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UTC 23 : 42 27. Okt 2024
CET 0 : 42 28. Okt 2024
PDT 16 : 42 27. Okt 2024
EDT 19 : 42 27. Okt 2024
Zerk Nerf when?
23. Jul 2023, 07:44 (UTC)
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 08. Sep 2023, 11:37 (UTC)
# 1

So why is this class allowed two versions that are significantly overtuned an have been for a very long time. No other class has both this significantly overtuned best part is they take a week or less to learn.

Triple grab on awaken sounds fair ? Then having evasion shred that surpasses casters on top of one of the most broken slows?

Then you have succ zerk who runs around with zero stamina management well  being fully protections well every other brawler has to worrry about both things. When is this overtuned as hell class going to be put back into middle of the pack aka he shouldnt be out performing other class to the extent he is. Well also having the strongest 200% and 100% in game. 

You nerfed kuno who is low tier but zerk 100% allowed to have damage (kuno a main damaging FLOW was nerfed an mechanically changed) has to manage stamina and also has worse protections. Everyone knows one of the Js mains zerk so why is zerk still allowed to be overtuned for so long.

Edit: best to mention he is in the top 10 grinders for pve in nearly all spots well needing low apm, hes S tier for siege, S Tier for nodewar , A+ Tier For 1v1 then on top look at AoS , you cant say this class isnt clearly overtuned.  Kuno was good in 1v1 and was trash tier pve , how the heck can she be nerfed before this class is touched at all. 

Zerk has no weakness especially in his awaken state.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2023, 10:47 (UTC)
# 2

This is the realization i came with, no matter the nerfs and buffs... there will always be class at the top of the food chain and there will be a class that will always be hunted. First and last. Loser and winner. The concept "middle of the pack" will only exsit as long as there is a winner and loser. So unless you say what exactly you want to be nerfed or buffed, you asking PA to put zerker in the middle of pack is gonna be a difficult task to understand. 

Since succ runs with 0 stamina around, maybe you want his skills to consume more stamina and doesn't recover stamina while running?

Since zerker has too much slows, you want it to be reduced to 15% slow debuffs?

Since zerker has too many grabs you want his 1 grab to be removed and give him a new skills?

What nerfs can put him in the middle of pack? I wander...

pepethink - Discord Emoji  

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2023, 11:06 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jul 23, 2023, 10:47 (UTC), Written by Awgust

This is the realization i came with, no matter the nerfs and buffs... there will always be class at the top of the food chain and there will be a class that will always be hunted. First and last. Loser and winner. The concept "middle of the pack" will only exsit as long as there is a winner and loser. So unless you say what exactly you want to be nerfed or buffed, you asking PA to put zerker in the middle of pack is gonna be a difficult task to understand. 

Since succ runs with 0 stamina around, maybe you want his skills to consume more stamina and doesn't recover stamina while running?

Since zerker has too much slows, you want it to be reduced to 15% slow debuffs?

Since zerker has too many grabs you want his 1 grab to be removed and give him a new skills?

What nerfs can put him in the middle of pack? I wander...

pepethink - Discord Emoji  

Pretty much sums it.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2023, 11:33 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jul 23, 2023, 10:47 (UTC), Written by Awgust

This is the realization i came with, no matter the nerfs and buffs... there will always be class at the top of the food chain and there will be a class that will always be hunted. First and last. Loser and winner. The concept "middle of the pack" will only exsit as long as there is a winner and loser. So unless you say what exactly you want to be nerfed or buffed, you asking PA to put zerker in the middle of pack is gonna be a difficult task to understand. 

Since succ runs with 0 stamina around, maybe you want his skills to consume more stamina and doesn't recover stamina while running?

Since zerker has too much slows, you want it to be reduced to 15% slow debuffs?

Since zerker has too many grabs you want his 1 grab to be removed and give him a new skills?

What nerfs can put him in the middle of pack? I wander...

pepethink - Discord Emoji  

Yup , also remove ignore grapple resist all together . Also reduce range damage on awakening zerk. Titan Blow and ancient wave being the skills needing damage reduced. 

For succ pretty much inf stamina with ignore grapple resist with 2 grapples.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2023, 12:37 (UTC)
# 5

From all the classes i fought against i found Valk and Zerker the most balanced.

I had the best duels against Valks and Zerkers.

Why? Because you can actually time your actions, you can track their actions and thus you can either outplay them or be outplayed by them.

That's not the case with classes that AoE and CC like crazy while teleporting all over the battlefield.

So i would say: Nerf those first make things more real and after that tweak Zerker Stamina Management to make sense.

Otherwise PA would only cater to the High Speed Flashy High Heeled Korean Classes that dominate this game.

Classes like Ninja that are indeed well designed and balanced are a good example how you can make ''Fast yet Balanced Classes''

As for CCs yeah, CCs in this game are totally broken.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2023, 13:54 (UTC)
# 6

Just add stamina consumption to movement skills and nerf 200% and this class will be ok. We don't need that 1 OP 200% in game, when all other 200% are useless. 
I just don't understand why Zerk 200% is 10 times better then 200% of other classes? 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Jul 2023, 22:40 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jul 23, 2023, 10:47 (UTC), Written by Awgust

This is the realization i came with, no matter the nerfs and buffs... there will always be class at the top of the food chain and there will be a class that will always be hunted. First and last. Loser and winner. The concept "middle of the pack" will only exsit as long as there is a winner and loser. So unless you say what exactly you want to be nerfed or buffed, you asking PA to put zerker in the middle of pack is gonna be a difficult task to understand. 

Since succ runs with 0 stamina around, maybe you want his skills to consume more stamina and doesn't recover stamina while running?

Since zerker has too much slows, you want it to be reduced to 15% slow debuffs?

Since zerker has too many grabs you want his 1 grab to be removed and give him a new skills?

What nerfs can put him in the middle of pack? I wander...

pepethink - Discord Emoji  

Exactly, Zerker grabs were already nerfed into oblivion. Awakened Zerker in 1 versus 1 is  not god tier in any form like people make it out to be. Succession was in a very bad spot until they changed it now people that don't or never have  played it are screaming for nerfs after they get a taste of their 200% because they too busy head hunting and not paying attention to their surroundings during siege. If anyone wanted really challenging PvP PA should increase CC timers and take grabs completely out the game ( leave in forward guards and immunity moves).

14 391
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Jul 2023, 04:14 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jul 23, 2023, 22:37 (UTC), Written by Graugus

PA should increase CC timers and take grabs completely out the game ( leave in forward guards and immunity moves).

That. That's exactly the cause. It would eliminate all those low effort kills. There's too much stuff that allows you to completely disable a target without the opponent able to do anything to counter or fight back. Its like rolling dice. It favours the one who gets the advantage of the situation not ''Tactics'' and that advantage moment is too much luck dependant.

There's nothing OP about Zerker aside from its Stamina as long as you don't get CC locked or grabbed by himself.

Either you're a fast class that gets out of the way or a slow class that absorbs some of the damage but both can SA trade. In fact many of the Squishy fast classes have so much in terms of protected skills even they can utilize. Meanwhile you can trade attacks with him and/or reposition and fight back. Not to mention most are busted in terms of I-Frame abuse.

Yes its a strong melee class so yeah you have to be carefull and thats all there is.

What people are asking is making a Berserker Class to not be a ''Berserker'' so they can ''swoosh around cc and nuke with low effort'' and no danger.

In every MMO squishies want to be OP not realizing they picked up Glass Cannons that excell in DPS and Speed plus utilities and want mid tier damage tanky classes nerfed into oblivion turning them to target dummies.

Nerf CCs/ Grabs, balance I-Frames allow each class to excell because of its strengths and then re-balance them. It will work and allow making each classes strengths better therefore create that ''Tradeoff'' PvP in this game lacks.

For real this Tradeoff isn't visible no matter the class you run as long as you CC or are fast enough most of the ''Skill'' involved in PvPing is swoosh around, hardly trying to combo abilities to throw that extra dmg out which is only covered by the ''Illusion of Pixels'' of doing unique stuff due to the variety of animations.

Even on Warrior the prewakening grab is OP because grabs are OP in general and as long as you land it you can nuke without the opponent being able to fight back for that moment at all...

Grab is what makes Striker that busted even but everyone complained about Striker ''Not Grabs'' which is wrong because nerfing him would ruin his kit and yet his grab would still be OP. But then again people just want ''Classes'' nerfed not overall Game Balance.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Jul 2023, 18:18 (UTC)
# 9

Having 2 lava pierces on 2 seperate short cooldowns that consumes no stamina is probably the biggest core issue.

That being said, PA knows what side their bread is buttered on.  why would they ship a nerf that would enrage ten thousand zerker players for the benefit of classes that are barely on the map representation wise. This is the same thing that happened when wizard dominated every aspect of the game (except 1v1) for years and guilds

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