Black Desert Remasterizado

En breve comienza Black Desert.

Instala el lanzador si no comienza el juego.

Instala el lanzador para empezar el juego.

Si ya lo tienes instalado, el juego comenzará pronto.
Si el lanzador no se ejecuta automáticamente, ejecútalo directamente.

Guía de instalación

1 Ejecuta BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe para instalar el lanzador de Black Desert.

2 Una vez completada la instalación, empieza el juego.


UTC 1 : 55 27 jul. 2024
CEST 3 : 55 27 jul. 2024
PDT 18 : 55 26 jul. 2024
EDT 21 : 55 26 jul. 2024
#Otros #Consejos #JcE #Objetos #Tesoros
[GUIDE] Recommended Grind Spots for Newbies & Returners
14 feb. 2023, 11:31 (UTC)
14081 1
Última modificación : 14 feb. 2023, 11:31 (UTC)
# 1

Recommended Grind Spots for Newbies & Returners

by Reipunzel Irkalla

This is a simple list of areas I recommend to players seeking to be highly efficient with their time.

NOTE: You can reference this chart in-game by pressing F2.

Alternatively, just look at the Monster Zone Information window by pressing ESC then clicking the Adventure Category.

Happy Adventuring!


Tshira Ruins
Recommended AP/DP: 140/160
Why: To get an Infinite MP Potion Piece from Leaf/Vine/Grove Keeper


Polly’s Forest
Recommended AP/DP: 160/250
Why: Great for Combat/Skill EXP & Silver


Blood Wolves
Recommended AP/DP: 190/210
Why: To get an Infinite HP Potion Piece from Kagtum Executioner


Taphtar Plain Centaurus Herd
Recommended AP/DP: 190/200
Why: Obscene amounts of silver for fast classes


Sherekhan Necropolis (daytime)
Recommended AP/DP: 210/230
Why: To get an Infinite HP Potion Piece from Garud or Belcadas


Pila Ku Jail
Recommended AP/DP: 210/240
Why: To get Archaeologist Map Pieces from Sordid Deportee & Iron Warder


Sulfur Roud Mine
Recommended AP/DP: 210/240
Why: To get Archaeologist Map Pieces from Lava Tukar & Lava Devourer


Navarn Steppe
Recommended AP/DP: 210/260
Why: To get an Infinite MP Potion Piece from skinning Ferri birds


Manshaum Forest
Recommended AP/DP: 240/260
Why: To get an Infinite MP Potion Piece from Manshaum Shaman


Forest Ronaros
Recommended AP/DP: 240/250
Why: To get an Infinite HP Potion Piece from Forest Ronaros Guardian/Catcher


For additional information on the silver per hour that can be made in these zones, check out this spreadsheet by Duodecil:

Gear example of what you will be using after completing Main Story quests, before starting your grind:

How to get the Narchillan gear in the above link:

Cool gear to buy with the silver you'll be making:

More information on the Infinite HP & MP Potions, Archaeologist Map, and more:


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