Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 2 : 22 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 22 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 22 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 22 26. Jul 2024
Market warehouse items weight.
16. Nov 2022, 12:49 (UTC)
504 1
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Nov 2022, 12:49 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Market warehouse items weight.

Family Name: what for?

Region (NA/EU): again, what for?


Some items weigh way too much in the market warehouse. Despite the fact that different armors and weapons have different weights, in the market warehouse they all weigh as much as 50 LT. But not only them. Rods, matchlocks also weigh 50 LT each. But that's still not the worst. All accessories weigh 20 LT each. Really? One ring weighs as much as half an armor and more than a few hundred sacks of grain? This is definitely too much and additionally where is the balance in relation to other items that can be stored in the market warehouse in thousands of pieces. 

So suggestion: change market warehouse items weight as:
- weapons and armor - 5 LT

- rod, matchlock (and others I may have forgotten) - 5 LT

- accessories - 1LT.



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