just close the game and go do something else at this point. These people are just one of many reasons why the game is dying. They're just garbage people who'd get dumpstered in a real competitive game, like fighting games or whatever else where they can't have some kind of unfair advantage.

They should also remove the drop rate bonus on Arsha. All it does is cause conflict in that people with limited time feel forced to grind on Arsha for the drop bonus because of the obscenely low drop rates on important items, and these people are directly at odds with the sociopath losers that live on the game running around looking to grief people who don't even have the gear to fight back that only want to grind in peace during the small amount of time they get to play the game.

Though I'm at the point where I wonder why I'm even grinding anymore. The PvE is trash, and the PvP that I'm PvEing to be able to do is also trash which I learned quite a long time ago now. It must be some kind of sunken cost at this point. I do like the characters I made plus the deep character customization in general, and the combat feels kinda cool when the engine isn't being a janky piece of shit like it can be, and when you don't have to turn the settings down to minimum to compete with the losers who do the same to get another unfair advantage in PvP.

I dunno. Fuck this game. It's pretty shit and I feel stupid for wasting as much time on it as I have and that I continue to get baited into wasting time on it even more. Shit game filled with shitty people who are a huge part of why this game has been in a perpetual decline over the years. People (including myself) are better off just migrating to games like Street Fighter or Tekken for a good PvP experience. I do miss and prefer being able to create my own character but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to not deal with shitty people and the massive waste of time that is grinding in circles.

37 191
Lv 63
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Feb 2024, 14:35 (UTC)
# 87
On: Feb 17, 2024, 19:50 (UTC), Written by Velvy

The PvP in this game is garbage all on it's own for numerous reasons even down to the game's engine itself, but the open world PvP is just literal boiling diarrhea dogshit.

The only types you find instigating open world PvP are people with a massive gear advantage who are almost always just looking to grief someone who's trying to grind. It's not even real PvP, it's just a person who's borderline sociopathic looking to waste someone else's time as much as possible.

I literally just close the game and go do something else at this point. These people are just one of many reasons why the game is dying. They're just garbage people who'd get dumpstered in a real competitive game, like fighting games or whatever else where they can't have some kind of unfair advantage.

They should also remove the drop rate bonus on Arsha. All it does is cause conflict in that people with limited time feel forced to grind on Arsha for the drop bonus because of the obscenely low drop rates on important items, and these people are directly at odds with the sociopath losers that live on the game running around looking to grief people who don't even have the gear to fight back that only want to grind in peace during the small amount of time they get to play the game.

Though I'm at the point where I wonder why I'm even grinding anymore. The PvE is trash, and the PvP that I'm PvEing to be able to do is also trash which I learned quite a long time ago now. It must be some kind of sunken cost at this point. I do like the characters I made plus the deep character customization in general, and the combat feels kinda cool when the engine isn't being a janky piece of shit like it can be, and when you don't have to turn the settings down to minimum to compete with the losers who do the same to get another unfair advantage in PvP.

I dunno. Fuck this game. It's pretty shit and I feel stupid for wasting as much time on it as I have and that I continue to get baited into wasting time on it even more. Shit game filled with shitty people who are a huge part of why this game has been in a perpetual decline over the years. People (including myself) are better off just migrating to games like Street Fighter or Tekken for a good PvP experience. I do miss and prefer being able to create my own character but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to not deal with shitty people and the massive waste of time that is grinding in circles.

haha until this post, I didn't know you could swear on this forum.

When the new season and tet thing came out people were playing a lot! Scholar release, too. Season was hopping. People did move from season to arsha, in some meh spots like blood wolves. Sometimes I get attacked by people who don't one shot me. I even got attacked by people who could barely kill me. I just sat there and typed OW... OW in the chat until I died.

You gotta have more fun, man! It seems you are very mad, but I dunno... BDO is BDO. I don't think pvp is the problem. If those people are what you say they are, it's kinda fun to push their buttons. Or just think of them as a strong mob trying to make life harder. Now that you can't feed, it should be exciting. I've done plenty of putting away my wep running around and teasing people who are trying to kill me on ranger. Haha. I was running back and forth in front of this guy and he had m@ssive gear and he got me down to like 1/100th health, but I got away. We were pming each other, lol he finally stopped tho when he realized I had a reply for whatever. But I was like wow man, that was really nice, we should both give ourselves a round of applause. hahaha. I dunno. I guess I have my own problems to want to tease people who try to rage kill me, but it's funny.

I dunno if sociopath is the right word. They are more like children. In fact, sometimes I feel bad, cuz it's like maybe this kid has cancer or something and his mom bought him all this gear and he's trying to go around and live out his dream and here I am trolling him mercilessly. haha. But like I said before in many games, if you start talking to me or tell me to switch servers w/e, you invite that upon yourself. If you wanna just keep killing me silently, we can do that, too.

But BDO has a lot of problems. The fact that people are looking to wag their johnson in your face on Arsha is not one of them, imo.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Feb 2024, 19:46 (UTC)
# 88
On: Feb 19, 2024, 14:35 (UTC), Written by Maltie

haha until this post, I didn't know you could swear on this forum.

When the new season and tet thing came out people were playing a lot! Scholar release, too. Season was hopping. People did move from season to arsha, in some meh spots like blood wolves. Sometimes I get attacked by people who don't one shot me. I even got attacked by people who could barely kill me. I just sat there and typed OW... OW in the chat until I died.

You gotta have more fun, man! It seems you are very mad, but I dunno... BDO is BDO. I don't think pvp is the problem. If those people are what you say they are, it's kinda fun to push their buttons. Or just think of them as a strong mob trying to make life harder. Now that you can't feed, it should be exciting. I've done plenty of putting away my wep running around and teasing people who are trying to kill me on ranger. Haha. I was running back and forth in front of this guy and he had m@ssive gear and he got me down to like 1/100th health, but I got away. We were pming each other, lol he finally stopped tho when he realized I had a reply for whatever. But I was like wow man, that was really nice, we should both give ourselves a round of applause. hahaha. I dunno. I guess I have my own problems to want to tease people who try to rage kill me, but it's funny.

I dunno if sociopath is the right word. They are more like children. In fact, sometimes I feel bad, cuz it's like maybe this kid has cancer or something and his mom bought him all this gear and he's trying to go around and live out his dream and here I am trolling him mercilessly. haha. But like I said before in many games, if you start talking to me or tell me to switch servers w/e, you invite that upon yourself. If you wanna just keep killing me silently, we can do that, too.

But BDO has a lot of problems. The fact that people are looking to wag their johnson in your face on Arsha is not one of them, imo.

I appreciate your perspective and positivity. It's become harder for me to remain that way about things like this as I've had less and less time to spend on games, and as life has become more and more stressful. At the time I made the post I was annoyed about something that had happened within the game.

I used to enjoy BDO a lot more but getting older and having less time to play makes it a lot harder to just not care when I feel like I'm having my time wasted and disrespected. There's a lot I would criticize about this game as well as a large part of the community, and I'd stand by those points. I feel that it's a shame the negative aspects of the game are so much more prominent within the experience compared to the positive ones.

37 191
Lv 63
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Feb 2024, 07:37 (UTC)
# 89
On: Feb 19, 2024, 14:35 (UTC), Written by Maltie

haha until this post, I didn't know you could swear on this forum.

When the new season and tet thing came out people were playing a lot! Scholar release, too. Season was hopping. People did move from season to arsha, in some meh spots like blood wolves. Sometimes I get attacked by people who don't one shot me. I even got attacked by people who could barely kill me. I just sat there and typed OW... OW in the chat until I died.

So, you get attacked by players who are not overgearing you. Well, it's bound to happen anyways, right? 

On: Feb 17, 2024, 19:50 (UTC), Written by Velvy

The only types you find instigating open world PvP are people with a massive gear advantage who are almost always just looking to grief someone who's trying to grind. It's not even real PvP, it's just a person who's borderline sociopathic looking to waste someone else's time as much as possible.

I literally just close the game and go do something else at this point. These people are just one of many reasons why the game is dying. They're just garbage people who'd get dumpstered in a real competitive game, like fighting games or whatever else where they can't have some kind of unfair advantage.

Ah, Maltie and I are disagreeing with you, there's no reason to get attacked only by players overgearing you. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Feb 2024, 13:25 (UTC)
# 90
On: Feb 20, 2024, 07:36 (UTC), Written by Sadalsuud

So, you get attacked by players who are not overgearing you. Well, it's bound to happen anyways, right? 

Ah, Maltie and I are disagreeing with you, there's no reason to get attacked only by players overgearing you. 

Lol, let us all just facce it, if you are sub-700GS chances are very high that you will meet a player that out geared heavily on both of the Arsha channels. And it is highly likely once that player figures out they can just curvestomp you. They will stop doing whatever they was doing to curvestomp you until you leave the Arsha channel. Beeccause, that is the mentality of your average geared player on Arsha. These type will stack every advantage that they have to avoid a fight of skill. And perveert it into a fight of Class-Inbalance, RNG, and Gear. So unless you are 700 or more gearscore then the chances are high that you'll mostly run into high geared players on highly overtuned 1v1 and smallscalee PvP classes.


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