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UTC 2 : 6 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 6 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 6 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 6 26. Jul 2024
Mobs that need tweaking for the S knowledge seekers
26. Apr 2023, 01:00 (UTC)
1926 33
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 05:19 (UTC)
# 1

First of all, let me just say i understand some mobs should be more difficult to get to S, it's not that i'm unwilling to make an effort, i've got 10 902 knowledge points, i'm used to making an effort, but these ones are problematic


Please fix Kvariak. It's the worst mob to get to S (outside of mutant troll and ogres..)  First day, spawned after one hour fifteen. Second day, no spawn in three hours. Third day, spawned in 30 minutes. Fourth day, spawned in 60 mins TECHNICALLY but i never got the message he spawned, just the message he despawned... Frustrated i decided to go back later and spend an evening there while also making sure i check the zone where he spawns every four mins (he despawns after five) to make sure i'll get him even if i never got the notification he spawned (something that needs fixing too). Nothing after two hours and ten mins...  Maybe  my sample size is not significant enough, but right now im at one spawn every two hours and forty minutes. Make the spawn more frequent, this is ridiculous. Look at Ulutuka in the Tukunta zone. I soloed there for some hours once for the garmoth heart quest, as I remember, Ulutuka would spawn at least twice per hour. That's a good spawn rate. Do that with Kvariak. Better yet, since you can't hurt him if someone other than you spawns him, just change it so you spawn him with a summon scroll that is dropped by the tshira mobs at a fairly low drop rate. Like around one or two every hour.


This is not group content anymore, I can kill them in about ten mins, i'm sure some can do it even faster. Here's the thing, if you do it as a group, you'll kill one in like, idk, 2 mins. Then if you want to farm more you'll have to wait until the server change cooldown is over. Therefore, it takes as much time doing it alone, therefore, it's not group content, therefore, make them squishier. Should be a five mins affair solo. Since there will still be the server cooldown issue, have it so there's always a gatekeeper at both spawn spots AND that they respawn at least every fifteen minutes (I don't know what it is currently but it seems to be hours. Also, it happened maybe twice where I had a cadry in each spawn spots but I feel this is an anomaly because that only has ever happened at cadry, in every other gatekeeper zone, like naga, fogan and shrine, there's only ever one at either spawn spot) ). Maybe you'll need to nerf their loot but I dunno, it's not really good anyway, but i suppose at shrine you could likely get a bunch of crescent rings per hour this way so yeah whatever, nerf the drops so it's not op IF you have to.


Here  you have two choices, OR you admit that this is the lamest and most cancer "group content" that next to nobody has ever done (I killed mutant ogre once years ago with a group) and turn them into solo mobs OR, nice throwing us a bone with the quest to get their knowledge a couple of years back, but what you should have done is once the quest is finished, have a npc you can get the knowledge from again (at some energy cost) once you deleted the knowledge so you can try for S. But really... just turn them into solo mobs, say, as "tough" as a ahib griffon or something. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 04:15 (UTC)
# 2

Kvariak is a drop item effect, same as Ulutuka. So for that elite, they could just slightly increase the item's drop chance - even more so since the loot is underwhelming 9/10 times.

Gatekeepers could've been turned from a monster that is dependent on (PA's favorite thing) unnecessarily long cooldowns into a drop item spawn or, maybe a kill count (10k maybe). Their loot is also underwhelming for 2023, so there's not much reason for scarcity.

The mutants could be added to the guild bosses list ('cause we don't have enough boss quests spam in the guild quest window already :D). I deleted my knowledge on the troll, thinking the quest is a character based, not family. So... some means of getting that intel on them could work. Hah! PA could even make the two buggers worth hunting down, but then the chance of getting the knowledge on them would still be a very painful process.

Btw! you might wanna edit your suggestion following the guidelines (format and tags and all that). Small chance your post will gain enough traction to end on the funny AFB and even smaller to actually be read by a decision maker, but why cripple those chances yourself, right? :)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 04:57 (UTC)
# 3

Add the kamasylvia Rock Rhino to , afaik its the hardest to obtain across the board

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 05:25 (UTC)
# 4
On: Apr 26, 2023, 04:12 (UTC), Written by Harth

Kvariak is a drop item effect, same as Ulutuka. So for that elite, they could just slightly increase the item's drop chance - even more so since the loot is underwhelming 9/10 times.

Gatekeepers could've been turned from a monster that is dependent on (PA's favorite thing) unnecessarily long cooldowns into a drop item spawn or, maybe a kill count (10k maybe). Their loot is also underwhelming for 2023, so there's not much reason for scarcity.

The mutants could be added to the guild bosses list ('cause we don't have enough boss quests spam in the guild quest window already :D). I deleted my knowledge on the troll, thinking the quest is a character based, not family. So... some means of getting that intel on them could work. Hah! PA could even make the two buggers worth hunting down, but then the chance of getting the knowledge on them would still be a very painful process.

Btw! you might wanna edit your suggestion following the guidelines (format and tags and all that). Small chance your post will gain enough traction to end on the funny AFB and even smaller to actually be read by a decision maker, but why cripple those chances yourself, right? :)

Oh I didnt' realise there were guidelines. Thanks for letting me know. I'll see what they are.

What do you mean by item drop effect? You mean he won't spawn unless you get a specific item? Cause if so i'd like to know what it is....

Honestly i thought maybe at first kvariak was something like a kill count. It should be, this way you'd know exactly when it's coming and how long it's gonna take.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 07:35 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 26, 2023, 04:56 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

Add the kamasylvia Rock Rhino to , afaik its the hardest to obtain across the board

Man I don't remember doing this one at all. I did it though cause I have all S in kama (actually in non-bosses the mobs i posted  about are the only ones I don't have at S).

I think there's only one of them right? Since I don't remember it, I assume I got the S knowledge fast. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 07:49 (UTC)
# 6

There is only one yes, but with the guild servers, you can kill one, skin it, and swap, so there is barely any downtime in waiting for the next spawn.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 10:20 (UTC)
# 7
On: Apr 26, 2023, 05:25 (UTC), Written by CillianRaynor

What do you mean by item drop effect? You mean he won't spawn unless you get a specific item? Cause if so i'd like to know what it is....

Yeah, pretty much, like Ulutuka. Or that's how it felt like. Mind you, you can get Ulutuka Alert and still not spawn him, so eh?! I was never in a party with someone grinding Tshira, so can't say for sure that's how it is. But seeing how I get Kvariak to spawn anywhere between 4 times in an hour to 1 time in 4 days, it can't be any other mechanic.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 18:42 (UTC)
# 8
On: Apr 26, 2023, 05:25 (UTC), Written by CillianRaynor

Oh I didnt' realise there were guidelines. Thanks for letting me know. I'll see what they are.

What do you mean by item drop effect? You mean he won't spawn unless you get a specific item? Cause if so i'd like to know what it is....

Honestly i thought maybe at first kvariak was something like a kill count. It should be, this way you'd know exactly when it's coming and how long it's gonna take.

It's a "drop item"  in the sense that it spawns when you kill a monster, like Afuaru.  You won't see an actual item in the loot window, but the game will see a "spawn Kvariak".

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 18:44 (UTC)
# 9
On: Apr 26, 2023, 04:56 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

Add the kamasylvia Rock Rhino to , afaik its the hardest to obtain across the board

That took a little bit of patience, but I just killed it and then butchered some sheep while I waited for respawn. Minarya's suggestion of swapping guild servers is more efficient, though.

I believe there is a second mob somewhere, but in a bit more inaccessible area, so I didn't bother to go between them.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 26. Apr 2023, 19:53 (UTC)
# 10
On: Apr 26, 2023, 18:42 (UTC), Written by Alnilam

It's a "drop item"  in the sense that it spawns when you kill a monster, like Afuaru.  You won't see an actual item in the loot window, but the game will see a "spawn Kvariak".

Well then that brings the question, does loot drop rate influence Kvariak's spawn?

I was there for 30 mins earlier on arsha with loot scrolls and 30% drop rate artefacts in any case, nothing but i'm aware he rarely spawns under an hour.

If this is true this would at the very least mean the quicker you go through mobs the better so you'd have more chance spawning it if you're grinding the most densely populated rotation. Assuming any mob can spawn it and not just specific ones of course.

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