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Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 14 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 14 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 14 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 14 26. Jul 2024
Thought this Twitter post was funny (screenshotted off Reddit, I don't do Twitter)
19. Nov 2022, 00:20 (UTC)
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Nov 2022, 00:20 (UTC)
# 1

For everyone with a bad suggestion on the Feedback section of this forum:

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Nov 2022, 02:13 (UTC)
# 2

What, and forgo the joy of having some outsider tell you how to do your job? 


13 1017
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Nov 2022, 15:40 (UTC)
# 3

Elon isn't struggling with Twitter, he's doing a great job with it and doing exactly what he said he'd do. He's firing and forcefully laying off all the woke people who don't want to actually work and give their 100%, removing all of the useless things like $400/meal free lunch that nobody was using (saving something like $12mil / year) etc... More layoffs are coming. Also anyone who worked at twitter are going to find it hard to find a job, nobody will want to hire them. Amazon is also cleaning house and so are a bunch of other tech companies like Facebook Meta too. You may as well call it the great purge or something because the fun of getting paid over $200k/yr doing nothing is over.

Now we're in a era where there's a surplus of job openings and people don't want to work regardless how well they are paid. Good luck with that, we're going to need skilled people with the willingness to work. Check out Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs guy), he was just talking about this problem a few days ago. If someone is offered $15/hr to work, they won't work. If they're offered $30/hr they still won't show up. What's going in their head is anyone's guess. But they'll have to adapt to reality sooner than later because their funds are about the dry up and no one will be there to hold their hand. Reality isn't a safe place. Go woke, go broke.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Nov 2022, 13:56 (UTC)
# 4

twitter going to collapsing, because all major companies run away from that, so not more $$ from them and big majority twitter user already quit or dont care about blue bird 

so i agree with painofchaos we just watch how elon will sabotage and cripple twitter ^_^

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Nov 2022, 15:35 (UTC)
# 5

I disagree, Twitter will be a lot more profitable in 6 months from now than it ever was. The whole woke thing is just a fad and it will have completely die out by the end of next year and companies really don't care about associating themselves with whatever, it's the cancel culture part that they're scared of. But if you eliminate cancel culture, you're fine. Twitter was an incubator and safe place for cancel culture (and pedos, terrorist groups etc...), but it's no longer that kind of place. You may think that Twitter will be the only one but when you realize that about 99.9999% of the population isn't woke, it only makes sense that we move on.

If Apple and Google deplatform Twitter, Elon will be able to win in court pretty easily unless of course, the judge and jury get bribed. But it's probably part of his plan and expectations to be brought to court over this. The fact that Apple and Google are the ones determining what rules websites should use is pretty disgusting. It's a duopoly and the reason why apps are in this mess but not the root, this goes way deeper, I'm sure you can imagine.

I don't plan on using Twitter now just like I didn't have one before. I despise social media but I think this is a big W for people in more ways that you can imagine.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Nov 2022, 18:26 (UTC)
# 6

currently several sponsors already run away from twitter, dont know which sponsors want to stay with twitter, especially if twitter turn into troll land

what i read half twitter used already quit or going to quit to facebook, mastodon, tik tok, instagram, reddit, discord

and those who stay not really care about blue bird

so twitter will mostly live from elon musk money than by itself 

elon musk can of course use mark z strategy and sell personal data, but a this little game i give advantage to facebook

and anyway you already answer to yourself if google, apple, huawei and microsoft block twitter, because government pression, because twitter post something it should not post, it will badly cripple twitter

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Nov 2022, 20:45 (UTC)
# 7

I already wrote a long response to what you said describing why Twitter will only get better and these moments are just turbulent virtue signaling. But it ended up much longer than expected and couldn't make it shorter. The shortest I got it down to was about 6 long paragraphs sadly. So I rewrote it.

Simply put, Apple and Google can't deplatform twitter and if they do, they will get sued so hard and the government will have a lot to answer to especially since they are responsible for colluding and conspiring with tech companies. A lot of people joined Twitter, few left (could be temporary) and the majority of the people banned were rule breakers such as spam bots. It's a phase and nothing more, Twitter 2.0 will be like a pheonix and they will continue to ban people for being racist, the only thing is it will apply to liberals as well now. So it's no longer just one-sided, everyone is to be treated equally and fact checking is no longer going to be specifically anti-conservative. As we speak liberals are the ones outraged because the fact checker is actually spitting facts and not left-wing propraganda.

But this is straying far from games and BDO so I'll just end that there. Just wanted to point out that Twitter isn't going away today, tomorrow or next year, it'll be around for many years to come and perhaps outlive Facebook and other platforms due to Elon's decisions.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Nov 2022, 01:59 (UTC)
# 8

of course they can, they just need to prove than twitter is putin home and you can be sure government will strike badly twitter

of course supreme court may be with twitter, but even them have their limit if goverment prove twitter is chinese or russian tool

dont know look more than twitter is bleeded, majority already going to quit

because several conservative forum for example 4chan dont last long after people post video where they shot other people or where they show their gun and post than they going to kill people, so if elon let those people posting their threat on twitter it is rip twitter and even supreme court may not able to defend twitter if the place turn into a place where weirdo show their gun and announce they going to kill people there

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Nov 2022, 14:18 (UTC)
# 9

It's not like Twitter prior Elon wasn't giving access to literal middle eastern terrorist organizations or dictators .¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Twitter was a huge host for CP and did nothing about it, and they allowed democrats to threaten / cancelled the lives of conservatives including the former president. They were actively supporting the "firey but mostly peaceful protest" of 2020. Misinformation was rampant there and backed by an anti-conservative fact checker. There was collusion with the government on a crazy level and this bombshell now has actual a leg in court for next year (involves big tech companies and why these companies could be forced into free speech since they are technically public due to government involvement). Sanity and moderation is being restored slowly, but people like you are using extreme honeypot websites as example on why twitter will fall which is irrelevant. Sorry, it doesn't make sense. If anything, Twitter is increasing in active users.

Looks fine to me.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Nov 2022, 14:53 (UTC)
# 10
On: Nov 23, 2022, 14:16 (UTC), Written by Tooshaitopost

It's not like Twitter prior Elon wasn't giving access to literal middle eastern terrorist organizations or dictators .¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Twitter was a huge host for CP and did nothing about it, and they allowed democrats to threaten / cancelled the lives of conservatives including the former president. They were actively supporting the "firey but mostly peaceful protest" of 2020. Misinformation was rampant there and backed by an anti-conservative fact checker. There was collusion with the government on a crazy level and this bombshell now has actual a leg in court for next year (involves big tech companies and why these companies could be forced into free speech since they are technically public due to government involvement). Sanity and moderation is being restored slowly, but people like you are using extreme honeypot websites as example on why twitter will fall which is irrelevant. Sorry, it doesn't make sense. If anything, Twitter is increasing in active users.

Looks fine to me.

it suppose his data are reliable, but anyway we will see in 2023

and we will see if twitter will turn into extreme honeypot website

if the next big massacre is announced less of 24 hours on twitter before happened and than same dude posted video of his weapon and who he going to kill on twitter, twitter may has same trouble than 4chan 

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