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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

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UTC 1 : 40 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 40 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 40 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 40 26. Jul 2024
Buff Bartering
06. Nov 2022, 11:04 (UTC)
6869 111
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 11:04 (UTC)
# 1

The Bartering lifeskill was introduced in 2019. The current income of bartering is still at the same rates as when it was initially introduced (if not lower due to barter reset nerfs a few years ago).

These days, you can create a season character and within a day you can be grinding several hundred million silver per hour. The income of grinding and lifeskilling in general has increased massively the past couple of years, but for some reason the barter skill is neglected and unchanged in it's core income. The trade items aquired from bartering has the same value that was initially set in 2019.

Getting a carrack and setting up a stock of bartering items takes several months, and the proccess of bartering itself takes several hours to deplete all your parley and is totally out of sync for daily/hourly silver gained compared to other activities.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 11:08 (UTC)
# 2

and before ppl come with: "but its afk" ye its half afk....same as cooking, alchemy, trading, processing etc....still takes way more work that is put into it first. If the half afk money is to good: make a acive way to barter bye doing some minigame to drive faster (like the fishing game maybe) or other ways. Ppl acutal enjoy the content and with the inflation goin on and grinding and other lifeskills getting buffed, bartering also should get some love.  

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 13:09 (UTC)
# 3

No, we don't need more "semi afk" money generators ingame. DO play the game if you want to progress.

244 4634
Lv 62
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 13:33 (UTC)
# 4
On: Nov 6, 2022, 13:09 (UTC), Written by CatDK

No, we don't need more "semi afk" money generators ingame. DO play the game if you want to progress.

Bartering requires weeks if not months to properly setup and requires a lot of effort and time. It's not a lifeskill that you can simply "semi afk" from the get go to earn silver.

Thanks for sharing your ignorance. Just because you don't like the activity doesn't mean it shouldn't be viable in todays economy. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 13:38 (UTC)
# 5
On: Nov 6, 2022, 11:08 (UTC), Written by Winterklinge

and before ppl come with: "but its afk" ye its half afk....same as cooking, alchemy, trading, processing etc....still takes way more work that is put into it first. If the half afk money is to good: make a acive way to barter bye doing some minigame to drive faster (like the fishing game maybe) or other ways. Ppl acutal enjoy the content and with the inflation goin on and grinding and other lifeskills getting buffed, bartering also should get some love.  

For me it's not afk at all. When I was still using barter (i.e. when we had a free compass oasis) it was always an active activity for me. After all, you can explore islands every 20 minutes, which gives you items, quests / sea coins / mats. Also Margoria it's 100% active activity.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 14:01 (UTC)
# 6

Barter is not that afk skill. You don't need to be 100% time at computer but you need to look on game very 10-15minutes. When need to sail to margoria you need to be 100% active there. Also you need to calculate routes at beginning and that takes some time and is not afk activity.

All of this for ~200kk per hour max to twice a day (three times with value pack), if doing 3 barters resets per day you will need also to use loot scrolls to be able to recover items lvl 1-4. 

And don't forget that it's all if you have carrack with at least +10 green eq, which means about 6 months of bartering, much longer than 2h per day, without any money income.

Compare this to any valencia spot, with pen tuvala season character created in 2-3 weeks and 500kk-800kk per hour.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 15:06 (UTC)
# 7

I just treat it as a passive income now. Get crow coins, buy some caphras and mems.

No point in bartering for multiple hours to make the same money you can do elsewhere in 1 hour.

TBH I don't think I would bother still if they doubled the T5 value.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Nov 2022, 16:42 (UTC)
# 8

Uhm... what about Wagon trading? It hasn't been fixed for decades! Yeah... I completely understand that bartering needs improvement. But please! What about Wagon Trading?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Nov 2022, 13:55 (UTC)
# 9
On: Nov 6, 2022, 14:01 (UTC), Written by Sealti

Barter is not that afk skill. You don't need to be 100% time at computer but you need to look on game very 10-15minutes. When need to sail to margoria you need to be 100% active there. Also you need to calculate routes at beginning and that takes some time and is not afk activity.

All of this for ~200kk per hour max to twice a day (three times with value pack), if doing 3 barters resets per day you will need also to use loot scrolls to be able to recover items lvl 1-4. 

And don't forget that it's all if you have carrack with at least +10 green eq, which means about 6 months of bartering, much longer than 2h per day, without any money income.

Compare this to any valencia spot, with pen tuvala season character created in 2-3 weeks and 500kk-800kk per hour.

This is correct. It makes you 500-700m a day maximum and that's with like 7-10 hours of semi afk or 3-4 hours of active bartering. It's not even close to other methods in the game and bartering can barely be called afk at all.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 07. Nov 2022, 21:39 (UTC)
# 10

even 1h lazy grinding like valk train method gives more then 1d bartering and it isn't buffed for years while everthing else is buffed so i agree.

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