Title: Change Archer's Gaping Darkness Back to RMB OR Add Key Rebind Options
Family Name: Elari
Region (NA/EU): NA
Ugh, that is a HORRIBLE change. Everything they touch nowadays is ruined.
Also they should change key/key combinations for Watcher skill.
99% Watcher is activated when I don't want to, when I use Marked Bloom.
Ugh, that is a HORRIBLE change. Everything they touch nowadays is ruined.
Like drakania, how they made that class from okish to clunky?
I'm amazed how many people are fine with this change. Perhaps no one plays Archer? Or they never use the Ra'ghon?
I was just 2 or 3 month away. now i startet the seasons and saw the changes.... what my archer thinks about that is this:
Archer is such a rarely played class that peoples talked to me just to say that i have their deepest respect for playing that class.
I guess now its just became more rare till no one wants to play it anymore.
Just this week they described this skill as easy to use.
Really. W+E is easier than RMB.
These people do not play this game.
So gross. I feel insulted by them.
Play your game, PA.
And fix Archer.
Just this week they described this skill as easy to use.
Really. W+E is easier than RMB.
Agreed, absolutely not easier to use. 2 button presses vs. one? You even have to move two fingers vs. one finger! (I know its subtle). Even if it is easier to use, W+E disrupts combat flow more than RMB.
I main Archer since back when in-game chat spamed: "archer is so bad... weak..." etc. I always found him fast and switching between both of his weapons the smoothest. Then they changed him, with the worst change being the loss of RMB, which changed how I played him completely.
I hope Gaping Darkness returns to RMB or a similar melee attack is made available. Also, what's the point of his spear? He never uses it anymore.
Title: Change Archer's Gaping Darkness Back to RMB OR Add Key Rebind Options
Family Name: Elari
Region (NA/EU): NA
Gaping Darkness is much easier to use in W+E, I don't know why you are complaining. In the main skill combination, it is much easier to use. If you are only playing the class with 5 skills from awakening, it's better to try to combine them with the main combos, which are very useful and protected. What you are proposing is a negative change. It also took me a little time to get used to it after the second rework, but it is much more useful. The problem is Shift + Q (I preferred the old version with the spear in the ground), but anyway, yes, the Q buff (Watcher) often activates by mistake, which is why you have to keep it on the quickslot. And for grinding, you use W+E for the buff and to return to the front position after using the awakening skills that push you back by 1 or 2 meters.
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