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UTC 2 : 11 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 11 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 11 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 11 26. Jul 2024
1 NPC for all of the Dark rifts
30. Mai 2023, 21:01 (UTC)
643 7
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Mai 2023, 21:01 (UTC)
# 1

Title: 1 NPC for all of the Dark rifts
Family Name: CaLTz4

Region (NA/EU): EU

Suggestion/Comments:  I suggest to make an npc to acces all of the dark rifts, something like the daily scrolls of black spirit so we can summon every rift from one location, because it's so annoying to travel to all the regions just for the rifts, we loose like an hour just travelling, it will be so much easier and not time wasted thank you so much for the review and have a good day !
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Mai 2023, 23:46 (UTC)
# 2

They should actually spawn in more than just a couple locations, so we'd have to explore and interact with more of the world. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Mai 2023, 11:59 (UTC)
# 3
On: May 30, 2023, 21:01 (UTC), Written by CaLTz4

Title: 1 NPC for all of the Dark rifts
Family Name: CaLTz4

Region (NA/EU): EU

Suggestion/Comments:  I suggest to make an npc to acces all of the dark rifts, something like the daily scrolls of black spirit so we can summon every rift from one location, because it's so annoying to travel to all the regions just for the rifts, we loose like an hour just travelling, it will be so much easier and not time wasted thank you so much for the review and have a good day !

I'd say we should be able summon the dark rifts in our residence, in front of Heidel storage keeper or in whatever afk fishing spot of our choice. </s>

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Mai 2023, 13:51 (UTC)
# 4

I honestly like travelling across the map to do the rifts.  I have my route set out from Kama to Valencia and it's a chill thing to do when you can't pay 100% attention to the game.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Mai 2023, 14:00 (UTC)
# 5
On: May 30, 2023, 21:01 (UTC), Written by CaLTz4

Title: 1 NPC for all of the Dark rifts
Family Name: CaLTz4

Region (NA/EU): EU

Suggestion/Comments:  I suggest to make an npc to acces all of the dark rifts, something like the daily scrolls of black spirit so we can summon every rift from one location, because it's so annoying to travel to all the regions just for the rifts, we loose like an hour just travelling, it will be so much easier and not time wasted thank you so much for the review and have a good day !

This is Dark Rift mate, a rift in space that opens on random location on the world! Dark Rift isn't an delivery item lmao. What we actually need more increase the number of darkrifts throughout the world and make it every 4days instead of every 7days.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Mai 2023, 18:09 (UTC)
# 6
On: May 31, 2023, 14:00 (UTC), Written by Awgust

[...]What we actually need more increase the number of darkrifts throughout the world[...]

There are no rifts in Drieghan, O'dylitta, or MoEW (and give that place a 'real' name already), and LotML (them too) will need it too, regardless of 'bosses'. Valencia needs at least one more. 

And how about a mid-ocean rift or two?

13 1017
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Jun 2023, 16:54 (UTC)
# 7

move puturum somewhere i dont have to ride so long or have a unicorn+compass (yeah yeah i know how to get there without compass but i like to alt tab and forget the ride)

Also to ppl "rift are so you travel around the world" bruv, maybe the first 10 clears after 1k kills you dont want that you hate that. Stone cold truth, travel time is there so that you just stay ingame longer PA doesnt really care about your, whatever you think the reason is.

48 1797
Lv 61


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