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UTC 1 : 42 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 42 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 42 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 42 26. Jul 2024
XP softcap
06. Nov 2021, 11:43 (UTC)
1842 13
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2021, 11:43 (UTC)
# 1

So it's been awhile since xp softcap has been adjusted to make leveling faster after 62. This one really isn't a problem or anything, but it would be nice to not have to grind 100-200hrs per level after 62.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2021, 12:41 (UTC)
# 2

I don't think ppl who wasted a good amount of their life in grinding in circless for no actuall benefit would be pleased if PA would diminish their accomplishment by making it easier to get to their level.


They surely should increase slightly the xp from non-grind sources, as they are insignificant currently, however ultimately they should not make it significantly easier to levelup on the prestige levels.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2021, 14:08 (UTC)
# 3

They will eventually increase the soft cap as they have in the past. I think if they want to make it feel less crazy at 62, they need to make it harder to get to that point and change the xp curve so it's no so drastic. Right now it feels like lv62 is hard to pass because it happens so suddenly and there's also no real feeling of accomplishment to get to that point.


You can get to level 50 in 15 minutes. Why is this even a thing? Only cheap korean mmos that heavily rely on RNG, P2W and popups everywhere like casinos to get people hook do this sort of thing.   Oh wait-- Looks like BDO is turning into one of those. It's a sign of the end of times! Soon, BDO will be published by 12 different publishers with exclusive launchers while PA stops updating the game lol


(I really don't miss that era of MMOs if it ever disappeared)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2021, 14:21 (UTC)
# 4
On: Nov 6, 2021, 14:08 (UTC), Written by BananaJuice

They will eventually increase the soft cap as they have in the past. I think if they want to make it feel less crazy at 62, they need to make it harder to get to that point and change the xp curve so it's no so drastic. Right now it feels like lv62 is hard to pass because it happens so suddenly and there's also no real feeling of accomplishment to get to that point.


You can get to level 50 in 15 minutes. Why is this even a thing? Only cheap korean mmos that heavily rely on RNG, P2W and popups everywhere like casinos to get people hook do this sort of thing.   Oh wait-- Looks like BDO is turning into one of those. It's a sign of the end of times! Soon, BDO will be published by 12 different publishers with exclusive launchers while PA stops updating the game lol


(I really don't miss that era of MMOs if it ever disappeared)

But bdo is literately a cheap korean mmo.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2021, 14:57 (UTC)
# 5

63 isnt that hard to get if u make an effort and there is virtually no need to advance above that.



Would be nice to get something for going above 63 tho.

100 1803
Lv 65
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2021, 15:56 (UTC)
# 6
On: Nov 6, 2021, 14:57 (UTC), Written by Seeryus

63 isnt that hard to get if u make an effort and there is virtually no need to advance above that.



Would be nice to get something for going above 63 tho.

Yeah idk call me old fashion but I like seeing that level up pop up. Just would be nice if it only took 20-30hrs after 62 to level. Even with all the xp boosters and grinding in elvish spots with 278ap kutum and double bs weapons getting xp feels unrewardingly slow lmao. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2021, 17:34 (UTC)
# 7
On: Nov 6, 2021, 12:41 (UTC), Written by CatDK

I don't think ppl who wasted a good amount of their life in grinding in circless for no actuall benefit would be pleased if PA would diminish their accomplishment by making it easier to get to their level.


They surely should increase slightly the xp from non-grind sources, as they are insignificant currently, however ultimately they should not make it significantly easier to levelup on the prestige levels.

they already did


remember before it was hard to reach level 60, today it is easy like a cake XD

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Nov 2021, 16:23 (UTC)
# 8
On: Nov 6, 2021, 12:41 (UTC), Written by CatDK

I don't think ppl who wasted a good amount of their life in grinding in circless for no actuall benefit would be pleased if PA would diminish their accomplishment by making it easier to get to their level.


They surely should increase slightly the xp from non-grind sources, as they are insignificant currently, however ultimately they should not make it significantly easier to levelup on the prestige levels.

bruv, grinded MONTHS back in the day to get 60, now i get 61 in 1 day. I was a retard they already increased cap 56-58 and it was obv they gonna do again, but i still wasted time and energy to force 60. 

Softcap should the lvl where all classes have all their skills & passives unlocked.

48 1797
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Nov 2021, 16:31 (UTC)
# 9
On: Nov 7, 2021, 16:23 (UTC), Written by Adonaj

bruv, grinded MONTHS back in the day to get 60, now i get 61 in 1 day. I was a retard they already increased cap 56-58 and it was obv they gonna do again, but i still wasted time and energy to force 60. 

Softcap should the lvl where all classes have all their skills & passives unlocked.

Well the reason why they made those levels easier is to have every skills of classes unlocked.

Yeah there is a another passive at lvl63, but that's ain't matter significantly, and probably they left it out as a smaller goal.

I don't see reason for them to make it even easier, but who knows, it's pretty much random what PA is doing anyway.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Nov 2021, 17:59 (UTC)
# 10

Even if one day the 1000% exp event comes back, I am not going to reach lvl 63.

Not even 1% per hour without any boost? Pointless gaming. At least I may not worry about dying during the karma bombing when someone grief me. Ha ha.

56 2073
Lv Privat
1 2


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