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UTC 1 : 42 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 42 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 42 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 42 26. Jul 2024
NPC able to restore knowledges of some world boss that are only obtainable once per familly.
21. Feb 2023, 09:34 (UTC)
3080 12
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Feb 2023, 09:34 (UTC)
# 1

Title: NPC able to restore knowledges of some world boss that are only obtainable once per familly.
Family Name: 
Region (NA/EU): EU
Suggestion/Comments: Actually few world bosses knowledges are obtainable only ONCE per familly, which mean the grade is locked. So if you get a bad grade you may be weaker on DPS ;Damage reduction and drop rate (even if drop rate may not work on world boss).Additionaly you get fewer points of ecosystem drop rate system. Also on a completionist viewpoint its not cool !

The world bosses knwoledges concerned are : Garmoth ;Mutant troll ;Mutant ogre. Maybe their is some other knowledges (not only world bosses) that i am not aware of that are concerned by the same problem, a list should be made.

All those knowledges should be restorable somewhere, logically on the NPC who handle the originals quests.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mrz 2023, 06:25 (UTC)
# 2

Please fix this, as I thought the "Mutant Troll" knowledge was a character questline, not a family questline

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Apr 2023, 10:47 (UTC)
# 3

Please - after quest let us get the knowledge for energy at the NPC i want to have it on S (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Mai 2023, 07:45 (UTC)
# 4

I made a thread in suggestions recently that mentioned Mutant Troll and Ogre and made the same suggestion OR to turn these mobs into soloable mobs since nobody is doing this "content" as is.

For garmoth another fix could be that fighting garmoth in the drieghan questline can give you the knowledge. This is alread`y a thing for some bosses anyway, killing the boss and forfeiting the quest over and over until you get S.

I mean sure you can get garmoth to S but considering easily a thousand people across all servers are battling garmoth, this means one chance in a 1000 to get the last hit. At 156 garmoth a year, that means if you just started, in ten years with decent luck you have decent odds to finally get that last hit.  Now pray for knowledge to drop at S....

For the mutants and trolls, no biggie, get a group of 30 people, take two hours to kill both these mobs, beg for people to let you get the last hit in, and with all the buffs you might have about a 5% chance the knowledge will go up.  That means once every twenty kills with average rng. So let's see... you need to do this for about 40 hours, with a group of 30 people who let you take the last hit. Now before you get it at S let's say maybe 200 hours? Pfft..not that hard right?

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Mai 2023, 13:54 (UTC)
# 5

Another suggestion for fixing Garmoth ecology:

Let people loot knowledge off of World Bosses as part of the reward pool (=without having to last hit)

14 26
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Mai 2023, 18:29 (UTC)
# 6
On: May 9, 2023, 07:44 (UTC), Written by CillianRaynor

I made a thread in suggestions recently that mentioned Mutant Troll and Ogre and made the same suggestion OR to turn these mobs into soloable mobs since nobody is doing this "content" as is.

For garmoth another fix could be that fighting garmoth in the drieghan questline can give you the knowledge. This is alread`y a thing for some bosses anyway, killing the boss and forfeiting the quest over and over until you get S.

I mean sure you can get garmoth to S but considering easily a thousand people across all servers are battling garmoth, this means one chance in a 1000 to get the last hit. At 156 garmoth a year, that means if you just started, in ten years with decent luck you have decent odds to finally get that last hit.  Now pray for knowledge to drop at S....

For the mutants and trolls, no biggie, get a group of 30 people, take two hours to kill both these mobs, beg for people to let you get the last hit in, and with all the buffs you might have about a 5% chance the knowledge will go up.  That means once every twenty kills with average rng. So let's see... you need to do this for about 40 hours, with a group of 30 people who let you take the last hit. Now before you get it at S let's say maybe 200 hours? Pfft..not that hard right?

Hey we did the Mutant Ogre once it took us just under an hour with 30 people in our guild.  I mean I doubt we'll ever do it again, but it was at least done once in the past year....

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Jul 2023, 17:11 (UTC)
# 7

Just implement 5xGarmothScale for Knowledge for ever and not only once.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Dez 2023, 03:19 (UTC)
# 8

Just finished getting knowledge from the questline. Good thing I checked the codex page, and it sent me here, first.
Surprised this still isn't fixed, yet, though.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 13. Mai 2024, 06:06 (UTC)
# 9

This needs fix... got almost all S ranks in game besides these 2 and some bosses and its annoying haha my OCD demands S ranks

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Mai 2024, 03:38 (UTC)
# 10

Rebumping this.  PA just recently gave us the option to easily get Garmoth to S (which I have). Now it's time for these two.

Outside of these i have only five`mobs/bosses left that I don't have at S and really only two of these will be a hassle (I already made a feedback thread for Kvariak who 100% needs to spawn more than once every 2 hours and a half). But it sucks to know that even if I DO get these five monsters at S, i'll always have the mutant troll and ogre at C (didn't get lucky when i turned in that quest)

Frankly, sure, you could make it that you can get the knowledge from a npc (delete and repeat until S) but why not instead just make these mobs solo mobs like the Mutant Tree Spirit? Even when the game was new almost nobody was doing these (I did the Ogre once with a group of people like 6 years ago) and now literally no one is. This "content" was almost DOA in 2016 and it's been definitely dead for years.  Hell you can make them as strong as gatekeepers if you want, but these need to be soloable.

1 2


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