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UTC 2 : 25 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 25 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 25 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 25 26. Jul 2024
Sailing and bartering, lifeskills, Housing, Guild, QoL
19. Okt 2022, 20:25 (UTC)
3753 47
1 2 3 4 5
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 29. Sep 2023, 14:29 (UTC)
# 1

Hello, brace yourselves as this is a very long list divided into 3 posts (Please upvote every post you can so we get the visibility we deserve.)
I. Sailing stuff
II. Lifeskill and Quality of Life (clic here or scroll down to second post)
III. Some changes based on my personal opinion (clic here or scroll down to third post)

Sadly, “the 1 suggestion per post” came up after the release of the news of feedback board and this post. 
i won't be making 200 posts, it's not my job. Hope this still can be taken into it as it was a lot of work and a whole part of the game is dying from its agony and unfulfilled promises from PA team :/ Go take a look here if you have some time: Around the table, voice of Adventurers, feedback

My goal is to show that sailing needs tweaking. Even if you don't agree, voice your opinion in comments but upvote every single post so we get visibility. 4th time i post it (old forum, official discord, tickets to support, whispering gms, etc) and never got an answer. They trashed Around The Table project, and like many of us think: they don't give a fuck about our opinion.
So, GMs or DEVs change our minds and prove me wrong!

My dream would be the failed Around The Table we were promised: a few eminent sailors who have a real talk with someone able to make things evolve and give us news after.
I've been sailing EU for 6 years now and believe i could make sea content better if you only would listen to some of us. We have a very active chat in-game “Dancing Marlin”. A lot of promises were done with “Great Expedition” and players spent a lot of real money to sail in good conditions. All we got was disdain.
Even music has better content/updates and events than sea :c

I. Sailing Stuff
A. Sailing QoL
1. Make Galleon craftable as upgrade from a +10 blue carrack. Gifting it to Siege is a huge slap in the face to sailors. And the low prob chance on special barter is disgusting. 30k barters… and still nothing.
2. Make maps from crocs be exchangeable with the needed ones. example: exchange 1 map and 1k coins for the part you need or exchange 3 parts for the part you need. Don’t make it RNG. 2 maps and 300coins for a rng part is stupid and will lead to same problem as we have with lightstones. We will just get the same ones and waste coins. [Was done poorly]
3. Manos sailing tool when? (400 mastery + other buffs. Examples of possible buffs: canon cooldown (example: 0.25 duo to 1s at pen), ration efficiency, sailing xp boost, ship durability, ship weight, ship max canonballs and rations, or whatever other useful thing i can't think of now.

4. Increase xp from killing monsters. Guru should be something a daily sailor should achieve in 1 year, not in 10. Other lifeskills don’t even take a month to reach guru. Quests should not be the most sailing xp you get every day. Atm sailing in circles is a lot more xp than actively killing sea monsters.
5. Being able to summon black spirit from our ship or allow to swap cristal preselection on ships.
6. Being able to embark/disembark/fire sailors while on the ship (no need to be at wharf)
7. Make the character and ship invincible upon connection for 30sec or until character takes the wheel. Because of game bugs (or just switching character/server), player may be killed by a player or a monster even before he sees his ship (while loading).
8. Shortcut to grab ship wheel is often bugged after a connection or server swap: character is in water or pier and teleports to ship and back to original position without ever grabbing the wheel. Clicking again does not help.
9. Allow keybinds for ship skills/features. Managing sails need to press alt+something. Other example with cabin opening that interferer with gameplay.
10. Increase render distance on sea monsters/ships. Some small goldmonts only appear when we are on top of them.
11. Make game playable on sea with pretty graphics instead of "forcing" potato mode or tweaks with contrast/gamma. Tornadoes and storms should not happen on grind areas.
12. Make visibility better where there are monsters: 1. get rid of ugly sea fog/white veil when not on remastered (example around crow’s nest or around ingame time 2am). Sea storms are beautiful but really too dark making it impossible to see except when there is thunder, same for tornados creating a dense white veil around.
13. Margoria increase drop node when? (or fix Oquilla?). And make smh zones appear in hunting grounds panel where we get what drops where and to what node i is connected. No smh zones are there.
14. To counter that and night time, people have to use crappy graphics and tweak options to get decent gameplay. Make high graphics less dark on monster areas. We can't even see the monsters when playing remastered. And potato graphics being a camlock pre requisite makes it a must do for efficiency. Sad.
15. Give us real party monsters: lekra zone loot is individual but lekra is group and not worth killing solo (make him always drop a blue cristal at least). Lekra spawns and gets ignored in 90% of cases because it's a waste of cannonballs regarding the loot it gives. Crocs duo? People are faster solo. It always has been (except when it was a tri party thing). Only people helping guildies go there duo.
16. Separate cooldown from ramming/fire attack and canons.
17. Separate stamina from ship and character
18. Ship repairing needs improvements. Resupply ships near grinding zones? (being able to summon black spirit and set up tent there)
Make repairing our ship faster (9 secs is too long and blue/yellow materials are too pricy). there should be a selection box too. Repair takes the first item in your inventory without asking and uses the second if run out of first.
19. Sailor market like for workers or horses?
20. New chandeliers with other sea monsters when?

21. Fix not being able to harpoon from big ships

- Make ship skins marketable. Make it worth the buy for whales to sell it on market. Don't make it a p2w item (you did :c)
22. being able to move ship and barter window in IU (and save its position)

23. Add market to iliya (and other cities with storage)

24. Sea music while sailing (can be soothing when empty, or pirate themed when monsters)
25. Reduce sailor weight by 10 and make ship gear weight nothing.
26. yellow beam on loot position to make sure we don’t miss any.
27. Quickslots to add cannonballs/rations (Press P, press +, select item, select number, validation). Too many steps. Maybe auto feed from fairy?
28. Add extensions to all wharfs and storages (example: oquilla)
29. Add DP to all manos clothes, including the sailing one
30. Buff Khan heart (we have 10 mastery cristals for less than 500m, artefacts with 10, etc) to be better than treant stone: 50mastery on equip + when activated: 50% lifeskill, 100mastery, 15% processing, 100LT, 15% drop gathering, fishing/gathering +2, -1.5s cooking/alch. Same for Resplendissant stone making it more specific for lifeskills: 25% processing, 200LT, 20% drop gathering, fishing/gathering +3, -2s cooking/alch, 20% active fishing time reduction. Those are just examples.

1. We need sailor management. 
a. to be able to sort them manually (up and down)
b. to be able to rename them
c. to be able to create sets like we do for pets or cristals. Maybe a quick embark/disembark for the set. Even without the possibility to embark the set, just being able to give them numbers or names would be helpful.
d. a different way to display them in the UI. An idea could be like our character panel: rows of portraits just showing name on top left, the bin to fire them top right, level bottom left and type bottom right. And clicking on them opens their full details.
e. change the way we "fire" them to have a confirmation including the name and level of the sailor we are getting rid of. Misclics happen when you level 10+ per day.
f. show a warning when a sailor condition goes under 20. Allow us to feed them whenever and wherever (not needing to be at wharf).
g. allow us to manage sailors on the ship and not at wharf. Being able to embark/disembark or fire them through the ship. Same for cristals. You can't summon black spirit on a ship.
h. rework the stat names for obvious ones (endurance, awareness, wits, strength, focus, vision) and get rid of the never used ones (patience, force, seasoned sailor, son of the wind, abstain, natural born soldier)
i. display the maximum stats a sailor can reach and the max growth on next level on the sailor details panel. There are some numbers around but i doubt some of them as they were never reached or got close to that even.
example: level8 to 9 +0,3/x.xmax

2. We need better leveling for the sailors.
Sailors grow very randomly and very poorly. Knowing what their max stats are would be nice. And the ability for them to reach those max stats would be nice too.
so either increase the growth chance, or better: make a rewarding system that will slowly allow them to grow even after level10 when killing sea monsters. example: each 1k seamonsters killed, get 0.1 increase.

3. We need useful sailors. We have many types of sailors but only 3 types are used. All the others are garbage.
Checking Velia, iliya, epheria every 30 mins for sailors is stupid. Just put them all in taverns. Or make a market for sailors: buying for 3m + 50 energy, sell for 20m lvl1 or 100m level10 (just an example of price).
Make like pets or workers, give them bonuses.
Maybe add sailors (or remove the useless ones and add useful bonus stats to the existing ones) that will impact useful things like: drop rate when killing sea monters, canon cooldown (example: 0 stats but 0.25 or 0.5sec reduction), ration efficiency, sailing xp boost, ship durability, ship weight, ship max canonballs and rations, or whatever other useful thing i can't think of now.


1. Increasing the number of barters in one island isn’t going to make bartering better. Removing the parley (or increasing it) and allowing more refreshes will make it better (while getting rid of the 4h CD). You can't barter more, in fact, you even barter less time. The barter limitations are what makes bartering silver very bad while grinders can make 2x more with almost no effort.
Bartering for silver is at best 12 points of 6 items worth 7.5m = 540m. That’s if you have all routes unlocked and are lucky to get them. Margoria barters for silver are worse: can’t be done in one trip and empty parley. [Was done poorly]
That’s the only real change bartering needs.
imho, no parley and 3or4 refreshes (+1 for VP owners) would be fair.
2. Bartering is going form A to B and most players do it afk with autopath. Why not rewarding active players?
3. Allow interaction with wharf while on ship (maybe sell items from ship?) like we do for barter points
4. Make special barters worth something, the more you get the more valuable they become. Rng is stupid, 100k barters and not a single good one.


D. Sailing Bugs/exploits:

1. fix camlock exploit which makes turn/angle stats of ship useless and is obviously not intended gameplay because ship can turn like a brick, faster than a handspinner (it breaches your OP or TOS, call it as it pleases you). Or at least, end debate with a statement about it being legit or not. You allow overstacking horses in stables, your horse with trash when grinding, fixed afk grinding with spook. Please do something about this.
2. fix desync (ship is not where we see it) probably causing the other three bugs that are 1. random "reconnections" (interrupts whatever you were doing with loading screen), 2. the submarine effect or "waves" (ship going underwater and unable to fire properly. Happens on connection or server swap and is very "funny" at Vell time when you can’t tag it), and 3. "try again later" when not able to take/leave wheel or move ship (often floating, not only a collision bug as it happens in margoria)
3. fix shallow water debuff applied even in margoria (20% speed debuff because margoria not deep enough?) [is in the works]
4. fix 3d map bugs; always bugged at north crocs (3D map going crazy and monsters not in the right position), happens randomly at lekra.
5. Sometimes the monster icons just disappear completely of the map and only restarting the game fixes it.
6. Make cannon balls travel faster (not needing to look up or down like i'm having a seizure / is this intended btw?).
7. Some sea monsters are bugged and do not move at all

8. The differences of dmg between ships is ridiculously low. And the monsters HP are not logic. Takes 3 shots to kill hekaru, same as crocs! Worse, it’s capped in PVP. Monsters need same amounts of shots the be killed and pvp difference between the 4 carracks is too little. Make the differences bigger. Make ships really different. Not on the speed, it’s ok as it is now. It’s the other specifics that need adjustment.
                valor should be 8s CD take 3 shots to kill crocs, candidums, large ships, rusts, sharks. 2 shots on med ships, stalkers, hekarus, 1 shot everything else. And carry 13k with end gear.
                volante should be 12s CD and a lot faster than valor but deal less dmg taking 1 shot more to kill things: 4 shots to kill crocs, candidums, large ships, rusts, sharks. 3 shots on med ships, stalkers, hekarus, 2 shot everything else. And carry 23k with end gear.
                balance should 14s CD and taking 1 shot more than volante: 5 shots to kill crocs, candidums, large ships, rusts, sharks. 4 shots on med ships, stalkers, hekarus, 3 shot everything else. And carry 33k with end gear.
                advance should have 16s cd and carry 30k+ and take 1 shot more than balance: 6 shots to kill crocs, candidums, large ships, rusts, sharks. 5 shots on med ships, stalkers, hekarus, 4 shot everything else. And carry 43k with end gear.
9. Do not allow ships to be repaired by non-killable players.
10. ship hitboxes (or cannonballs) are weird (ships taking less dmg on direct hits than splash)

11. fix ship not being able to turn without pressing forward while on focus mode
12. Cox ships take too long to appear and we are long gone once they appear. Make them appear faster or you out of the wheel
13. bug at barter points where players stopped are invisible. Only ship appears and blocks barter point.

14. bug: sometimes impossible to use focus fire.  We can again after firing a normal click shot

15. bug: canon deals 0 dmg if we leave the wheel after shooting but before they land
16. give us the ability to talk to npc even when we have a quest waiting for completion. We can’t skip it.

List will continue to be updated with what you'll give me for feedback and with what i encounter in the game.

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Feb 2023, 11:11 (UTC)
# 2

Hello, the list was too long and did not fit in one mesage, so here are the suggestions not related to sailing but still important:


- Make imperial delivery, market, and breeding available in all stables

- T10: fern root and feathers are too rare. Promote horse lifeskilling by giving more quests depending on lifeskill level. Example: Artisans should be able to make 2 attempts per month, Prof 1. Masters 1 per week. Guru: 2 per week. Reward people who commit to things. (you did add a t15 imperial, but again, rng... not fair)

- use cron for T10 attempts and get fern/feathers back. And less rng overall, it feels wrong struggling for something for over 6 months, when some can have it in 2 clics. (works for avery rng aspect of the game, reward the ones who play, don't frustrate them)

- Make a skill that replaces the crappy drift cancel every player is using. Or just reduce the time for the accel to trigger allowing it to trigger right after. Think about players who have less finger mobility (the keybind 2x forward is not really helpful for some players)

- Peridot Wagon Autopath is broken: the path changes a bit after each loop or during sprint and we end up caught/stopped on some decor item

- Autopath to saved loop is straight line so does not work. And if we already are in the loop path but not where it starts, it's the same bug. When starting and autopath, it should take us to starting point too

- When setting up new autopath, make horse stop. or just make it go to that new direction 
- get more autopath saves ( at least 5)



- Enable fake gatherable objects to be actually gatherable (ex: wild herbs, plants, trees, rocks, ore, etc) (i saw something change about this but not sure so i leave it here)



- Why is a level 49 less of a hunter than a 61? Hunting damage should not be connected to level/accuracy of character but lifeskill level/mastery

- Put hunting matchlock in tool slot, not weapon slot.



- Make a grid to help us align seeds and allow us to plant several seeds at once (ex: clic on squares in parcel, then select seed)

- Create a seed storage (accessible from inventory) where seeds stack like in market. The higher the lifeskill, higher capacity for seeds. Atm magic seeds are a pain to manage. Or simply make them stackable.
- Allow us as many farms as we want if we have the contribution for it. Or better, untie them from contribution.

- Make the mole pet obtainable. 10 petals is impossible to reach unless you are super carried. And pet should be t4 for the uber lucky ones that got it.



- Make better hitboxes or find a way to make placement of items closer to each other. Huge gaps between some items that are not even touching.

- Give us the rest of the flowers/plants for manor at once. More flowers and trees. Make gardening plots that can actually be farmed for flowers.

- Revamp interior of manor or allow us to configure the inside as we wish. Right now, it's absurd (we feel like ants) and there is no way i move from my grana big house as manor is smaller.

- bring back the rankings on manor so we are able to visit some. There is nothing to be gained from rankings. Or find a way for us to see some others. ex: register your manor for visit (it creates a tab for people who are proud of theirs for others to take a look at)

- In placement mode: in the list of placed furniture, allow it to highlight and zoom to the item (or scroll through them if several) for better removal. Atm, removal of some items or even find them may not be easy (example with fairies) 
- there is so much pretty stuff in cities or that you use for events ,why not putting them in the game as housing items (example with Halloween in florin)
- there is a texture bug if you swap graphics quality near the manor making the game unplayable.



- Rework guild storage to avoid people stealing or throwing away things. Example: 2 tabs (should work like family inventory), 1 common, 1 safe where no one can take anything out except leader and advisor.

- Change the guild missions and delete the limitation of 10/day. Allow whatever guild to do whatever size. And stop with random stuff. Marlin chat became the guild quest channel. Just allow all missions in whatever size people feel comfortable with. People should be able to select the type of quest, then the size. Everything does not have to be rng. people want certain types of quests, allow them to enjoy what they want to do.

- Make small guilds worth instead of trying always to go XL without any interactions between players. Bdo is a solo game :'(

- Allow guild leader to warhero, avoids the need of a ghost account.

- Revamp guild officers roles or allow roles to be assigned to members/officers: example choose who can start guild missions. Allows to make people more involved while making life of officers easier and avoiding guild griefers (who join to destroy the guild or steal stuff)

- Show summary of active guild quests: server where it is at, completion (ex: nb of monsters left to kill), time left.

- Decrease war timer to 5minutes (or even 3) and increase price to start a war and keep it up.
- Remove all limitations: 3 connected players for guild missions, 10 to collect salary, 30 for payout. Allow small family sized guilds to enjoy the game like the others. 


Quality of Life

- Make a window to see where our contribution points are spent. An option to reset them (an update was done here and we can see in what category they are spent, but still not enough details)

- Preorders should last 2weeks max. Then it's taken off auto. Avoids people leaving the game with preorders up

- Preorder/Buy/sell in bigger quantities up to 1000 or 10k for less rare ones (it was updated too but some are just too small still, like memory fragments or gem shards)

- Upgrade family inventory slots through loyalties

- Make a special family inventory for lifeskill tools / horse gear. (not talking about liana bag, it's useless for me. this is good when you have a main lifeskiller) i still put all my tools in market and retrieve them when needed.

- Separate cooldown of traveler’s map and archeologist map (and reduce their CD to 2 or 3h)

- Auto assemble scrolls and make them stack: pile fe, relics, etc (talk to a npc or black spirit, give him x amount, and he gives us the correct number of scrolls)

- Failstacks guide inside the game (to see the % chance at what failstack / avoids using external guides)

- On quit page where we can see all characters and their inventory, make lifeskill level visible too.

- On website profile page: guild history/family name change history (and not being able to hide guild)

- Character names should not have too much lI (big i and little l) same for guilds

- Allow players to make as many tuvala sets as they want during season. allows players to gear alts

- On the titles list: make the completion requisites clear (what we have to do to get it) // some titles like “reboot” disappeared

- Make lifeskill levels family wide (that is my dream) by fusing our current levels. Sea karma is family wide... why not this?

- Having more possible sets of pets would be nice. 5 is not enough. Allow us to name sets.

- loyalties coupon to change pet names

- more UI presets and them being saved by character. i tried to have a character with nothing on UI and it does not save properly.

- Pets: allow us to reroll pets skills like for fairies. but with silver or some game items. Not through cash shop. having a t4 pet with lifeskill xp as bonus with karma recovery and combat xp is stupid. Having to pay to reroll and end up with same shit feels wrong.

- stop with rng where people are extra lucky while some spend months/years. Put a pity system from the start. BDO should be fun, not a chore. Grinding over and over the same spot is no fun. And when you see people going there and being lucky very quicky, it gets frustrating. Same for enhancing. leave the luck, but add something that will make you get your item when it reaches more than 30% of market price.

- Make crafting things always more profitable than buying in market. (Works for 90% of things in game: gear, cooking, alch, etc)

Why bothering crafting stuff when buying is cheaper?  Not rewarding the ones who play... Stupid mechanic.

- Make a real "hide adventurers" on wb that hides EVERYONE, not only a few.

- change lighstones rates: it's a stupid money sink. And the quest to purify/exchange them needs too much clicking. (there was an update but rates are still a money sink). Spent more than 10bil for a fortune one... ended up buying them when avail on market for 5 bil each.

- increase cap of active quests to 50 (instead of 30) // i think this was done recently

- increase possible chat boxes to 10 (and fix the inactive ones showing upgrades when we switch on them even if disabled)

- Allow the ability to "Edit UI" while performing other tasks like Horsing/Sailing/cooking/alchemy/processing.

- Make treasure items and potions be usable from family inventory (so they work for all family). Or at least usable through magnus storages for easy transfer.

- Put more herbs/fruit vendors in major cities

- rework the fame bonuses: new caps with more rewards. allow 8k family fame to a second pearl order, 11k 3rd. combat fame get x daily grind scrolls depending on level, lifeskill get x lifeskill scrolls. 

- allow transport of characters from "quit window" instead of forcing character swap (ofc it will still happen if you are connected on that one)

- fix report spam option in chats
- Some players have trouble with the game effects on bosses or atoraxxion. Even with transparency set at 100 and other adventurer’s skills visible, all effects like AO areas do not show properly.
- Remastered mode is too dark when in sea, inside or in caves (ex: hystria).
Not realistic at all, just painful to play.

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Feb 2023, 12:14 (UTC)
# 3

Here goes some stuff you may not agree with but is worth to debate as what we currently have is not ok. 
i don't claim my solution is the best, but it's here to get your input.

Sailing and bartering are two completely different activities linked by the fact you need a ship for them. Some players see bartering as an afk activity but i don't. i never was afk for bartering. But i agree, it fits the afk style as you can't do much while going from A to B. i wish bartering offered more fun again and was not only aimed for afk. i'll explain how later.
With the great expedition release, we were promised that sailors could enjoy content without ever setting foot on land. But it's impossible as everything comes from Velia, Epheria, Ilya, Oquilla. And sea monsters are closer to port ratt. And silverwise, it's so crappy we barely make profit if not buffed to the teeth and using yellow scrolls and agris.

- A carrack takes a lot of time to craft and i love it that way. Like the sailboat or peridot wagon, i felt super happy when i got the permit. now i would never craft one when it takes several weeks to craft but 1h to preorder and buy. keep the carracks hard to make but make the gains worth the craft.
Atm a casual player who starts a new account on season needs 1 week to continuously be able to make 300m+/hour. Best grinders make over a bil per hour. Myself, a casual grinder can steadily make 300m/h with a yellow scroll and free gear from seasons (pen capotias as accessories). With same scroll, i make barely 300m in 1h on sea with a ship that took me 2 months of everyday chores to max. Sea needs to bring more silver overall. It can be hard, that is not the problem (sea became very easy, it takes 3 shots to kill a saltwater crocodile!). But now, sea content is pure non sense. there are simple fixes: make drops more valuable like you did for valencia or increase drops. Silver made should scale with effort. here we sweat blood and tears for pebbles.

- Travel time can be a problem for certain activities. We need housing in oquilla and Ratt. And we need restock points near grinding spots. Using a buff in velia, then going to crocs... you already lost almost half your buff.
resupply is important too as origins of wind are very expensive and trips back and forth are a huge amount of time. Archeologist map does not help in this case as mount does not follow.
- Make ship follow when using a map, like horses do.

- Sea content is long and painful but not hard. We need more dense zones with more monsters and challenge like first lekrashan was (but with decent reward). right now, lekra is party and not worth soloing as you don't even have a blue cristal for sure. Wasting 400canonballs to get a green cristal? hell no! And even if you call for help, then what? you have 2 ships grinding a solo loot zone? We need coherent monster zones and give loot accordingly to difficulty. lekra should give a guaranteed blue.

- Give us more powerful monsters worth killing solo. Why don't crocs have a big Croc appear? That does not take 400 cannonballs to kill obviously! (like lekra, wink wink)

- Clearing a server in less time than respawn timer feels stupid (at crocs & lekra).

- Adjust the HP of weaker sea monsters: takes as many shots to kill a croc than a hekaru :/

- Make sailing and killing monsters worth the xp. Atm only quests give noticeable xp. People do them leeching (afk) everyday and level more than players actually sailing. 

- crow coins from sea monster hunting is crazy low. Forcing people to barter is wrong. Khan is the perfect afk workaround... merc for a khan everyday for easy afk coins. 

- Party content would make things better and bring sea guilds back to life. there are none left.

- Make a ship where canons can be handled by party members for extra power. Still give the solo play option but special canons that can only be used by players like old ships

- the bartering buff is very easy: delete parley and add a few refreshes. Allow people to barter as much as they want. You can run your horse all night, fish all night, gather as long as you have energy on characters, etc. 
- i liked better the old materials for base bartering, these ones are more rare and expensive.
- make the special barters actually worth to be looked at

This post will be completed soon as it took me more time than expected rewriting it. 
My point is:
- Promote sailing by simply making the ships worth the craft. Making them easier to get is not the solution. Make the earnings follow. A ship is more than pen weapons (not talking BS gear, old pen boss gear). Lifeskill gear is even more expensive than combat gear! At bartering release, people did it because it was very good silver and afk silver for most. As soon as land became easier, they went away, people look for easy silver, not fun stuff. At least, don't punish the ones that still like sailing by making them suffer for everything. Make their sailing more comfotable and challenging, with good rewards in the end.

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Okt 2022, 12:06 (UTC)
# 4

I would even suggest a cool way to revamp bartering, 500M a day is useless money, if i want to grind i can do it 24/7 and pull 500M/h with a season character, and even gathering is unlimited.

Take away parley and daily refresh, you can unlock each new refresh doing a fixed amount of barter, that will scale off bartering level, so people are forced to barter in order to change into a better refesh, now people can semi-afk till they find a 500cc Hakoven run.

Give more crow coin per trade, and fix Hakoven Island to 300+ crow coin so there will be always a chance to not be disappointed.

Take away stupid special barter, like caravel/galeass upgrade and other stuff, increment the chance to get valuable objects, like vell concentrated magic, khan concentrated magic and garmoth heart, sailing and bartering artifact, manos and even accessory (not geranoa no one want them).

You did an awesome job with trainer clothes, do it with sailing to, we do not much care about the sailing exp (6% is a shame to see), just switch from sailing to barter, or keep both % exp, or introduce a silver embroided barter cloth, reaching guru is a HUUGE work to do, and it do not even give real high reward(maybe with the new refresh thing people are more intrested in levelling up bartering).

Double the reward for t5 (5M to 10M, 10M to 20M) and full the crow coin shop with more choice, like vell, garmoth, manos cloth and more market items that may be worth the price, now people want crow coin just for carrack's blue gear and some crazy sailor for ebernuth nol.

Just with those change barter become a real activity and us sailor are no more griefing ourselfs by doing this.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Okt 2022, 12:10 (UTC)
# 5

Nice feedback post.

Esp. sea content could imo next 2 ur QoL feedback improved and buffed. It's as example irritating to see that what u barter for the whole day u can grind in less then1 hour silverwise.

Even barter is semi-afk the gap between that and other lifeskills and grind is too big nowdays.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Okt 2022, 12:57 (UTC)
# 6
On: Oct 24, 2022, 12:06 (UTC), Written by OmezLuke112

I would even suggest a cool way to revamp bartering, 500M a day is useless money, if i want to grind i can do it 24/7 and pull 500M/h with a season character, and even gathering is unlimited.

Take away parley and daily refresh, you can unlock each new refresh doing a fixed amount of barter, that will scale off bartering level, so people are forced to barter in order to change into a better refesh, now people can semi-afk till they find a 500cc Hakoven run.

Give more crow coin per trade, and fix Hakoven Island to 300+ crow coin so there will be always a chance to not be disappointed.

Take away stupid special barter, like caravel/galeass upgrade and other stuff, increment the chance to get valuable objects, like vell concentrated magic, khan concentrated magic and garmoth heart, sailing and bartering artifact, manos and even accessory (not geranoa no one want them).

You did an awesome job with trainer clothes, do it with sailing to, we do not much care about the sailing exp (6% is a shame to see), just switch from sailing to barter, or keep both % exp, or introduce a silver embroided barter cloth, reaching guru is a HUUGE work to do, and it do not even give real high reward(maybe with the new refresh thing people are more intrested in levelling up bartering).

Double the reward for t5 (5M to 10M, 10M to 20M) and full the crow coin shop with more choice, like vell, garmoth, manos cloth and more market items that may be worth the price, now people want crow coin just for carrack's blue gear and some crazy sailor for ebernuth nol.

Just with those change barter become a real activity and us sailor are no more griefing ourselfs by doing this.

That's the easiest and lazyest way to revamp barter, and still the best way.
atm, i have a carrack parket at hakoven, and only do trades above 300, otherwise, i just skip until one appears. Doing 

But they destroyed training clothes with manos update, it's a good thing, but feels bad when you were using a +5 that took so much hard work to get. Same for sailing, i don't use manos because of 40% xp. yes, xp is a joke, but still, i have 3 characters above m1+ just with crocs. What is mainly needed is to buff xp so people who actively sail get what they deserve. Not having to buff yourself up like crazy when sailing and do sailies everyday for xp :'( 

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Okt 2022, 20:29 (UTC)
# 7


- Enable fake gatherable objects to be actually gatherable (ex: wild herbs, plants, trees, rocks, ore, etc) (i saw something change about this but not sure so i leave it here)"

Man I can't tell you how badly I wish they would update the game world to allow us to actually gather all objects which clearly share the same model, instead of being juked by fakes all the time. Not to mention, all the fake gatherabke objects also show up in the databases and maps so *something* is there.

But honestly, I'd settle for even just an upgrade on the total available gatherable objects...more variety of viable gathering spots (ex. More mining spots other than just pilgrims ffs...)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Nov 2022, 01:45 (UTC)
# 8

Not a bug! it's a feature...

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Nov 2022, 01:46 (UTC)
# 9

And please, this is not what we are asking when we ask for more sea stuff. Tsunamis in Ratt...
enjoy the beautiful graphics! #exploit2win

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Nov 2022, 01:56 (UTC)
# 10

Maybe that's how we'll finally get past that gate.

13 1017
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