Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

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Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

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Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 43 27. Jul 2024
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PDT 18 : 43 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 43 26. Jul 2024
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Eriane's Apprentice Journal: The Compendium of Novice Mistakes
18. Jul 2023, 17:04 (UTC)
3157 15
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Jul 2023, 00:42 (UTC)
# 1

Eriane’s Apprentice Journal

The Compendium of Novice Mistakes


Introduction to this Guide

Welcome to the Apprentice’s Journal; a collaborative effort to help novices and returnees before it’s too late. This compendium is advice by veterans where its intention lies not to belittle but to guide fellow players on common mistakes made in the world of Black Desert Online.

Below is a Table of Contents where you may quickly scan through tips and search for the specific advice you are interested in. Kindly note that it is imperative that before you ask questions anywhere, that you consider reading through this guide as the answer you are looking for may in fact be here.

I have provided links that you may click to skip ahead but because anchor tags don't exist, they are grouped within a set (post). Alternatively you may copy and paste into search (CTRL + F) to skip ahead to where you wish to read from. Have fun!


Update: Now until August 30!

Limited time Special Question: Free Dream Horse Guide (Click to Expand)

Table of contents

  1. 1. Before submitting a support ticket, read this!
    1. a. Frequent support ticket questions with your answer here
    2. b. When to use the ticket system
  2. 2. Choosing the correct family name: Do not choose a random name!
  3. 3. Picking the best starting Zone (Balenos, Winter, Land of Morning Light)
  4. 4. Forgetting to create a season character
  5. 5. The difference between Season Servers, Olvia and other servers
  6. 6. Recreating / starting new characters and advice
  7. 7. Forgetting to use Fughar’s Timepiece (Don’t know what this is? Read this please)
  8. 8. Context Menus in BDO and How to Use Them
  9. 9. How to get more help in-game
  10. 10. Useful Websites to use with your journey through BDO
  11. 11. Did you get stuck? If so, this is what you do to get unstuck! 100% guarantee
  12. 12. Ignoring the Main Story Quest / Rushing is a big mistake… Unless…?
  13. 13. Getting your first character boosted is not a good idea, here’s why!
  14. 14. How to obtain your first horse and getting better horses
    1. a. Buying it from the Horse Market
    2. b. Capturing your own horse (it’s easy!)
    3. c. Tansise’s Guide to horse training
  15. 15. SEASON: Upgrading your Naru and Tuvala Gear the right way and related quests
  16. 16. Not joining a guild because why? Just do it, at least for protection!
  17. 17. Joining the right guild for you (Don’t just join any guild! Here’s why!)
    1. a. The perks of a guild
    2. b. How to find a guild
    3. c. Collecting guild silver and going up in rank
    4. d. Leaving a guild
    5. e. Clans vs Guilds vs Creating your own
  18. 18. You can become over encumbered (Overweight) How to fix that….
    1. a. The one simple horse trick
    2. b. Pearl Weight Limit
    3. c. Increasing weight limit with crystals
  19. 19. Can’t get passed level 49? This is how you can go to 50 and beyond!
  20. 20. The difference between Item Grade colors
  21. 21. “Where do I grind!?”
  22. 22. How to become and not become a “red player” (bad karma)
  23. 23. Can’t progress with Main Story or Side Quests? This is why!
  24. 24. Do not accept everything from the Black Spirit Safe! Here’s what to do instead…
  25. 25. LIFESKILL: Creating a “Level 49” character and why it’s important
  26. 26. Trial characters are NOT an accurate representation of the class! But Why?
  27. 27. You can place tools in a tool bag called Liana’s Toolbag. How to use it correctly!
  28. 28. Setting crystals Do’s and Don’t as well as when you should do it
  29. 29. Read the Shop item’s description before purchase!
  30. 30. How to return items without a support ticket
  31. 31. Always understand the item you’re about to sell, don’t just sell it all!
  32. 32. Do not min-list on the central market, here’s a better strategy for bigger money!
  33. 33. Can’t combine items in your inventory? This is how you do it the right way…
  34. 34. Why summoning boss scrolls aren’t working, solo and party editions
  35. 35. AFK Leveling but your durability is at 0 – Why this is bad
  36. 36. Trying to enhance without knowing how to enhance is a recipe for failure!
  37. 37. Confusing Simple Alchemy with Housing Alchemy. Oh my! That’s costly!
  38. 38. One does not simply use a raft from the Land of the Morning Light to the mainlands…
  39. 39. Ignoring the fact that Knowledge (mechanic) matters. Yes, here’s the importance of it!
  40. 40. Are you not using your energy (mechanic) effectively? Here’s how you know!
  41. 41. Don’t let your Mail expire! Yes, they expire! Same with Coupons!
  42. 42. Avoid pickpocketing these NPCs and why you can’t proceed with certain quests…
  43. 43. You must always collect your Daily Challenge Rewards, no exception!
  44. 44. This is how you fly with an Arduanatt (Pegasus) – FOLLOW THIS OR YOU WILL DIE
  45. 45. Spending too much time on one thing is bad, here’s why…
  46. 46. Did you not complete the Magnus questline yet? This is why you need to do it right now!
  47. 47. How to use “Global storage”
  48. 48. You can get GUARANTEED PEN Boss equipment!! This is how and mistakes to avoid
  49. 49. Cooking or Alchemy? Using the correct amount of ingredients matters
  50. 50. Don’t use every buff all the time, use them the smart way! Here’s how….
  51. 51. Family name and Character names in chat, how it all works for everyone’s sake
  52. 52. Black Desert Online is NOT a race! Enjoy the game, don’t rush.
  53. 53. Other people’s opinions on the class you choose should not matter, enjoy it!
  54. 54. Guides from way back may no longer be relevant. Take it with a grain of salt.
  55. 55. List of useful guides like QoL tips, Pit of Undying, Unlocking all social actions etc…
  56. 56. For discord users: Accept server rules before you do anything and other advice
  57. 57. Final Remarks

Special thanks to Daruma, Pohjantikka, Andaro, Minarya, Eleatha and Dorkmaster for the suggestions.

183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 19:30 (UTC)
# 2
1. Before submitting a support ticket, read this!

You wish to submit a support ticket but for what reason? Do you think a quest is bugged? Are you stuck? Do you want a refund? Do you need gameplay help? Want to create a new character or delete one? Okay let’s have a talk so you can avoid needing to wait for a response.

a. Frequent support ticket questions with your answer here

“My quest is bugged, help!”

First, your quest is most likely not bugged. This is rare to happen but if it does, make sure you’re not in a party and you are following the quest directions as intended. If you still have issues then cancel the quest and start over again. Most likely you were either in a party, missed a step or don't have a pre-requisite complete. You may wish to try BDOCodex to learn more about your quest.

“I want a refund!”

Second, if you want a refund I wrote about how you go about it in this guide so check it out!

"I want a GM or CM to guide me"

GMs and CMs are not there to help you play the game so please don’t contact them for gameplay help unless there is a legitimate concern. You can ask the community instead! You can ask in the forums, the oasis of knowledge, discord and in-game chat. Please look up your gameplay question before asking your question! I have provided a nice list of websites you can use too in in this guide.

“I want to delete a character or start season over”

If you have questions about deleting your character, you certainly can! You can recreate your season character as well but be warned that if you accepted any season challenge reward and they are character-bound, you will lose those rewards.

“Did I lose my account??”

Did you lose your account? Did you happen to not transfer your account from Kakao to Pearl Abyss? I’m sorry to say but your account cannot be recovered because of privacy laws that PA must follow. All the data has already been deleted and you were sent e-mails almost every month for a full year. You must start over if this is the case. I’m sorry. But the game is so crazy good now! However, if you think you lost your account because of nefarious reasons, do contact customer support! But if you haven’t played in years, chances are it’s gone for good.

b. When to use the ticket system

The ticket system is there for you, but you shouldn’t rely on it for every question you may have. Instead, you should consider when it's appropriate to submit tickets. For example, perhaps you have experienced a game-breaking bug that isn’t covered in this guide? Perhaps you want to report another player for harassing you? Please note that PvP is not harassing however there is a fine line between killing each other and stalking and continuously harassing someone. Perhaps there is another breach of abuse you would like to report? Or maybe you would like to write a heart-felt letter to the developers in private?

There are many reasons why you should submit a ticket and you shouldn’t feel bad for submitting anything. When in doubt, you can always submit at ticket. This guide is intended to help you get your answers fast. I would advise for everyone’s sake that you take the time and look and see if anyone else has encountered your issue. BDO is not an easy game and there is no tutorial for most of the game.

2. Choosing the correct family name: Do not choose a random name!

Black Desert Online has a First and Last Name system. Your last name is your Family name. This name is shared between your characters. I understand it’s difficult to come up with a full name on the spot but taking the time to pick a good family name is the right choice. Otherwise, you’ll be spending real money to change your family name. So make it count!


Speaking of family, all of your characters are a part of this “family”. They share silver, storage, investments, knowledge and more!  For more information about family names take a look at 51. Family name and Character names in chat, how it all works for everyone’s sake


3. Picking the best starting Zone (Balenos, Winter, Land of Morning Light)

When you start the game, you’re asked where you want to start your adventures between 3 choices (as of 2023). Do you pick Balenos? The Eternal Winter region? or the Land of the Morning Light?

Tempting as it may be to join the frey in the latest expansion, I would advise you not to choose this. It is there as an option for those truly eager to play it but I can’t stress enough about the disadvantages that this choice would bring you.

Save yourselves from the headaches that a new player or returning player would face and start in Balenos. After you have completed the Balenos questline, you can go to the Land of the morning Light if you want to go there as your next choice. The time you spend in Balenos is worth the effort, trust us, the entire Ambassador’s Team says so.

4. Forgetting to create a season character

So you started a new character and you completely forgot that you needed a season character! Ouch, that hurts! Well, there’s no recourse for this and support will not help you because it’s just not something that can be done.

However, you can still salvage your character you like… If your character is below level 25, you can stop playing with that character, create a new season character and level the season character until you are content. Once you are content with the season character’s level and you are ready to graduate, you can do what is called “Fughar’s timepiece” which will copy, yes copy not transfer but copy all of your combat XP and skill XP to your < lv25 character. If you have reached level 62, both characters will now be 62!

But let’s say you are to high level, is it really that bad? No, you only gain some bonus XP % on season so it’s okay, it won’t matter too much in the grand scheme of things. If you would prefer deleting and starting over completely, you can and your family data is still saved including your knowledge, contribution points, investments etc…

5. The difference between Season Servers, Olvia and other servers

Olvia servers are available every day of the year, they are PvE only servers and have XP related bonuses. You can only be a part of Olvia if you meet certain requirements so veteran players cannot play. Olvia does not support World Bosses at this time! So you will not ever notice a world boss notification or see them in the world. Season servers only exist during season events. They are very much like Olvia only that new players and veterans can play together. Most servers are PvE but there is an Arsha Season server where players may play in an open world PvP environment where PKing does not have any penalty.

There is also the regular servers which you can play on and then there’s the golden looking ones which is your guild’s home servers. This means you can swap between those servers without any cooldown timers. There were once Elvia servers which is a special super powerful world but instead of accessing it from the server selection screen, you can access elvia from any server now. It’s the green button to the left of your minimap.


6. Recreating / starting new characters and advice

Earlier we talked about deleting a character and salvaging a non-season character by using Fughar’s Timepiece. But what is the point of recreating a character or creating a new character? Well, for starters, some people believe their character has bad RNG. While this may just be superstition, there are people who reroll for that reason (I'm not one of them).

The second reason is that people may like their character a lot and would like to have a twin so they could have an evil version of themselves or want a different horoscope or more energy etc… It’s also a lot easier to share gear between two characters of the same class than having to use an advanced and expensive system that “tags” gear between characters.

But if all else, you may want to experience different classes for the fun of it. Later we’ll talk about the importance of having a Level 49 character.


7. Forgetting to use Fughar’s Timepiece (Don’t know what this is? Read this please)

Do not forget to use Fughar’s Timepiece! This is very important! This is a limited time item that you obtain as a seasonal character which copies your combat XP and your skill XP to another character that is below level 25. If you don’t care about playing another character, consider at least using them for increasing your family fame fund (free silver every day) and using it as a storage mule.

You MUST complete this quest before season ends and before you graduate.

8. Context Menus in BDO and How to Use Them

Hovering over an item will give you information about it. Most questions regarding items can be answered by reading it. It’s a harsh reality but many don’t. Don’t be that person who doesn’t read.

Example of a context menu when hovering over Moray (Item)


183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 18:57 (UTC)
# 3
9. How to get more help in-game

In-game there are several ways you can ask for help. You can ask people in your guild or alliance, you can ask people in your friend’s list, you can ask in “Group Chat”. What is group chat you ask? It’s the chat that is colored in blue. You can connect to a group (by default it’s Lunar Halo Inn) and you may ask questions there as you desire. People wearing hats or crowns are supposed to know their stuff, feel free to ask your question there.

Group Chat Selection Window

10. Useful Websites to use with your journey through BDO Ambassador Tansie's Website, everyone loves BDO Foundry! Amazing website to keep track of your gear, simulate RNG enhancing and other great tools like boss timer! Fantastic website for maps / nodes of the game. Useful for fishing, horse capturing and gathering too! Amazing website for item database, also contains other useful tools Really big website that includes guides. However, you will need to search since it lacks in browsing capabilities. The go-to place to find information about items and quests in the game. Information is datamined so take the existence of some items with a grain of salt. Great website for keeping track of world bosses. This is the one you will want to use, it's accurate. Some websites simply don't take DST into account and forget that PA uses it. Some prefer this one over Garmoth and vice-versa. The choice is yours!
The Book of Combat (Google Docs) For the PvP oriented player, a must!
Black Desert Online Official Discord If you have discord, this is the official place to go


11. Did you get stuck? If so, this is what you do to get unstuck! 100% guarantee

Ah, so you got stuck somewhere? You can’t leave? You have options! The first option is the “escape” command. Everyone has this and you can use it once every 15 minutes. You don’t have to ask a GM to get you out of a hard to get out spot. Press ESC on your keyboard then click on the Escape icon. If you can’t find this you can either search for “escape” without quotes in the search bar in the menu or you can click on [Character F2] > [Escape 8].

The second method is by using a Map. You can purchase a map from the Central Market and collect it using one of your maids. When you have a map, you can teleport to the nearest node or town from a selection list.

12. Ignoring the Main Story Quest / Rushing is a big mistake… Unless…?

So you think it’s a good idea to skip the main story and rush through everything, is it a good idea? The answer is generally no. Some people may say “oh I’ll rush with this character and then do it slowly my next” but that never happens. There will be an excuse!

The only time I would recommend skipping content is if you started playing a few days before season ended and you wanted to boost your way to level 60+. Other than that, it’s not a race. Remember, no complaining that the story is bad if you just skip through it! smh…

13. Getting your first character boosted is not a good idea, here’s why!

Unless you’re rushing to make the season’s deadline, don’t rush your character! You really need to learn your class. Leveling up naturally is the way to get a solid foundation. People often complain that their class isn’t good but the reality is that it’s because they don’t fully understand their class. Each class has advantages and disadvantages, they may not be  completely balanced but they are for the most part good at something.

14. How to obtain your first horse and getting better horses

Your first horse depends on when you join. If you join during season, see if there aren’t any seasonal rewards for a Tier 8 (T8) horse, which is the highest tier before Dream horse (T9). If no event for a free horse exists you can either capture your own or buy one from the horse market. I would not recommend buying a horse from the stable keeper. But how do you do it either way?

a. Buying it from the Horse Market

Simply go to a main town, preferably one where you’ll be comfortable to ride your horse wherever. It has to be a main town, not all stables have the horse market. Go to Velia, Heidel or Calpheon for example. Once there, there is a Market button click on that and you can sort horses to your liking. Buy a horse that best suits you, look at their skills and level. Be sure not to overspend, if it’s your first horse, don’t spend more than 40mil silver if possible. Get something, anything. It’ll be yours.


b. Capturing your own horse (it’s easy!)

The horse capturing mini-game is easy now. All you need are two items. The first item is a Capturing Rope and the second item is Lump of Raw Sugar. You can buy the capturing rope from a stable keeper and the lump of raw sugar from the Central market or make your own (it’s cheaper).


You must then head to a place where wild horses graze. I suggest trying west of Heidel near the farmland. You will see horses if others have not captured them. When you find a horse you can right click on your Capturing rope and a mini-game will appear. You must be close enough while targeting the horse to see a target crosshair marker. When the time is right, press spacebar to "lasso" the horse. You will enter another mini-game which is a tug-of-war. You must approach the horse and when the horse lifts its legs into the air you must press spacebar again and play a third minigame. Keep tapping spacebar until the timer runs out. You will be able to keep walking towards the horse. Eventually you will be close enough to give it a Lump of Raw Sugar. Use the context menu that appears on top of the horse to give it some sugar, baby!


Once you’ve captured your horse you can bring it to the Stable Keeper. You don’t have to be on the horse, it will follow you, even if you zoom-zoom using a different horse, it will teleport to you eventually.


At the stable keeper when you talk to him you will see a register button. If this doesn’t appear yet, your horse still hasn’t arrived nearby the stable keeper. Be patient. When you register your horse you will give it a name, call it whatever you like it’s yours.


Tansie has a great horse training guide for this occasion! If you want to learn more, take a look: [ link here ]

183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 16:24 (UTC)
# 4
15. SEASON: Upgrading your Naru and Tuvala Gear the right way and related quests

You want to level up your Naru gear? That’s great! Because in order to get Tuvala Gear you must get your Naru gear leveled to PEN. But before I explain how, let’s talk about the enhancement levels.

The armor and weapon enhancement Levels:

BASE LEVEL +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
+8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15


The accessories enhancement Levels:




To upgrade your armor, you will need to have Beginner Blackstone Armor which are obtained through questing the main story. You can also obtain Beginner Blackstone Weapon which are for enhancing your weapons.


You will need to unequip your weapon or armor, whichever you want to enhance and then speak with the black spirit (,). There will be a menu item called Enhance. In this menu you can select both the Beginner Blackstone (weapon or armor) and your chosen weapon or armor. Click on the enhance button to begin the enhancement. Once it’s done, it will have made the weapon or armor stronger!


But... Does it always succeed?

The first few levels will be a guarantee. You can guarantee your (weapon/armor) enhancement until +5 and then it will begin to fail. But don’t worry, when it comes to NARU GEAR, you can just not worry about what people call using “failstacks”. You’ll learn more on this later. Just keep shoving attempts into your weapons and armor pieces.


What about Naru accessories?

Don’t bother, it’s a waste. You can get your Tuvala accessories later by buying them with Tuvala Ore which is obtained later when you’re playing level 50+ content.


Naru weapon and armor are now all at PEN, now what? – Converting to Tuvala

Now that you have reached PEN, you can either use the in-game interface during enhancing to covert to Tuvala or you can press the inventory button (i) and there will be an icon there to upgrade.


Once you’ve completed the upgrade to Tuvala, you will be so much stronger! However now enhancing Tuvala will require failstacking.


What is failstacking? How do you know how much you should use?

Failstacking or using Failstacks is when you use advice of valks as a means to improve your odds against failing. If you don’t use any, your chances of failure is much higher! For instanced, if your chances of enhancing something is 50% without any failstack. You can use advice of valks +30 to improve those odds. Perhaps those odds will now become 75%? The exact amount is difficult to tell without knowing what you’re enhancing and at what level.


However, BDO does provide a great way to know what your failstack will bring the number up to. In the enhancement menu, you will see two + icons if you click on the top one, you will bring up a that screen.

If you select an advice of the valks, you will see what it can do for your current enhancement attempt.

If you fail an enhancement, your equipment (Tuvala in this case) will go down a level. That means if it was TET and you failed the enhancement, it will go down to TRI. If you fail again it will go down to DUO and if you fail again it will be at PRI. When a weapon or armor is at PRI, it cannot go any lower, that is the “new base”. For accessories, if you fail, both accessories shatter unless you use cron stones to protect it, in which case only the accessory you are trying to enhance survives the attempt.


Comparing with what other players have succeeded with (in-game)

You can compare failstacks with what other players have done in-game by clicking on this icon

This will show you a list of % and failstacks used to succeed. This wonderful Quality of Life (QoL) feature is very convenient as people no longer have to rely on third party websites to get numbers. The numbers shown in-game are aggregated results by other player attempts.


Failures can improve your chances!

I’m not just saying that in a karmic retribution type of sense, I’m saying that when you fail and you’re not using cron stones to protect your enhancement (will explain what cron stones are later), your failstack will increase with every failed attempt. Veteran players use season characters to build really good fail stacks for cheap by ensuring they fail a lot on their enhancements. That is a bit of a complicated and advanced for this moment but it just goes to show you that people will find creative ways to get the best out of their failures. If you fail, you’re one step closer to success! (At least that’s what I tell myself)


"With your failures comes too good of failstacks" - Uncle Ben

Your enhancements may be too good for the level. Let’s first talk about what kind of failstack you need for Tuvala.


I’ve created an enhancement chart. You are free to follow this chart or any number of charts that exist online. You may also go with whatever your gut instincts say, some say that is the best guide of them all. The range is min vs max, where max value is where I would personally not go beyond and just keep the failstack for something more important if possible.

Weapon and Armor (Tuvala) Accessories (Tuvala)
PRI > DUO 10 - 25 FS PRI > DUO 10 FS if you really want
DUO > TRI 20 - 30 FS DUO > TRI 20 -30 FS
TRI > TET 35 - 55 FS TRI > TET 30 - 40 FS
TET > PEN 60 - 85 FS * I found that 65 - 80 is a good range, 85 if you're desperate TET > PEN 40 - 55 FS



The Enhancing process

There is a method to this.

1. First you enhance your equipment to DUO (excluding accessories, that’s a later thing).

2. Then you start upgrading one to TRI. If it fails, then enhance something else to TRI. If that fails, enhance something else to TRI until it succeeds.

The reason is you will build your failstack. However, you shouldn’t build too high of a failstack as shown in the chart. 

If for example you failed enhancing a TET and your FS is at 45, you would not want to use that same failstack on a TRI. Instead, you would save that failstack and use a proper failstack for the equipment level.


Saving Failstacks

You can save failstacks so that you’re not forced to use them when they get too good.  In order to save failstacks you will need to unlock Nadder’s Band. Black desert foundry has a nice guide which is linked a bit later.


Using Cron Stones for Enhancing Naru / Tuvala?

No, don’t do it! Do not do it, do not do it, do not do it! They are too precious!



Notes about enhancing accessories

Oh my dear accessories, you are the forbidden fruit. When enhancing accessories, you will have to always sacrifice one accessory and if it fails…. You lose both! You can use cron stones to prevent losing both but Tuvala isn’t the right place to use them.


Learn more about enhancing!

I have written far too much about enhancing and yet we’ve only scratched the surface!

For more details about enhancing, please visit the following websites:   
For more about Tuvala enhancing please visit Grumpy green’s guide
General Enhancement Guide


Special Related Quests

There are three important quests that you will need to undertake. Well, four if you count the season challenge logs.


1. Enhancing with Fughar

The first is when you are enhancing Tuvala, you can speak with Fughar and he will give you quests to complete for Advice of the Valks. These are wonderful because it’s basically helping you upgrade for free, almost… All you need to do is accept the quest, unequip the equipment that you have enhanced and then equip it again. This part is important! If you don’t do that it won’t complete the quest.


2. Regional Quests

The second quests are called regional quests. You can do these once per season. You should go around different grinding zones and complete the regional quest there. When you are at a grind location, there will be an icon next to your map at the top right and this will show your seasonal quest such as kill 250 monsters in the area for tuvala ore for example.

Once it’s completed, you must click on “Receive reward” and  if there’s another quest for the region, you can keep grinding for the next level. Please keep in mind that you must meet the region’s level requirement. If you find a guide that says you can grind say, Desert Naga and you’re only level 50, you won’t see the regional quest. Also, you have to be in a certain spot to see it. Under most cases, you can still grind in the area if you don’t see the notification and it should count. For example if there are multiple grind spots and you know you can get the regional quest and you’ve been doing it but need to grind in a different spot, it will likely get counted. You should confirm that it is getting counted by going back and forth once in a while.


3. Weekly Regional Quests

The third kind of quest is a weekly regional quest, this quest can be accepted near a mob grind zone, like Polly’s forest, Forest Ronaros, Bashim Base, Desert Nagas, etc… These will give you a substantial amount of enhancement crystals of your choice for season. You must complete this before wednesday reset time (8PM EST for example).

183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 18:56 (UTC)
# 5
16. Not joining a guild because why? Just do it, at least for protection!

You may walk a lonely road but joining a guild is quite important in this game. The first reason is that you make free money (up to 5milion silver per day) by just existing in a guild. This kind of silver can pay for many things such as 1milion can go towards your daily mansion rental fee.


The second reason is because people will actively hunt other players that aren’t part of a guild. If you don’t want to have the protection of a guild, then that is your choice, you are absolutely free to do this. I would however also recommend that you join Arsha servers for a better PvP experience.


· Guilds provide buffs! You can have many buffs as thanks to the guild, given that they have unlocked it and can actively use it.


· Access to guild missions! You can make more money while grinding or doing your lifeskill activities. Why say no to free money?


Weekly guild activities are also fun! Every week guilds tend to go together at Vell (a big monster at sea) and also complete various guild boss challenges that are exclusive to the guild.


17. Joining the right guild for you (Don’t just join any guild! Here’s why!)

Every guild has their own requirements, some require that you use discord, others just want you to be alive. Sometimes you may not know what kind of requirement a guild may have entirely and if you can’t dedicate yourself to play every day, you may get kicked out from a highly active guild.

Many guilds do not have such high requirements, but some do. Knowing how casual or hardcore a guild is up-front is important and perhaps giving a guild a test-trial for a few days to see if it’s right for you may also be optimal. Don’t worry, Guild Masters won’t take offense, hopefully.

If you’re a Lifeskiller, don’t join a PvP guild. Likewise don’t join a lifeskilling guild if you’re into siege wars etc… Because that guild will most likely never go to war.

There are just so many guilds out there, focus on the right one that speaks to you even if it takes several days of going through different guilds and thinking about it.  You don’t want to be established in a guild and find out that it’s not the right kind of guild for you.


18. You can become over encumbered (Overweight) How to fix that…

You’ve been grinding or lifeskiling for a while and now you can hardly move. What do you do now? Well, you could use up all of your maids to place your items into storage which is fine, you can do that, I do it all the time. However… There is another nice trick you can do.


The one simple horse trick

You can get a horse and dump all of your heaviest loot in your horse. Yep. The horse can carry as much as it needs to. You won’t be able to put more than one item type in it but it can carry a crazy amount of weight. You can use your maids to move your other items which aren’t as heavy to keep grinding indefinitely!

Some people have so many maids that they never, ever need to use a horse to carry it! But what do you do when you want to go back? Simply put the items back on your character and ride your horse. Your horse will run normally like magic! Hey, I don’t make the physics here!


How else can you increase your weight capacity? (Pearl / Loyalties)

You can purchase weight increase items from the Pearl and Loyalty Shop. Personally, I went a long time without them thinking it was a big waste of money. But then I went for it and got +750LT and wow, what a change! I had already maxed out my loyalty enhancements and combined with that much LT increase, it made my life so much better. No regrets!


You can also use Crystals

You can purchase weight limit increase crystals from the Central Market or find / craft them yourself. I likely will not be keeping up with this guide to update whenever a new crystal is released so instead I defer you to Ambassador Tansie’s guide instead.


For more details on how to increase your weight capacity, visit


19. Can’t get passed level 49? This is how you can go to 50 and beyond

You are now at level 49 with 99.9% XP and for some reason or another you can’t reach Level 50. Now what? In case you have missed the notification that appears on your screen any time you perform an action or kill something, you will need to speak with the Black Spirit and complete [To Level 50]  Go beyond your own limits.

When you accept this quest you will get a new item in your inventory called Clear memory piece. Open this item. It will now say Quest completed. Speak with the black spirit again to finish the quest. Now you have unlocked the ability to go beyond level 49% Go and kill something that can get you more than 0.01% XP and you will be golden.


20. The difference between Item Grade colors


Lowest rarity level








Very Rare


Please keep in mind that just because an item isn’t very rare, it doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. Always reference the item if you’re uncertain of its importance.


21. “Where do I grind!?”

This question is tricky and very difficult to explain because it relies on so many variables.

· What is your gear score? Meaning, what is your AP, AAP, DP?

· Do you have crystals? If so, are you willing to risk dying with them equipped? (meaning they might break)

· What are you trying to grind for? Skill XP? Combat XP? Silver / hr? Legendary/treasure items?

· Do you plan to grind on your own or with someone else? What about 5 people?


You can do one of three things.

  1. You could just go with the wind and explore on your own, no worries and let destiny take you wherever it takes you.
  2. You could use Monster Zone info which is a QoL interface found in the game. It allows you to find out what monsters are found in which zone and what their drops and requirements are. You can compare your stats with the required stats there. To access this, open the main menu go to Adventure then Monster Zone Info.
  3. You can use online guides.


Leveling from 1 to 62 and beyond guide
BDO Grinding Spots

183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 18:55 (UTC)
# 6
22. How to become and not become a “red player” (bad karma)

You can get negative karma accidentally but before I say how, please take note that there is Naval Fame (Karma) which is family-wide which is different than character based karma. Naval fame is not forgiving and is very, very hard to go back to being a good guy but character karma such as PKing another player on land, is fairly easy to go back to neutral / positive.

You can become “red” if you kill another player without them attacking you first. You can lose karma by killing protected animals such as horses. You can lose karma by getting caught stealing from NPCs. Please note that NPCs have affinity towards you and by getting caught you will lose some of that, sometimes you’ll lose the ability to complete quests, even main story quests! So be careful who you pickpocket. There are some NPCs like in the desert that you can kill which will also reduce your karma.

Simply put, do not kill or hurt things you shouldn’t be hurting. Even attacking other player’s ships will harm your naval fame considerably.

As a reminder, if you’re at war with another guild, or if you weren’t the instigator, you will not lose karma. Do not “flag up” when you’re engaging in PvP! If you do “flag up” which is when you toggle PvP mode on, you will likely get karma penalty depending on the situation. You don’t need to turn on PvP to defend yourself against another player.

23. Can’t progress with Main Story or Side Quests? This is why!
There are several reasons why you may not be able to progress with the main story or side quests.

First, make sure all of your quests are toggled to visible. If your icons are yellow like this, it means that they are enabled:

Second, you cannot complete quests in a region that you haven’t done before. This means if you have started in the Eternal Winter Region or the Land of the Morning Light, you cannot complete quests in Balenos. You must complete that story and proceed to complete Balenos. Please remember this when you create a new character because you won’t be able to complete dailies such as Lara’s dailies in Heidel if you start somewhere else than Balenos.

Third, you may have not met the level or quest requirement. You must make sure that you have fulfilled the quest’s pre-requisites. You can hover over a quest and it will tell you what you need in order to accept it.

Fourth, are you in a party? Some quests cannot be accepted or completed while in a party. BDO is not designed for party quests (at least not yet) and so it sometimes isn’t possible to accept or complete quests while in a party. Sometimes, a quest may become bugged because you were in a party, even if that party only consists of yourself.

Still don’t know why? Google the quest name and you can find out! You will likely come across BDOCodex which is a website dedicated to informing players about game items, quests and more!

24. Do not accept everything from the Black Spirit Safe! Here’s what to do instead…
You have found out about the treasure trove that is the Black Spirit Safe. This is where all of your daily login rewards and Black Spirit Dice rewards go to. Some bosses like Vell will also give you items there as well, so what do you do? Do you accept all 300 items that has been accumulating there? The answer to that is, no! Don’t do that! Use it as spare inventory and accept items as-needed.

If you accept everything, it will be tremendously difficult to find a place for all those items. Instead just accept what you need when you need it. I personally keep my silver in there for a rainy day fund. When you do accept your silver, do not accidentally click on collect all rewards! Oh my what a disaster that would be…

25. LIFESKILL: Creating a “Level 49” character and why it’s important
Putting all of your efforts into a single character is not recommended in BDO for a variety of reasons. One of which is to create a Level 49 lifeskill character. This may seem like a waste but trust me, it isn’t. A level 49 character is very beneficial for things such as horse training when you want to do activities away from the keyboard without getting yourself murdered by another player. There are players that actively targets AFKers who aren’t level 49, so be careful!

When you’re level 49, you cannot be killed by other players and so the question I ask you is… Why not? I suppose if you like the thrill of being vulnerable but that’s all on you.

26. Trial characters are NOT an accurate representation of the class! But Why?
When you play a trial character title screen > character menu > Trial you can test different character classes. But those characters are not an accurate depiction of what your class will be like in the wild. You will need to play the class for many hours and understand your skill sets for both awakening and succession. The only proper way to review a class is to experience one at level 61+, only then can you truly get a feel for the class. Please keep in mind that PvP is also much different than PvE and they both require different combat strategies.

27. You can place tools in a tool bag called Liana’s Toolbag. How to use it correctly!
Liana’s Toolbag is a convenience item that you can unlock in-game, that’s right – you don’t need to buy it with pearls. This bag will let you store your lifeskill tools such as a Hoe…. AxeFluid collector….etc…. You can easily move this toolbag into your storage and pick it up with another character or better yet, just grab it directly from another character. Simply go to the character menu, click on the items button next to the character that has it, and then right click on it. You will summon a maid to collect that item from another character.

Please note that you can’t grab items that are currently equipped!

When you have your toolbag, you can equip it or change the tools that are inside. You don’t have to take out each tool one-by-one and repair them individually as long as they are repairable. Use a field tent to repair and your life will be smooth sailing.

28. Setting crystals Do’s and Don’t as well as when you should do it
Your character can become so much stronger with the use of crystals, but should you really use them? The answer depends on where you are in the game. If it’s your first character and you’re a bean sprout, then don’t use any crystal that is worth more than a few hundred thousand silver. Don’t try to buy expensive crystals, don’t even use the ones you found by chance. You do not want to accidentally break a crystal should you die.

In theory you shouldn’t break cyrstals on fall damage, and some bosses such as rift bosses, quest bosses may not actually break your crystals. World bosses will break crystals upon death and if you lose a PvP match and you weren’t the aggressor, you may lose a crystal and possibly have your gear downgraded!
With that out of the way, only equip crystals that you’re willing to break and replace. Never equip a crystal that you cannot afford to replace. Do not try a new area with your best crystal preset, instead either unequip your crystal  preset or equip a cheap crystal preset.

Do not forget to verify that all of your alts are not using any crystal presets especially if they are just sitting in front of a world boss! You don’t want to accidentally shatter crystals because you thought crystals were family-wide adjustments, they are not! Crystal presets are a per-character selection but the entire family shares the same preset collection.

Be very, very careful leveling with leveling crystals! Some crystals are only available to obtain during season and you must absolutely be careful not to die. Lastly, do not start investing into very expensive crystals until your gear (armor/weapon) is pretty good. Gear is more important than crystals, crystals are just supplements, but with the right crystals you can make a very powerful character.
183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 17:18 (UTC)
# 7
29. Read the Shop item’s description before purchase!

When you purchase items from the Pearl or Loyalty Shop, make sure you fully read the description of what you want to buy! Some items may not work with your class, or perhaps there is a limited time for you to use the item. Perhaps the item has a usage limit such as Character slots are limited up to 30 slots (as of the writing of this guide). Whatever you do, make sure you read the fine print before purchasing!


30. How to return items without a support ticket

So, you accidentally bought something you regret? That’s fine. You have a week (7 days) to return it if you didn’t use it yet. Did you use it? If so, you can’t return or exchange it. Did you accidentally revive yourself using pearls instead of an in-game item? I’m sorry to say, you cannot refund that either. But if you didn’t use the item and the item description does not say that refunds aren’t allowed, then you most likely can refund it using the in-game refund system.


Go to the Pearl Shop and then click on the Purchase History button. You will see what you can and can’t refund. You cannot get your coupons refunded unfortunately either. If you have a very unique situation, you should probably contact customer support.


31. Always understand the item you’re about to sell, don’t just sell it all!

Not all items should be sold immediately, instead place them in storage or in your warehouse, they are two different things. When you feel comfortable to sell the item, you can sell it to other players. If they are junk items, you can talk to any NPC that has a shop feature and click on sell junk. This will only sell junk items in your inventory. Junk items cannot be sold to other players on the central market.


Please note: Player-trading does not exist in BDO. The most you can do are potions and other low-level items.


32. Do not min-list on the central market, here’s a better strategy for bigger money!

Do you want to sell items on the central market? Do not ever sell it for min price unless there is a big queue of items trying to be sold for min price. Generally for high ticket items, you will want to get the most that you can out of each sale, especially since there is tax on each item sold. Do not sell it to a price you think is a fair price for other players, that’s not how this game's economy works. You should always sell it for as high as you can. You will kick yourself later if you don’t. Please trust me, I’ve been playing since 2016 and I’ve seen many players regret it, and so have I.

High ticket items will also sell, you don’t have to undercut, just stack it with other players, it may take a few days perhaps a week or two but it will sell.


33. Can’t combine items in your inventory? This is how you do it the right way…

At some point in your adventures you will have to combine items. This is a common thing. There are three reasons why you can’t combine the items.

Reason #1: You have your inventory sort to auto. You need to toggle this off in order to combine items.

Reason #2: You did not follow the instructions. Combining items requires you to place the items in a very specific way. Sometimes you have to create a line, or a plus, sometimes it’s an image puzzle. Hover over the item and read the description to find out what the requirement is.

Reason #3: You are missing an item.  If Reason #1 and Reason #2 are for sure not the cause, then you are missing another item. If it’s quest related, look over the quest carefully and see what you need to do. If it’s a boss summon, then you are missing a certain number of scrolls.


34. Why summoning boss scrolls aren’t working, solo and party editions

If you are trying to summon a boss there are a few reasons for this.

Reason #1: You are in a party and the boss may need you to complete it on your own.

Reason #2: You are not party leader. It’s possible that you are trying to summon but you’re not the party leader. Ask to be the lead.

Reason #4: You aren’t in the correct location. Right click on the scroll and it will guide you to the exact spot on where you need to summon the boss.

Reason #5: If you are doing seasonal rifts, you must be in a season channel to summon the season rift.


35. AFK Leveling but your durability is at 0 – Why this is bad

If you are AFK leveling (leeching from party members) and your gear durability is 0, then you will not be gaining experience points. This is rare to see people experience this but it can happen so be very careful not to let your gear reach 0 durability!

183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 18:54 (UTC)
# 8
36. Trying to enhance without knowing how to enhance is a recipe for failure!


Earlier I have linked to some guides on enhancing. Simply put, do not enhance without knowing how to enhance.  See more: SEASON: Upgrading your Naru and Tuvala Gear the right way and related quests


37. Confusing Simple Alchemy with Housing Alchemy. Oh my! That’s costly!

Whatever you do, do not confuse these two! Housing alchemy and housing cooking is done in your own residence / mansion.  When you craft using these utensils that are placed in your home, you will lose your items whenever you fail a recipe. However, when you do simple alchemy or simple cooking which is found in the processing window (press  i  to open your inventory and then click on Process), you will not lose your items if you fail the recipe.

Why the difference? Simple -anything- can be performed anywhere but it’s only for very specific items. Housing crafting is an entirely different system. Don’t ask me why there are two systems, it just exists and always has existed. I am only warning you to not confused the two because if you want to craft a 6bn silver crystal and you toss the items in an alchemy tool (it's a utensil) in your residence, you can kiss your items goodbye.


38. One does not simply use a raft from the Land of the Morning Light to the mainlands…

You may not be able to tell when you first start playing the game but the mainlands are very far away from Land of the Morning Light. Likewise, you wouldn’t want to visit LoML from the mainlands. Do not do it on a raft or a low level ship. First of all, even if you could make it all the way across the ocean, it would take an eternity. Secondly, you cannot make it without a good enough ship. There is stamina on a ship, without enough stamina you cannot make it from one end of the world to the other. BDO is HUGE!

To travel across the sea without your own ship, you will need to complete the Magnus questline or ask someone to give you a ride. However, unless you have Magnus unlocked and completed, you should not unnaturally cross the ocean! Please be patient, you will only put yourself in a lot of trouble if you try to skip steps.


39. Ignoring the fact that Knowledge (mechanic) matters. Yes, here’s the importance of it!

When you interact with certain objects you may be able to unlock new knowledge of that object. It could be a flag on a wall, or it could be a bookshelf. There is a vast amount of knowledge to unlock in BDO! You can also defeat monsters to obtain knowledge at random. S grade knowledge is the best kind, this kind of knowledge will allow you to defeat the enemy easier and it will have a higher drop rate for rare items. If you do not have knowledge of a monster, you will also not be able to see their HP bar and have to estimate their HP based on the color tone of it. In the knowledge menu (H), you can also toggle the UI setting for the knowledge grade for monsters. This is very useful and should be the first thing you do when you start playing.


By gaining more knowledge you can also increase your total energy. Energy is used predominantly throughout the game. You can obtain over 600 energy if you try! Each character has their own energy pool but share the same maximum. That means if you have 3 characters with 600 energy, you can use up to 1800 energy at one time for various reasons, given the energy is maxed out.


Energy isn’t important like mobile games use energy, but they still play an important purpose for making extra money, investments and other things such as gathering (lifeskill).

Growing your knowledge will improve your energy pool

There are other benefits to increasing your energy, I highly recommend the following guide:


40. Are you not using your energy (mechanic) effectively? Here’s how you know!

If your energy is always hovering at the maximum amount that you have, then you should use it. You shouldn’t ever let it reach its max. It doesn’t matter if this is for your main character or an alt, always use your energy for something, it’s worth silver at leaset!


If you don’t have anything to use your energy on and you don’t want to invest them in nodes to improve drop rate %, then you should consider speaking with Alustin the alchemist to exchange your energy into energy potions. You can save them for later or sell them on the central market.


If you’re always running out of energy take a moment to think about why. If you haven’t started increasing your energy pool by gaining more knowledge then I highly recommend that you do. If you are only using one character to invest, gather and do other things with your energy, you should consider using alts to share the burden.


41. Don’t let your Mail expire! Yes, they expire! Same with Coupons!

My sweet beautiful J’s hammer… I’ve lost many in the mail. Don’t do what I’ve done, collect your items from your mail before the expire. Coupons also expire and other mail expires. Always keep an eye on your mail, and try to organize them (delete accepted messages) when possible.

Some items also have an expiration date. Be very careful how you manage these items! Create a system, try to be diligent.


42. Avoid pickpocketing these NPCs and why you can’t proceed with certain quests…

Avoid pickpocketing NPCs that have important functionality such as storage keepers, stable keepers etc… Do not pickpocket a village chief, do not pickpocket the wrong NPC. Some quests may be a bit confusing on who to pickpocket, you are better off search on the internet with the quest name just to be certain.

If you accidentally pickpocket an NPC that is used in a progression for a quest and get caught, you will not be able to continue said quest because your amity is in the negative. If your amity is in the negative, assume you can’t continue further until you bring back your amity to the positive side. You will have to Greet (F5) or play the amity mini-game to do so.


43. You must always collect your Daily Challenge Rewards, no exception!

Daily challenge rewards are given to everyone who login every day. Sometimes you must login for a certain amount of time. Some of these challenge rewards are only available until the next day’s reset such as your XP scrolls, this means some do not stack.

Do not let these items expire! While some of them never leave the challenge log, it’s best if you can keep up with maintaining it. It’s not always obvious what will or won’t be removed.


44. This is how you fly with an Arduanatt (Pegasus) – FOLLOW THIS OR YOU WILL DIE

When you fly your Arduanatt what do you expect to happen? That you take to the sky like a majestic Pegasus? Of course, that’s the expectation and it can be reality if you fly correctly. Well, by flying it really is more of a glide but it does feel like you can fly a bit at least.

Step 1 Find yourself flatlands.

Step 2 Start running with your horse.

Step 3 Jump and then press the E key to fly. If you did it right, you will take to the sky for a brief moment.


When you feel comfortable with pressing the keys, you can try jumping onto trees etc… At first you might experience a bit of horse damage but with practice you can get used to jumping from any height you desire!


While gliding into the sky you can press E again to get a boost in the sky, this will give you more “air time”.


183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 18:49 (UTC)
# 9
45. Spending too much time on one thing is bad, here’s why…

If you spend too much time doing one thing, you will get burnt out. Do not do it. Instead, switch it up between in-game activities but even if you don’t get burnt. The goals in BDO can be quite long-lasting months sometimes. It’s highly advisable that you have a realistic approach to your long-term goals and not spend too much time on them at once. You will thank yourself later!


46. Did you not complete the Magnus questline yet? This is why you need to do it right now!

The Magnus storyline was introduced in 2022 and added many new benefits to the game that would greatly benefit you from using. Let’s go through the list.


#1. You will get global storage

This permits you to access storage from any town that you have unlocked through magnus. As long as you have completed the regional quests and the magnus quests relating to that region, you will permanently unlock global storage for all chararacers.


#2. You will unlock Quick Travel
Quick travel is very helpful and a great way for the devs to recognize and respect your time. You are busy, I know I am, traveling from one end of the world to another is very time consuming and if we had to travel to the Land of the Morning Light from Velia, it could easily take half an hour! While there is a cost to using Quick travel, the benefits usually outweigh using it.


#3. You will get a Guaranteed PEN Boss Armor
You will obtain a free, one time only guaranteed PEN Armor of your choice. If you don’t need it, you can always sell it on the Central Market for a good price.


#4. You will unlock a unique class skill for all characters
When you complete the Magnus you will also unlock a special skill that you can use (skill menu [k]) and as a bonus, this skill can be unlocked on all other characters without completing the magnus a second or third time. After completing the Magnus for the first time, you can select an alt character and speak with the Black Spirit. Accept and complete the magnus quest called Abyssal Legacy.



47. How to use “Global storage”

Your first step is to complete the story. Your second step will be to unlock and complete the Magnus. There will be some overlap, but as you complete the magnus, each region you have completed you will unlock global storage for. This will be accessible by using maids.

There are some limitations such as legendary (treasure) items cannot be picked up remotely from a different region, but can from the same region. This may change in the future though.


When you have unlocked each region with the magnus questline, you will also be able to go to a storage keeper and access storage from anywhere in the world except negative karma towns that are only accessible if you have negative karma. This will not consume any maids. You can freely move things around between storages.


48. You can get GUARANTEED PEN Boss equipment!! This is how and mistakes to avoid

Yes, you too can get PEN boss gear without having to play the enhancement game. How? HOW!? What is my secret? Let me tell you the way.

You can get as many guaranteed boss armor and weapons without playing the enhance game. Technically you can do it for all of your equipment but it’s not advised because every time you do it for one piece of equipment, the cost goes up for the next.


There is one piece of armor that is free, and you can also craft an accessory. Technically you can get three accessories now (capotia).

This is too lengthy of a topic but let’s break it down into different links for you to visit because it will take several pages just to explain.


Guaranteed PEN Boss Armor and Weapon (Jetina Quest)

You can do up to 2 armors and 2 weapons without it costing more than the central market value (usually).

I would highly recommend that you follow this guide for details:

Please bare in mind that at the present time, Shai Sol weapon cannot be obtained through this method.


Guaranteed PEN Boss Armor (Magnus)

You can get a guaranteed PEN boss armor by completing the Magnus storyline. You can only get one PEN Boss Armor per account, so choose carefully!


Guaranteed PEN Boss Accessory (Jetina)

By completing a series of tasks, you can receive your own PEN Boss accessory.

For the guide, visit since this guide is already very long on its own.


Guaranteed PEN Boss Accessory (Season Capotia) – Dreamy crystal Edition

You can get a free PEN capotia accessory through a dream crystal event. This happens during season and once again, it is too lengthy for this guide.

Please follow the instructions found here:


Guaranteed PEN Boss Accessory (Season Capotia) – Graduation Gift

When you graduate your season character, you will get a letter that is part of your account. You don’t need to accept this letter anywhere, it just exists. When you do graduate you can speak with Fughar and ask to exchange it for a reward! There is a reward for each season and one of them is a PEN Capotia accessory of your choice. Please note you can only pick one reward per season but if you are not forced to use these “letters” after each season if you don’t want to. You can use them several seasons from now if that’s what you really want but it’s not recommended. Once the item is exchanged, you cannot undo this.


What to choose for your Boss Gear (Important)

Boss gear has many choices but there’s only one good choice. Let’s take Dim Tree vs Red Nose armor for example. While yes, Dim Tree will have the better out-of-the-box stats, it’s also not recommended as feeding it caphras will cost a lot more than Red Nose. What do I mean by Feeding it caphras? Certain gear like Dim Tree and Red Nose armor allow you to upgrade its stats using caphras. They can go up to Caphras Level 20 but people never go that high for these low level armors. Instead, you will want to level it to Caphras Level 10. In general the recommendation is to level everything to Caphras Level 4 (C4) and then choose your first gear to C10.


Dim Tree will require much more caphras and each caphras can be over 2.6million silver each and you need  a lot. In order to level a Dim Tree Spirit Armor to C10, it will require 8,260 caphras. For Red Nose Armor on the other hand, it will only require 7,224 caphras. This costs about 19,143,600,000 silver versus Dim Tree which is 21,889,000,000.

Once the equipment is at Caphras level 10, you can upgrade the armor to its next form. For example, Dim Tree/Red Nose can be upgraded to Fallengod. The helmet will be Labreska and so on….


At the time of writing this, there are no weapons that you can upgrade to this tier and the shoes cannot be upgraded as well, however later this year, the shoes will be released.

Head Griffin
Body Red Nose
Arms Bheg's Gloves
Legs Urugon's Shoes (Usually Recommended, refer to your class guide for details)


The order of which you obtain your accessories is up to you and the current “meta” build. When classes and grind spots are revised, they may require different attributes from players such as Evasion builds or Accuracy builds for instance.
183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Jul 2023, 18:46 (UTC)
# 10

This post hasn't been styled yet, please come back in a bit!

49. Cooking or Alchemy? Using the correct amount of ingredients matters

As mentioned in #37. Confusing Simple Alchemy with Housing Alchemy. Oh my! That’s costly!, using the wrong crafting method can easily result in losing your hard earned items. But did you also know that not using the correct number of ingredients will also have the same effect? Simply put, double, triple check your ingredient count with the recipe it’s asking for! Hover over the recipe in the crafting station and it will tell you.


50. Don’t use every buff all the time, use them the smart way! Here’s how…

When I say buff, I don’t mean shai buffs, instead I mean scrolls and other perks your character can use to enhance item drop rate and experience gained. Agris is also another form of buff which lets you obtain more trash loot per hour. Agris is important because each trash item can be very expensive but can only be sold to NPCs and getting double the amount is beautiful silver per hour! I ignored Agris when it first released and lost a lot as a result. Embrace it!

However, you should not use every known buff that you have at once. If you are grinding for combat experience, only use those scrolls and don’t try to stack scrolls that can’t be stacked. If you hover over an item, it will tell you if you can stack it with other experience scrolls and which ones you can’t. When in doubt, look it up!

Under most circumstances, there is no need to use XP scrolls with item drop rate scrolls as the places that give good XP won’t usually drop anything worth of value. Your item drop rate scrolls are too precious to be used without reason.

Agris has a limit to it, hopefully by now you have completed your entire Agris questline which allows you to not only use Agris but also unlock its full points system. The points recover in the morning but only by 20,000/day. The amount of points an enemy consumes is based on how many items they drop. As you can see, it can be pretty easy to consume your agris. Be careful how you use it but also make sure you do use at least 20,000 per day so that it does not reach its full limit. The next reset time is shown in the tooltip if you hover over the icon.

There are also furniture buffs and rare event item buffs or obtained through other ways. Use them when you need to use them, just don’t use them without a game plan. For furniture buffs, get a residence where you plan to use those buffs. It may cost some CP but the CP is worth it considering how long it can take to travel places.


51. Family name and Character names in chat, how it all works for everyone’s sake

Your family name is what people will know you as. People will be quick to just make sure that they see your family name in game chat and recognize you in the world. You can imagine your family name to be more of a personal alias that people see you as. It doesn’t have to be an actual last name for your characters, so pick something that you will want people to remember you by. Your first name is more of a secondary whim, people tend not to notice it as much.


52. Black Desert Online is NOT a race! Enjoy the game, don’t rush.

You may be eager to play BDO and level up as quickly as you can but you shouldn’t just do that. Perhaps you should if you are joining for the first time just days before season ends but I would not recommend that you do so otherwise. There is much to the story, side stories, the world and things to enjoy in the game of Black Desert Online. This game also does not hold your hand and there are a lot of complicated mechanics.

Some have joked that once you have learned how to use all of the game mechanics, you have graduated from BDO University. Take it little by little or you will be overwhelmed and under-prepared. Do not rush, just enjoy. People like myself have been playing since 2016, you won’t catch up in a month so you should at least enjoy the ride and a fun ride it is!


53. Other people’s opinions on the class you choose should not matter, enjoy it!

People will be quick to judge classes they don’t play. They may say things like “that class is horrible, it isn’t good, etc…” but each class are reviewed and fine-tuned. None of the classes are balanced and none of the classes will ever be balanced but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a class for what it is.

If you want to play a Witch but Sorceress is what is currently the overpowered class, then you should still play Witch. Play the class that you enjoy the most, treat it as your avatar, immerse yourself and enjoy the game. You will never enjoy a class if all you do is listen to what other people say about it. Only your opinion matters.


54. Guides from way back may no longer be relevant. Take it with a grain of salt.

Not all guides are created equally and not all guides can stand the test of time. There are guides written in 2017 which are completely irrelevant since almost nothing is the same today as it was back then. I would like to imagine that many years from now, that will be the case and unfortunately this guide will not be able to stand the test of time.

Look at the “Published / Last Edit” time on the guide you are reading and consider its date with its relevance. BDO is an ever-growing game after all.


55. List of useful guides like QoL tips, Pit of Undying, Unlocking all social actions etc…

Here are some very useful guides that you may like

Guide to the Pit of Undying
Ultimate Guide to unlocking all social actions
Ultimate Guide to Quality of Life
What is Tips & Guides? Read this!
Eriane’s Ultimate Guide to styling your posts

56. For discord users: Accept server rules before you do anything and other advice

When you join discord, READ EVERYTHING. It will instruct you on how to proceed. You will need to accept chat rules etc just like any other discord with moderation policies. Please don't ping GMs, do not ping moderators, ambassadors or other users for no reason. Follow the rules and have fun!

To join the BDO Discord visit this link:

For community related discords you shold visit the #community-discords channel

57. Final Remarks

I hope you found this guide to be plenty helpful for your journey in Black Desert Online! I fully don’t expect you or anyone to read it in full but should you ever need to reference anything I would hope to have covered it here. May your adventures be full of wonders and joy!

I would like to thank various Ambassadors for some advice and CM Corruption for being patient with me. This is my longest guide and required over 30 pages in Word to write (without images) and over 14,000 words. I hope this guide was useful for all of you and should you have further questions, please feel free to do so.

This concludes the Compendium of Novice Mistakes!

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