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UTC 1 : 41 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 41 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 41 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 41 26. Jul 2024
The original skin for the T10 Mythical Arduanatt deserves some love
02. Jun 2023, 00:34 (UTC)
1176 5
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Jun 2023, 00:55 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Chanhay

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestions/Comments: I'm very glad that PA added the option to switch the skin from its red and black to white if the owner prefers the original white color. This allowed people who loved the new color scheme to keep it, while also satisfying the people who wanted the white skin back.It is very clear that the white redesign has a ton of more effort put into it - when it idles, there's a beautiful snowfall animation. As it runs, the floor freezes with each step, leaving behind a majestic ice trail. This Mythical Ice Arduanatt looks like a true, authentic upgrade to the Arduanatt.The original black and red Mythical Arduanatt, however, needs some more love. It seems clear that with the Ice Arduanatt and mythical Dine that they've found their standard for what a t10 mythical horse should be - a complete stylistic revamp, and a new, fresh evolution. The original t10 Arduanatt skin was their first "trial" attempt before they've reached their current standard - and I believe that it is time that they give that original skin the same level of care and detail the other two T10 designs have, while keeping the same color scheme that it already has. While I personally love the red, dark silver/black, and gold color scheme, I find myself defaulting to the ice skin simply because of the clear difference in the level of care and detail that it provides. I hope given time, and probably after the T10 Doom horse release, PA will take another look at the black and red Arduanatt, and redesign it to bring it up to their new standard. Perhaps instead of snow falling, we have golden specks falling in the air.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Jun 2023, 00:54 (UTC)
# 2

Yeah that skin could use some love :/

Agree completely

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Jun 2023, 07:29 (UTC)
# 3

Agree completely with you there OP

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Jun 2023, 07:40 (UTC)
# 4

Yeah, fully agreed. 

I went for the t10 pegasus since i really wanted a dark horse. And wasn't a fan off doom because of its autopath speed. 

When the revamped t10 released i kept using the black/red skin for a while but eventually caved since the new one jist looks way more like an actual t10 horse instead of a recoloured t9.

In my opinion, recolouring the new skin to black and red and changing the ice on the legs to be some black smoke or so would already do a ton.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Jun 2023, 17:57 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jun 2, 2023, 07:40 (UTC), Written by Wulfae

Yeah, fully agreed. 

I went for the t10 pegasus since i really wanted a dark horse. And wasn't a fan off doom because of its autopath speed. 

When the revamped t10 released i kept using the black/red skin for a while but eventually caved since the new one jist looks way more like an actual t10 horse instead of a recoloured t9.

In my opinion, recolouring the new skin to black and red and changing the ice on the legs to be some black smoke or so would already do a ton.

Totally agree. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but even if it was just a recolor using the black red and gold color scheme, I'd totally be okay with it because at least it's using a higher standard than what the original t10 Ardy looks like. I already enjoy the way the pure white looks, having a black, red, and gold variant of that would look phenomenal. 

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