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UTC 2 : 25 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 25 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 25 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 25 26. Jul 2024
[Lifeskill] The major lifeskill update we all need
17. Aug 2023, 09:44 (UTC)
998 11
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Aug 2023, 10:07 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Whoayeah

Region (NA/EU): NA

The current state of lifeskilling has 3 major issues that I'd like to address:
1. Lifeskill gear lacks true meaning compared to combat gear. Life skillers have a choice between mastery and EXP with the latter being significantly under valued, and as you progress through higher and higher levels even mastery gear becomes undervalued as we start selling our TET Manos for the cheapest gear we can still reach 2k Mastery with. There's no reason to strive for better life skill gear.

2. For the long term life skillers, upon reaching Guru 50 100% in any life skill, you start to feel like there's something else you should be doing as you're no longer getting the full value out of your time. The inverse of this for beginner life skillers is they lose motivation to even push to Guru 50 100% because they're better off taking their time as they will just get hard capped if they push hard enough.

3. Life skills are not engaging or lucrative enough to attract and maintain players into venturing down for life skill path which does contribute to burn out. If a grinder finds the concept of hunting large sea creatures interesting, they immediately lose interest when they find out they can make 20m/hr at crocs when they can sneeze and make 30x more grinding. This leads to burnout as they feel like they're griefing themselves by life skilling.

There has been some talk about potentially increasing the mastery cap to give value to PEN Manos, but that only addresses Mastery gear and not EXP gear or the other 2 points. There's also been suggestions about increasing the level cap above Guru, but that would only make the gap between long time players and new players significantly wider which isn't the right way to go about it.

So, I've put a lot of thought about what's the best direction PA should take life skills and I strongly believe my suggestion is a step in the right direction. But first a brief disclaimer:
Related issues that will not be discussed in this thread as they're deserving of their own separate discussion:
-EXP rates of indivdual life skills when compared with each other, such as Sailing being one of the slowest life skills currently and I believe PA will add a grind spot that has high EXP rates for sailing or another way to address this in future.
-Mastery balance between the life skills, such how Farming, Trading and Barter don't have any mastery yet.
-Speific ways to make life skills more fun and engaging as a way to bring in non life skillers and grow the community, such how Sniper Rifle hunting is very engaging and rewarding which encouraged non life skillers to try out hunting.

The Solution

Upon reaching Guru 50 100% in any give life skill, you'll be promoted to the final tier "MAX" of life skilling as well as receive a special title for reaching the MAX level of that lifeskill. Every time you would reach 100% EXP within this MAX tier you will receive some reward set to certain probability. The EXP  rates within this tier are the same as Guru 50, but the purpose of the MAX tier is purely for leaderbaord purposes (it won't make sense to hit Guru 50 100% and then lose your ranking on the leaderboard once it resets back down to 0%). If a player managers reach MAX tier for all 11 life skills they will receive a special title that celebrates them as being the Ultimate Lifeskiller.

This addresses all 3 of the major issues mentioned previously:

1. PEN Manos now has more meaning as you're encouraged to reach 2k mastery and then prioritize EXP instead of the current meta of using mastery crystals and downgrading your gear.

2. Gives reason to continue doing the life skills you enjoy upon reaching Guru 50 100%  while also closing the gap between veterans and new players in a way that encourages newer players to push life skill levels.

3. Encourages more people to take up life skilling as the reward system will allow life skills to be a bit more competitive when it comes to silver/hr.


Ultra Rare

TET: Manos Necklace, TET: Manos Earring, TET: Manos Ring, TET: Manos Belt

(Approximate Value: 27,675,000,000)

Explanation: PEN: Manos Accessories cost approximately 600b silver on average to enhance making it virtually impossible to obtain via the Central Market as there's no profit to be made. By adding TET: Manos to the Ultra Rare table, it makes obtaining PEN Manos a bit more realistic for those who want it while also giving players the choice of just selling TET: Manos to the Central Market for profit.


*All of the following items will be rewarded:

Concentrated Magical Black Gem x5-10

(Approximate Value: 79m)

Memory Fragment x10-25

(Approximate Value: 54m)

Cron Stone x10-25

(Approximate Value: 35m)

Caphra Stone x10-25

(Approximate Value: 47m)

Black Stone Powder x3,000-5,000

(Approximate Value: 14m)

Gold Bar 100G x5-10

(Approximate Value: 75m)

Gold Bar 10G x10-25

(Approximate Value: 18m)

Gold Bar 1G x25-50

(Approximate Value: 4m)

Purified Lightstone of Flora
(Approximate Value: 12m)
Total Approximate Value: 338m
Explanation: While an extra 338m per level up seems like a lot when combined with high income life skills, the speed at which you can level from Guru 50 to Guru 50 100% is very slow so this would only add very minor amounts of silver/hr. All of the items are related to life skilling in some way hence why I've selected these specific items.
Unique Rewards
Each life skill will have unique set of rewards related to the specific life skill that can be obtained according to a set probability.
Millennial Wild Ginseng
(Approximate Value: 6,000,000,000)
Coral Crystal x50
(Approximate Value: 450m)
Deep Blue Hoof Root x100
(Approximate Value: 212m)
Prize Fish
(Trade Price: 1,000,000,000)
Gold Key x25
(Approximate Value: 500m)
Breezy Conch Seaweed x100
(Approximate Value: 216m)
Bonghwang's Tear, Haetae's Tear, Girin's Tear
(Approximate Value: 4,000,000,000)
Stuffed Thunderpaw Head
(Approximate Value: 500m)
Spirit Pouch of Ferocious Beast x100
(Approximate Value: 227m)
Ouk Pill of Time and Tide x100
(Approximate Value: 1,070,000,000)
High-Quality Food Box x100
(Approximate Value: 139m)
Small Box of Spices x1000
(Approximate Value: 179m)
Splendid Alchemy Stone
(Approximate Value: 13,600,000,000)
High-Quality Draught Box x100
(Approximate Value: 126m)
Imperial Trace Box x100
(Approximate Value: 729m)
Old Moon Trade Pass
(Approximate Value: Varies)
Premium Elixir Box x10
(Approximate Value: 337m)
Mythical Feather x10
(Approximate Value: 400m)
Choose Your Horse Emblem: Dream Horse Box
(Approximate Value: 4,500,000,000-12,000,000,000)
Choose Your Krogalo's Horse Gear Box - Earth, Choose Your Krogalo's Horse Gear Box - Wind, Choose Your Krogalo's Horse Gear Box - Sea,
(Approximate Value: Varies)
Tier 8 Horse Emblem Box
(Approximate Value: 450m)
Wagon Registration: Forest Path Wagon
(Approximate Value: 1,940,000,000)
Ancient Artifact Pot x10, Ancient Slate Ornament x10, Ancient Artifact China x10
(Approximate Value: 267m)
Rainbow Gem Fruit x100
(Approximate Value: 250m)
Klau's Old Moon Fence
(Approximate Value: 10 Contribution Points)
*Now Sellable to vendors for 500m
Remnants of Burnt Spirits x100
(Approximate Value: N/A)
Delotia Essence x100
(Approximate Value: N/A)
Ship License: Epheria Frigate
(Approximate Value: 3,360,000,000)
Ship License: Epheria Sailboat
(Approximate Value: 565m)
Blue Whale Wall Decoration
(Approximate Value: 595m)
Vell's Concentrated Magic
(Approximate Value: 16,000,000,000)
Crow Coin Bundle (2,000-5,000)
(Approximate Value: 397m)
Scorched Fragment x100
(Approximate Value: 350m)
I had explanations to why I chose these specific items for each life skill but I had to delete them because they were preventing me from submitting my post.
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Aug 2023, 13:25 (UTC)
# 2


Cool suggestions man.

PA please release higher tiers to lifeskills beyond Guru, and increase mastery beyond 2,000. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Aug 2023, 08:34 (UTC)
# 3

I love this idee!!!

More attention to lifeskills PA <3

Edit: If you think about it, these days, life skill levels are mostly for showing off. In most situations, you can reach 2k Mastery without requiring high life skill levels.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Aug 2023, 11:51 (UTC)
# 4

Would be cool

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Aug 2023, 15:05 (UTC)
# 5

Great ideas, I like that it's not injecting raw silver at all into the game, but rare items. I don't think we need higher tiers of Mastery, like you said, it will just make the distance between beginners and veterans much greater. Keeping that cap, but changing what G50 grants access to seems like a better approach.

But with Sailing, Training, and other Lifeskills that maybe less than...5% of players have achieved G50, XP and methods of achieving G50 need to be adjusted.


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Aug 2023, 09:14 (UTC)
# 6

This would be a HUGE Update to make Lifeskill part of the Game up to date. Maybe needs some tweaks to implement this but overall amazing Idea!

10 122
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Aug 2023, 09:14 (UTC)
# 7

This would be a HUGE Update to make Lifeskill part of the Game up to date. Maybe needs some tweaks to implement this but overall amazing Idea!

10 122
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Aug 2023, 12:58 (UTC)
# 8

This is good.

Along with these suggestions I would recommend that housing items are to be sold at a much higher than current market price. Add a zero AT LEAST to everything that is a housing item because no one in their right mind would be crafting decorations and selling them on the CM. The prices were fine on the first few years but then inflation hit and they never adjusted.

If a decoration is currently worth 400,000 then it should actually be worth 4,000,000 min-price I think. This would be a good start before having to look through each item and what the mats are worth etc...

183 1915
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Aug 2023, 19:16 (UTC)
# 9

There are a handful, literally a handful, of people that would even be able to make use of this. 99.9% of all lifeskillers will NEVER see guru 50 100% in anything other than cooking, so this is effectively just a buff to cooking, as it would be the only feasible lifeskill to keep rolling over for the reward box.

There are a lot of problems at high end lifeskilling, and any viable solution doesnt need to cater to the .1% of them.

I also think lifeksilling has bigger problems right now than guru 50s becoming bored, such as relative silver inflation of grinding compared to lifeskilling, the ever ongoing issue of market caps making no sense on MANY items, imperial alchemy being in shambles since......ever, etc

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Aug 2023, 07:30 (UTC)
# 10

LOL everyone gets good prizes except sailors who get royally shafted and handed shit they already have (IE a new frigate/sailboat? u serious? - At least give blue grade carrak gear to even the 'rewards')

Other than that, would give more reason to do them.

Also as others have said, the issue isn't with how slow it is(or the major issue isn't that) - its more than they have buffed and buffed and buffed again normal 'grinding' rewards, but cripled and nerfed most of the lifeskilling paths so that they earn less and less due to 'we can't allow afking to be profitable' (Even when only a few actual 'afkable' things are even possible) - Even at max price, even with the insane demand for it, stuff is locked in at a max possible price and hasn't changed in years (Since when I played back in 2016) - the max price of these items SHOULD have gone up due to the demand OBVIOUSLY still being there. So cash income for lifeskilling has gone down and down (and weirdly, costs to do some of those lifeskilling has gone up) where as normal grinding just becomes easier and more profitable as time passes.

THATS what needs to be addressed. the gap between normal grind and lifeskilling profit possibilities.

1 2


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